July 2011 - August 2012 |
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Previous Years
Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute
during the following events from July 2011 to August 2012, before our
video archive became operational.
For events from September 2012 onwards, plus events and lectures from
June-August 2012 that are not listed below, please consult our
video archive.
For events from previous years, please consult the
index of previous years.
Various Dates Throughout the Year
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
- April 3, 2012: Ismael Regis de Farias, Texas Tech University:
Cutting Planes for Some Nonconvex Combinatorial Optimization Problems
- April 3, 2012: Yan Xu, SAS:
The Mixed-Integer Programming Solver and Solutions at SAS
- February 7, 2012: Kirsten Morris, University of Waterloo:
Optimal actuator location
- February 7, 2012: Oleksandr Romanko, Algorithmics Incorporated, an IBM Company, Toronto:
Scenario-Based Value-at-Risk Optimization
- December 6, 2011: Symon Buhajczuk, SimuTech Group Toronto:
Implementations of Optimization Software and Application to Fluid Dynamics Problems
- December 6, 2011: Catalin Trenchea, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh:
A Stochastic Collocation Approach to Constrained Optimization for Random Data Estimation Problems (NO AUDIO)
- November 1, 2011: William (Bill) Smith, Siemens:
Wind Energy in Canada
- November 1, 2011: Hans J. H. Tuenter, University of Toronto:
The Modeling and Forecasting of Wind Energy
- October 4, 2011: Thomas F. Coleman, University of Waterloo:
Risk Management of Portfolios by CVaR Optimization
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- April 25, 2012: Steve Shreve, Carnegie Mellon University:
Optimal Execution in a General One-Sided Limit Order Book
- April 25, 2012: Rogemar Mamon, University of Western Ontario:
A weak hidden Markov chain-modulated model for asset allocation
- March 28, 2012: Abel Cadenillas, University of Alberta:
A Theory for the Optimal Government Debt Control
- March 28, 2012: Paul Embrechts, ETH Zurich:
Four Theorems and a Financial Crisis
- March 7, 2012: Alex Levin, RBC Financial Group:
Some Approaches to Modeling Wrong-Way Risk in Counterparty Credit Risk Management and CVA
- January 25, 2012: Bruno Dupire, Head of Quantitative Research, Bloomberg:
Functional Ito Calculus and Risk Management
- November 16, 2011: Peter Carr, Morgan Stanley:
Optionality and Volatility (NO AUDIO)
- November 16, 2011: Alexander Lipton, Bank of America:
Filling the Gaps
- October 26, 2011: Matheus Grasselli, McMaster University:
A dynamical systems model for credit expansion, asset price bubbles and financial fragility
- October 26, 2011: Bill Janeway, Senior Research Associate, Centre for Financial Analysis and Policy, University of Cambridge and Senior Advisor, Warburg Pincus:
Tolerating Waste in the Innovation Economy or Putting the 'Creative' in Creative Destruction
- September 28, 2011: Vadim Linetsky, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Northwestern University:
Unified Credit-Equity Modeling: From Single-Name to Multi-Name
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Guillaume Bal, Columbia University:
Hybrid inverse problems, Lecture 1
- Guillaume Bal, Columbia University:
Hybrid inverse problems, Lecture 2
- Martins Bruveris, Imperial College London:
Geometry of Image Registration -Diffeomorphism group and Momentum Maps, Lecture 1
- Martins Bruveris, Imperial College London:
Geometry of Image Registration -Diffeomorphism group and Momentum Maps, Lecture 2
- Martins Bruveris, Imperial College London:
Geometry of Image Registration -Diffeomorphism group and Momentum Maps, Lecture 3 (Partial Talk)
- Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania:
Electromagnetics, Theory and Practice Lecture 1
- Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania:
Electromagnetics, Theory and Practice Lecture 2
- Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania:
Electromagnetics, Theory and Practice Lecture 3
- Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania:
Electromagnetics, Theory and Practice Lecture 4
- Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia:
Numerical Methods for Distributed Parameter Identification, Lecture 1
- Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia:
Numerical Methods for Distributed Parameter Identification, Lecture 2
- Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia:
Numerical Methods for Distributed Parameter Identification, Lecture 4
- Darryl D Holm, Imperial College London:
Fields Institute Colloquium in Applied Mathematics - Momentum Maps, Image Analysis & Solitons
- Michael Lustig, UC Berkeley:
Frontiers in Rapid MRI, from Parallel Imaging to Compressed Sensing and Back, Lecture 1
- Michael Lustig, UC Berkeley:
Frontiers in Rapid MRI, from Parallel Imaging to Compressed Sensing and Back, Lecture 2
- Michael Lustig, UC Berkeley:
Frontiers in Rapid MRI, from Parallel Imaging to Compressed Sensing and Back, Lecture 3
- Jan Modersitzki, University of Lübeck:
Medical Image Registration,Lecture 1
- Jan Modersitzki, University of Lübeck:
Medical Image Registration, Lecture 2
- Jan Modersitzki, University of Lübeck:
Medical Image Registration, Lecture 3
- Jan Modersitzki, University of Lübeck:
Medical Image Registration, Lecture 4
- Jan Modersitzki, University of Lübeck:
Medical Image Registration, Lecture 5
- Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna:
Variational Regularization Methods for Image Analysis and Inverse Problems, Lecture 1
- Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna:
Variational Regularization Methods for Image Analysis and Inverse Problems, Lecture 2 (Partial Talk)
- Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna:
Variational Regularization Methods for Image Analysis and Inverse Problems, Lecture 3
- Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna:
Variational Regularization Methods for Image Analysis and Inverse Problems, Lecture 4
- Otmar Scherzer, University of Vienna:
Variational Regularization Methods for Image Analysis and Inverse Problems, Lecture 5
- Plamen Stefanov, Purdue University:
Microlocal Approach to Photoacoustic and Thermoacoustic Tomography Lecture 2
- Plamen Stefanov, Purdue University:
Microlocal Approach to Photoacoustic and Thermoacoustic Tomography Lecture 3
- Todd Wittman, College of Charleston:
Research in Mathematical Image Processing, Lecture 1
- Todd Wittman, College of Charleston:
Research in Mathematical Image Processing, Lecture 3
- Todd Wittman, College of Charleston:
Research in Mathematical Image Processing, Lecture 5
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Ryuichi Ashino, Osaka Kyoiku University:
Image separation by wavelet analysis
- Allan Greenleaf, University of Rochester:
Basic Microlocal Analysis
- Allan Greenleaf, University of Rochester:
Basic Microlocal Analysis (2)
- Alexander Katsevich, University of Central Florida:
Recent advances in tomographic image reconstruction from interior x-ray data
- Michael Lamoureux, University of Calgary:
Gabor methods for imaging
- Michael Lamoureux,, University of Calgary:
Gabor methods for imaging (2)
- Cheng Liu, Kinectrics, Inc., Canada:
An Adaptive S Transform with Applications in Studying Brain Functions
- Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Queen's University:
Geometric Approaches in Image Diffusion
- Ross Mitchell, The Mayo Clinic - Arizona.:
Microlocal Analysis of Medical Images: Applications in Cancer Imagenomics
- Juri Rappoport, Russian Academy of Sciences Lebedev transforms and some ophthalmic imaging applications:
Lebedev transforms and some ophthalmic imaging applications
- Luigi Riba, Universita di Torino:
Continuous Inversion Formulas for Multi-Dimensional Stockwell Transforms
- Ervin Sejdic, University of Pittsburgh:
Introduction to Time-Frequency Analysis and Its Biomedical Applications
- Plamen Stefanov, Purdue University:
Microlocal Methods in X-ray tomography
- Plamen Stefanov, Purdue University:
Microlocal Methods in X-ray tomography (3)
- Hau-Tieng Wu, Princeton University:
Instantaneous frequency, shape functions, Synchrosqueezing transform and some applications
- Hau-Tieng Wu, Princeton University:
Two-Dimensional tomography from noisy projections taken at unknown random directions
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Anthony Bloch, University of Michigan:
The geometry of integrable and gradient flows and dissipation
- Andrea Dziubek, SUNY:
A Model for the Retina Including Blood Flow and Deformation
- Antonio Hernández-Garduño, UAM-I, Mexico:
Algebra and reduction of the three vortex problem
- Scott Kelly, University of North Carolina at Charlotte:
Marsden Program Talk
- Marco Castrillón López, Universad Complutense de Madrid:
Higher order covariant Euler-Poincaré
- Arthur Fischer, UCSC:
The Legacy of Jerry Marsden's Early Career Work in Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity
- Elisa Guzmán, Universidad de La Laguna:
Reduction of Lagrangian submanifolds and Tulczyjew's triple
- Hiroaki Yoshimura, Waseda University:
Dirac Structures, Variational Principles and Reduction in Mechanics --- Toward Understanding Interconnection Structures in Physical Systems
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Kelly Bickel, Washington University in St. Louis:
Inner Functions and associated Hilbert Spaces on the Bidisk
- Alexander Brudnyi, University of Calgary:
Stein-like Theory for Banach-valued Holomorphic Functions on the Maximal Ideal space of H ∞ and the Operator Corona Problem of Sz.-Nagy
- Ron G. Douglas, Texas A&M University:
The Corona Problem and Operator Theory
- Ryan Hamilton, University of Waterloo:
The Toeplitz Corona Problem and a Distance Formula
- Steven G. Krantz, Washington University in St. Louis:
The Corona Problem In Several Complex Variables
- Mishko Mitkovski, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Compactness of operators on Bergman type spaces
- Nikolai Nikolski, Universite Bordeaux 1:
Numerically Effective Corona Problems
- Richard Rochberg, Washington University in St. Louis:
Truncated Hankel forms, Hankel forms on Model Spaces
- Amol Sasane, London School of Economics:
The corona and completion problem for an algebra of measures used in control theory
- Eric T. Sawyer, McMaster University:
Corona theorems for the Drury-Arveson space and other Besov-Sobolev spaces of holomorphic functions on the ball
- Sergei Treil, Brown University:
Corona, ideals, and the completion problem: a geometric approach
- Tavan Trent, University of Alabama:
Remarks on Corona Problems
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Ben Adcock, Simon Fraser University:
Generalized sampling and infinite-dimensional compressed sensing
- Laurent Cohen, Université Paris-Dauphine:
Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis, Part 1
- Laurent Cohen, Université Paris-Dauphine:
Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis, Part 2
- Laurent Cohen, Université Paris-Dauphine:
Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis, Part 3
- Laurent Cohen, Université Paris-Dauphine:
Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis, Part 4
- Laurent Cohen, Université Paris-Dauphine:
Short Course on Geodesic Methods in Image Analysis, Part 5
- Jerome Darbon, ENS Cachan and UCLA:
Short course on Network flow optimization for image processing, Part 1
- Jerome Darbon, ENS Cachan and UCLA:
Short course on Network flow optimization for image processing, Part 2
- Jerome Darbon, ENS Cachan and UCLA:
Short course on Network flow optimization for image processing, Part 3
- Jerome Darbon, ENS Cachan and UCLA:
Short course on Network flow optimization for image processing, Part 4
- Selim Esedoglu, University of Michigan:
Short Course on Algorithms for models involving interfaces in image processing and vision, Part 1
- Selim Esedoglu, University of Michigan:
Short Course on Algorithms for models involving interfaces in image processing and vision, Part 2
- Massimo Fornasier, Technical University of Munich:
Short Course on Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery
- Massimo Fornasier, Technical University of Munich:
Short Course on Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery, Part 2
- Massimo Fornasier, Technical University of Munich:
Short Course on Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery, Part 3
- Ron Kimmel, Technion:
Short Course on Numerical Geometry of Images
- Ron Kimmel, Technion:
Short Course on Numerical Geometry of Images, Part 2
- Ron Kimmel, Technion:
Short Course on Numerical Geometry of Images, Part 3
- Ron Kimmel, Technion:
Short Course on Numerical Geometry of Images, Part 4
- Ron Kimmel, Technion:
Short Course on Numerical Geometry of Images, Part 5
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Robert Chen, University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital:
Role of the basal ganglia in voluntary movements and mechanisms of deep brain stimulation
- Ming Cheng, Brown University:
Pattern and Location of HFS-Induced Modulation of Pathological PD Dynamics
- Mandar Jog, University of Western Ontario:
New thoughts regarding pathogenesis of Parkinson disease
- Michelle M. McCarthy, Boston University:
Striatum as a potential source of exaggerated beta rhythms in Parkinsons disease
- Rosalyn J Moran, University College London:
Connectivity Changes in Parkinsonian Brain Networks through Dynamic Causal Modelling
- Leonid Rubchinsky, Indiana University:
Partially synchronous dynamics of parkinsonian basal ganglia and delayed feedback deep brain stimulation
- Jonathan Rubin, University of Pittsburg:
Propagation of parkinsonian activity patterns and the effects of deep brain stimulation
- Sridevi Sarma, Johns Hopkins University:
Performance Limitations of Thalamic Relay: Insights into Motor Signal Processing, Parkinson's Disease and Deep Brain Stimulation
- Peter A. Tass, Research Center Juelich:
Long-lasting neuronal desynchronization caused by coordinated reset neuromodulation
- Charles Wilson, University of Texas-San Antonio:
Chaotic Desynchronization and Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Peter Carlen, Toronto Western Research Institute:
Seizure transitions: a failure of presynaptic release
- Robert Clewley, Georgia State University:
Beyond simulation and Big Data: How informatics and dynamics might merge to shape the future of modeling multi-scale diseases
- Alain Destexhe, Centre national de la recherche scientifique/Unité de Neurosciences Information et Complexité:
Role of corticothalamic feedback in generating hypersynchronized 3Hz discharges by intact thalamic networks: a mechanism of absence seizures?
- Mark Kramer, Boston University:
Multi-scale seizure dynamics
- Mark Kramer, Boston University:
Multi-scale seizure dynamics
- J. Lawrence, University of Montana:
Cell type-specific cholinergic modulation in the hippocampus: roles in normal and disease states
- Tim Lewis, University of California - Davis:
The theory of weakly coupled oscillators: Can it be used to gain insight into the mechanisms underlying epileptic activity?
- Erin Munro, RIKEN, Tokyo:
How Very Fast Oscillations may lead to Epilepsy
- Roger Traub, IBM TJ Watson Centre and Columbia University:
Cellular mechanisms of epilepsy: chemical synapses and gap junctions
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Avi Wigderson, Institute for Advanced Study:
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Noriyuki Abe, Hokkaido University:
On a structure of modulo p compact induction of split p-adic groups
- Konstantin Ardakov, Queen Mary University of London:
Localisation of affinoid enveloping algebras
- Joël Bellaïche, Brandeis University:
On Hecke algebras modulo $p$
- Frank Calegari, Northwestern University:
Local-Global Compatibility for torsion classes in irregular weight
- Francesc Castella, McGill University:
On the p-adic Euler system of big Heegner points
- Pierre Colmez, Centre national de la recherche scientifique:
Completion of locally analytic representations of GL2
- Samit Dasgupta, University of California - Santa Cruz:
$p$-arithmetic cohomology and completed cohomology of totally indefinite Shimura varieties
- Gabriel Dospinescu, École Polytechnique:
Extensions of de Rham representations and locally algebraic vectors
- Matthew Emerton, University of Chicago:
Density of Galois representations having prescribed types
- Laurent Fargues, Université de Strasbourg:
Beyond the curve
- Toby Gee, Imperial College:
The Breuil-Mézard Conjecture for potentially Barsotti-Tate representations
- David Geraghty, Institute for Advanced Study:
Modularity Lifting Beyond Taylor-Wiles
- Florian Herzig, University of Toronto:
Ordinary representations of GLn(Qp) and fundamental algebraic representations
- Payman Kassaei, King's College London:
Modularity lifting in weight (1,1,...,1)
- Ruochuan Liu, University of Michigan:
Crystalline periods of eigenfamilies of p-adic representations
- Kentaro Nakamura, Hokkaido university:
Iwasawa theory of de Rham (f, G)-modules over the Robba ring
- Jonathan Pottharst, Boston University:
Triangulation of eigenvarieties
- David Savitt, Universityof Arizona:
The Buzzard-Diamond-Jarvis conjecture for unitary groups
- Benjamin Schraen, Centre national de la recherche scientifique:
On the presentation of supersingular representations
- Claus Sorensen, Princeton University:
Eigenvarieties and invariant norms
- Yichao Tian, Morningside Center of Mathematics:
Analytic continuation of weight 1 overconvergent Hilbert modular forms in the tamely ramified case
- Gergely Zábrádi, Eotvos Loránd:
From (phi,Gamma)-modules to G-equivariant sheaves on G/P
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Dmitri Burago, Penn State University:
Boundary Rigidity, Volume Minimality, and Minimal Surfaces in $L^\infty$, Part 1
- Dmitri Burago, Penn State University:
Boundary Rigidity, Volume Minimality, and Minimal Surfaces in $L^\infty$, Part 3
- Charles Fefferman, Princeton University:
Short Course on Whitney's Extension Problem, Part 1
- Charles Fefferman, Princeton University:
Short Course on Whitney's Extension Problem, Part 2
- Charles Fefferman, Princeton University:
Short Course on Whitney's Extension Problem, Part 3
- Charles Fefferman, Princeton University:
Short Course on Whitney's Extension Problem, Part 4
- David Dos Santos Ferreira, Université Paris 13:
Watermelon methods and inverse problems with partial data
- Sergei Ivanov, Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg:
Boundary Rigidity, Volume Minimality, and Minimal Surfaces in $L^\infty$, Part 2
- Sergei Ivanov, Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg:
Boundary Rigidity, Volume Minimality, and Minimal Surfaces in $L^\infty$, Part 3
- Yaroslav Kurylev, University College London:
Special Seminar on Multidimensional collapse and stability of inverse problems
- Matti Lassas, University of Helsinki:
Short Course on Elliptic and Spectral Inverse Problems on Riemannian Manifolds, Part 1
- Matti Lassas, University of Helsinki:
Short Course on Elliptic and Spectral Inverse Problems on Riemannian Manifolds, Part 2
- Matti Lassas, University of Helsinki:
Short Course on Elliptic and Spectral Inverse Problems on Riemannian Manifolds, Part 4
- Weijing Ma, University of Toronto:
Introduction to Practical MRI Scanning
- Gabriel Paternain, Cambridge University:
Short Course on Inverse Problems for Connections, Part 1
- Gabriel Paternain, University of Cambridge:
Short Course on Inverse Problems for Connections, Part 2
- Gabriel Paternain, University of Cambridge:
Short Course on Inverse Problems for Connections, Part 3
- Gabriel Paternain, University of Cambridge:
Short Course on Inverse Problems for Connections, Part 4
- Mikko Salo, University of Jyvaskyla:
Short Course on Carleman Estimates and Anisotropic Inverse Problems, Part 1
- Mikko Salo, University of Jyvaskyla:
Short Course on Carleman Estimates and Anisotropic Inverse Problems, Part 2
- Mikko Salo, University of Jyvaskyla:
Short Course on Carleman Estimates and Anisotropic Inverse Problems, Part 3
- Mikko Salo, University of Jyvaskyla:
Short Course on Carleman Estimates and Anisotropic Inverse Problems, Part 4
- Alexander Strohmaier, Loughborough University:
Low energy scattering theory on manifolds with cylindrical ends
- Alexander Tovbis, University of Central Florida:
Special Seminar on Medical Imaging: Explicit Inversion formulae for the cosh-weighted Hilbert transform in SPECT
- Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and Washington University:
Travel Time Tomography, Boundary Rigidity and Lens Rigidity
- Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and Washington University:
Travel Time Tomography, Boundary Rigidity and Lens Rigidity
- Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and Washington University:
Travel Time Tomography, Boundary Rigidity and Lens Rigidity, Part 4
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- F. Calegari, Northwestern University:
Classical Modular Forms
- A. Caraiani, Harvard University:
Simple Shumura Varieties
- A. Caraiani, Harvard University:
Local-Langlands and Local-Global
- F. Herzig, University of Toronto:
Hecke Operators
- C.P. Mok, McMaster University:
Calois Representations for Modular Forms
- K. Madapusi Pera, Harvard University:
Local Models
- K. Madapusi Pera, Harvard University:
Modular Curves over Q
- K. Madapusi Pera, Harvard University:
Local Models II
- Y. Sakellaridis, Rutgers University:
Representations of GL2(R)
- Y. Sakellaridis, Rutgers University:
Automorphic Forms
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- A. Caraiani, Harvard University:
Weight spectral sequences and monodromy
- M. Emerton, University of Chicago:
Shimura varieties and Galois representations: an overview
- L. Fargues, Université de Strasbourg:
The cohomology of the basic locus of Shimura varieties
- T. Gee, Imperial College:
p-adic Hodge-theoretic properties of etale cohomology with mod p coefficients, and the cohomology of Shimura varieties
- B. Howard, Boston College:
A conjectural extension of the Gross-Zagier theorem
- A. Iovita, Concordia University:
Overconvergent modular sheaves and p-adic families of Hilbert modular forms
- M. Kisin, Harvard University:
Mod p points on Shimura varieties of abelian type
- M. Kisin, Harvard University:
Integral models for Shimura varieties of abelian type
- S. Kudla, University of Toronto:
Generating series for arithmetic cycles on Shimura varieties
- E. Mantovan, California Institute of Technology:
The Reduction mod p of Shimura varieties
- S. Morel, Harvard University:
Cohomology of non-compact Shimura varieties
- K. Madapusi Pera, Harvard University:
Integral models for compactifications of Shimura varieties of Hodge type
- V. Pilloni, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon:
Classicity in weight (1,1,...1) and modularity
- P. Scholze, Universitat Bonn:
On the cohomology of compact unitary group Shimura varieties at ramified split places
- P. Scholze, Universitat Bonn:
A new approach to the local Langlands correspondence for GL(n) over p-adic fields
- S.W. Shin, MIT:
Construction of Galois representations
- Benoit Stroh, Université Paris 13:
Intersection cohomology of non-compact Shimura varieties at places of bad reduction
- R. Taylor, Institute for Advanced Study:
Local-Global compatibility at primes dividing l
- R. Taylor, Institute for Advanced Study:
Galois representations for regular algebraic cusp forms over CM-fields
- W. Zhang, Columbia University:
L-values and heights on Shimura varieties
- K. Lan, Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton:
Vanishing theorems for torsion automorphic sheaves
- E. Viehmann, Universitat Bonn:
Newton strata and EO-strata in PEL Shimura varieties
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Der Chyan Lin, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University:
Central-autonomic interaction underlying the multifractal fluctuation in human heart rate variability - evidence of an arousal factor
- Sam Doesburg, The Hospital for Sick Children:
Network synchronization dynamics in cognition, development and clinical child populations
- Roberto Fernández Galán, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland:
What brain rhythms reveal about functional brain connectivity
- Ramon Guevara Erra, INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit (UNICOG), Neurospin, Saclay, France:
Extracting functional connectivity from brain signals: the stochastic approach
- Sui Huang, Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics, University of Calgary, Canada:
Coordinated activity between genes and between cells: From Gene Networks to Attractors, Cell Population Dynamics and Cancer
- Viktor Jirsa, Theoretical Neuroscience Group, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille:
On the dynamics of epileptic seizures
- Wojciech Kostelecki, The Hospital for Sick Children:
Approaches to causal analysis in neuroimaging
- Randall McIntosh, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre, Toronto:
Cognition = Networks and noise
- Vladimir Ponomarenko, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences:
Synchronization between rhythmic processes in the cardiovascular system
- Mikhail Prokhorov, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences:
Synchronization of low-frequency oscillations in the cardiovascular system: Application to medical diagnostics and treatment
- Michael Rosenblum, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Potsdam University:
Reconstructing Effective Phase Connectivity of Oscillator Networks
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- John Dick, Ontario Cancer Institute:
Towards unification of genetic and hierarchy models of tumor heterogeneity
- Jasmine Foo, University of Minnesota:
Modeling tumor heterogeneity and drug resistance
- Robert Gatenby, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Florida:
Evolutionary dynamics in cancer therapy
- Richard Hill, Ontario Cancer Institute & UHN:
Cancer Metastases
- Harsh Jain, Ohio State University:
Optimizing ovarian cancer treatment with Mathematics: Carboplatin + Anti-Bcl-2/xL combination therapy
- Mohammad Kohandel, University of Waterloo:
Quantitative approaches to cancer stem cell hypothesis
- Natalia Komarova, UC, Irvine:
Cellular cooperation as a pathway to cancer
- Jan Liphardt, UC Berkeley:
Not Available
- Sendurai Mani, Anderson Cancer Center:
EMT and Stem Cells in Cancer Progression
- Chris McFarland, Harvard University/Program in biophysics:
The impact of deleterious passenger mutations on cancer progression
- Mike Milosevic, Princess Margaret Hospital & UHN:
Imaging Biology and Treatment Response in Cervical Cancer
- Colin Phipps, University of Waterloo:
Mathematical model for angiogenic behaviour in solid tumours
- Vito Quaranta, Vanderbilt University & VICBC:
Cancer cell population dynamics of drug response derived from single-cell data
- Sheila Singh, Stem Cell & Cancer Research Institute, McMaster:
Medulloblastoma stem cells: where development and cancer cross pathways
- Edwin Wang, National Research Council, Canada & McGill U:
Personalized cancer healthcare: A systems biology approach
- Kathleen Wilkie, CCSB, St. Elizabeth's Med. Cent.,Tufts:
A Mathematical Model of Immune Modulation of Tumor Growth
- Bradly Wouters, OCI/Princess Margaret Hospital, UHN, UofT, OICR:
Biological responses to tumor hypoxia and their potential as therapeutic targets
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Maciej Augustyniak, Université de Montréal:
Estimation of a Path Dependent RS-GARCH Model by a Monte Carlo EM Algorithm
- Mathieu Boudreault, UQAM:
Mutivariate Integer-vauled Autoregressive Models Applied to Earthquake
- Hélène Cossette, Université Laval:
Analysis of the Discounted Sum of Ascending Ladder Heights
- José Garrido, Concordia University:
Credit Risk; a Complex System seen from an Actuarial Perspective
- Sebastian Jaimungal, University of Toronto:
Valuing GWBs with Stochastic Interest Rates and Volatility
- Bruce L. Jones, University of Western Ontario:
Credibility for Pension Plan Terminations
- Hyejin Ku, York University:
Discrete Time Pricing and Hedging of Options under Liquidity Risk
- Khouzeima Mountanabbir, University of Laval:
Asset-liability Management for Pension Fund Using an International Investment Model
- David Saunders, University of Waterloo:
Mathematical and Computational Issues in Calculating Capital for Credit Risk
- Wei Wei, University of Waterloo:
Optimal Allocations of Deductibles and Policy Limits with Generalized Dependence Structures
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Edgar J. Acosta, University of Toronto:
Predicting lung mechanics from dynamic surface tension evaluations of lung surfactants
- Eugene Benilov, University of Limerick:
On advancing contact lines with a $180^{\circ}$ contact angle
- Josh Bostwick, North Carolina State University:
Spreading and bi-stability of droplets driven by thermocapillary and centrifugal forces
- Richard Braun, University of Delaware:
Models for Tear Film Dynamics
- Almut Burchard, University of Toronto:
Convergence to equilibrium for a thin-film equation on a horizontal cylinder
- Joshua Dijksman, Duke University:
Spreading of thin rotating films: Competition of thermal Marangoni, centrifugal, and gravitational forcing
- Lorenzo Giacomelli-NO AUDIO, Sapienza Universita di Roma:
Droplets spreading under contact-line friction
- James Grotberg, University of Michigan:
Surfactant delivery and liquid plugs
- Ewen King-Smith, Ohio State University:
Structure, function and dynamics of the tear film lipid layer
- Georgy Kitavtsev, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences:
Coarsening rates for the dynamics of polymer droplets in the presence of strong slippage
- Shilpa Khatri, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
A Numerical Method for Two Phase Flows with Insoluble and Soluble Surfactants
- Jim Lewis, Lawson Health Research Institute:
Clinical Use of Surfactant
- Kara Maki, Rochester Institute of Technology:
Fast Evaporation of Spreading Droplets of Colloidal Suspensions
- Nades Palaniyar- NO AUDIO, The Hospital for Sick Children:
Surfactant deficiency and neonatal lungs diseases
- Omar Matar, Imperial College London:
Spreading, retraction, and sustained oscillations of surfactant-laden lenses
- Ellen Peterson, Carnegie Mellon University:
Behavior of a Droplet on a Thin Fluid Film
- Mary Pugh, University of Toronto:
Coating flows on slowly rotating cylinders
- Michael Shearer, North Carolina State University:
(NO AUDIO) Two-phase flow in porous media: sharp fronts and stability
- Linda Smolka, Bucknell University:
Fingering instability down the outside of a vertical cylinder
- Roman Taranets, University of Nottingham:
Nonnegative weak solutions for a degenerate system modelling the spreading of surfactant on thin films
- Thomas Witelski, Duke University:
The influence of surfactants on transient behaviors in forced film thinning
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Dominique Attali, Andre Lieutier and David Salinas, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Dassault Systèmes Provence S.A.S., GIPSA:
Vietoris-Rips Complexes also Provide Topologically Correct Reconstructions of Sampled Shapes
- Dominique Attali, Andre Lieutier and David Salinas, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Dassault Systèmes Provence S.A.S., GIPSA:
Efficient Data Structure for Representing and Simplifying Simplicial Complexes in High Dimensions
- Ulrich Bauer, University of Gottingen:
Optimal Topological Simplification of Funcations on Surfaces
- Omer Bobrowski, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology:
Distance Functions, Critical Points, and Topology for some Random Complexes
- Frederic Chazal, INRIA:
Persistence Based Signatures for Metric Spaces
- Andrea Cerri and Patrizio Frosini, Vienna University of Technology and University of Bologna:
Approximation Algorithm for the Multidimensional Matching Distance
- Tamal Dey, Ohio State University:
Computing Homology Cycles with Certified Geometry
- Pawel Dlotko, Jagiellonian University:
Applications of Computational (co)homology
- Patrizio Frosini and Barbara Di Fabio, University of Bologna:
Filtrations Induced by Continuous Functions
- Anil Hirani, University of Illinois:
Optimization, Knots, and Differential Equations
- Tomasz Kaczynski, Universite de Sherbrooke:
Computing Cohomology Ring
- Matthew Kahle, Ohio State University:
Higher-dimensional Expanders
- Michael Kerber, IST Austria:
Alexander Duality for Functions: the Persistent Behaviour of Land and Water and Shore
- Claudia Landi, Università di Modena e Reggio:
Emilia Comparison of Persistent Homologies for Vector Functions: from continuous to discrete
- Benjamin Matschke, Institute for Advanced Study:
A Parametrized Version of Gromov's Waist of the Sphere Theorem
- Roy Meshulam, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology:
Fourier Transform and Homology
- Yuriy Mileyko, Duke University:
Probability Measures on the Space of Persistence Diagrams
- Samuel Mimram, CEA:
Efficient State Space Reduction Using Trace Spaces
- Dmitriy Morozov, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab:
Witnessed k-Distance
- Marian Mrozek, Jagiellonian University:
Towards the Understanding of the Homological Persistence of Maps
- Steve Oudot, INRIA:
Stable Multi-Scale Signatures for Shapes using Topological Persistence
- Amit Patel, Rutgers University:
Well Groups for Mappings to Euclidean Spaces
- Martin Raussen, Aaborg University:
Simplicial Modes for Trace Spaces
- Vanessa Robins, The Australian National University:
Theory and Algorithms for Constructing Discrete Morse Complexes from Grayscale Digital Images
- Michael Robinson, University of Pennsylvania:
Eurler Integral Transforms and Applications
- Amit Singer, Princeton University:
Vector Diffusion Maps and the Connection Laplacian
- Bei Wang, SCI Institute, University of Utah:
Adaptive Sampling with Topological Scores
- Bei Wang, SCI Insitute, University of Utah:
Stratification Learning through Local Homology Transfer
- Wang Yusu, Ohio State University:
Toward Understanding Complex Data: graph Laplacian on singular manifolds
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Karoly Bezdek, University of Calgary:
On a Foam Problem and on the X-ray Conjecture
- Balazs Csikos, Eotvos Lorand University:
On the Volume of the Union and Intersection of Random Balls
- Brittany Terese Fasy, Duke University:
Ghosts in Gaussian Mixture Models
- Igors Gorbovickis, Cornell University:
The Kneser-Poulsen Conjecture for Large Radii
- Douglas Hardin, Vanderbilt University:
Discretizing Compact Manifolds with Minimum Energy
- Oleg Musin, University of Texas at Brownsville:
Packing of Congruent Spheres on a Sphere
- Janos Pach, NYU:
Heavily Covered Points in Geometric Arrangements
- Ken Stephenson, University of Tennessee:
Circle Packings and Circle Arrangements: Searching for Common Ground
- Gabor Frejes Toth, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics:
Shortest Path Avoiding Balls
- Csaba Toth, University of Calgary:
On the Average Distance from the Fermat-Weber Center of a Planar Convex Body
- Rob Womersley, University of New South Wales:
Spherical Designs and Approximate Spherical Designs
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Abso Alfakih, University of Windsor:
On the Universal Rigidity of Bar Frameworks in General Position
- Karoly Bezdek, University of Calgary:
Rigid Ball-polyhedra in Euclidean 3-space
- Jialong Cheng and Meera Sitharam, University of Florida:
Better Estimates of 3D Rigidity
- Robert Connelly, Cornell University:
Rigidity, Tensegrities, and some Applications
- Henry Crapo, E.H.E.S.S:
Graphs and Semi-Simplical MAps
- William Dickinson, Grand Valley State University:
Packing of Equal Circles on Flat Tori
- Viktoria Kaszanitzky, Eotvos Lorand University:
Rigid Two-dimensional Frameworks with Two Coincident Points
- Bill Jackson, Queen Mary, University of London:
The number of 2-dimensional Complex Realisations of a Rigid Graph
- Tibor Jordan, Eotvos Lorand University:
Geometric Sensitivity of Rigid Graphs
- Audrey Lee-St. John, Mount Holyoke College:
Body-and-cad Rigidity Theory
- Anna Lubiw, University of Waterloo:
Reconfiguration of Graphs Drawings
- Alexander Mednykh, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics:
The Brahmahupta's Theorem After Coxeter
- Rudi Penne, University of Antwerp:
Pin Merging in Planar Body Frameworks
- Andras Recski, Budapest University of Technology and Economics:
Characterizing Minimal Generic Rigid in D-dimensional Space
- Lluis Ros, Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial:
Numerical Analysis and Navigation of Robot Linkage Configuration
- Meera Sitharam, University of Florida:
Nucleation-free 3D rigidity and Convex Cayley configuration space
- Halmuth Stachal, Vienna University of Technology:
On the Flexibility of Kokotsakis Meshes
- Offer Shai, Tel Aviv University:
Topics in Rigidity Theory from the Aspect of Assur Graph
- Sin-Ichi Tanigawa, Kyoto University:
Rooted-tree Decompositions and the Infitesimal Rigidity of Frameworks with Boundaries
- Louis Theran, Freie Universitat Berlin:
The Rigidity Transition in Random Graphs
- M. Sitharam and M. Wang, University of Florida:
Cayley Configuration Spaces of 1-degree-of-freefom Linkages
- Walter Whiteley, York University:
How do we Generate Finite Motions for Generically Rigid Graphs?
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- V. Alexandrov, Novosibirsk State University:
The Dehn Invariants of the Bricard Octahedra
- S. Apel, Technische Universitaet Muenchen:
An Invariant Theoretic View on 10 Points on a Cubic
- M. Baake, University of Bielefeld:
Aperiodic Tilings: Notions and Properties
- C. Borcea, Rider University:
Deformations of Crystal Frameworks
- M. Condor, University of Auckland:
Large Groups Acting on Surfaces/Structures of Given Genus, and the Symmetric Genus of a Given Group
- J. De Saedeleer, Universite Libre de Bruxelles:
The Geomtery of the Groups PSL (2,q)
- N. Dolbilin, Steklov Mathematical Institute:
Parallelohedra and a Walk around the Voronoi Conjecture
- P. Fowler, University of Sheffield:
Counting with Symmetry: Extended Versions of Mobility Criteria
- U. Grimm, Open University:
Aperiodic Tilings: Notions and Properties II
- S. Guest, University of Cambridge:
Generating Symmetric Tensegrities
- I. Hubard, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México:
Cubic 4-twistoids I
- R. Jaycay, Indiana State University:
Restricting the Degree/Diameter and Cage Problems to Vertex-Transitive Graphs
- M. Klambauer, University of Toronto:
Equivelar Maps on the Klein Bottle, and a Higher Dimensional Generalization
- J. Malestin, Temple University:
Generic Combinatorial Rigidity of Periodic Frameworks
- A. Mednykh, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics:
Volumesof Polyhedra in Hyperbolic and Spherical Spaces
- H. Mitscheke, University Erlangen-Nuremberg:
Floppy Frameworks as Models for Auxetic Materials
- M. Mixer, Fields Institute:
Equivelar 4-Twistoids II
- T. Nixon, The Fields Institute:
Rigidity, Circuits and Global Rigidity on the Cylinder
- M. Owen, The Fields Institute:
Geodesics in CAT(0) Cubical Complexes
- J. Owen, Siemans PLM Software:
Radical/Quadratic Realisations of a Rigid Graph
- D. Pellicer, The Fields Institute:
Regular Polygonal Complexes in Space
- M. Petitjean, University Paris 7:
Cirality and Symmetry Measures: Some Open Problems
- S. Power, Lancaster University:
Space Group and Point Group Symmetry Equations for the Borcea-Streinu Rigidity Matrix of a Crystal Framework
- E. Ross, The Fields Institute:
The Rigidity of Graphs on the Torus
- E. Schulte, Two-Orbit Polyhedra in Ordinary Space:
Northeastern University
- B. Schulze, The Fields Institute:
Counts for predicting symmetric motions in frameworks with applications to protein flexibility
- B. Servatius, Worcester Polytechnic Institute:
Point/Line Configurations and their Responsibility
- Offer Shai, Tel Aviv University:
Singularity in Symmetric Frameworks
- I. Streinu, Smith College:
Periodic Body-and-bar Frameworks
- L. Theran, Freie Universität Berlin:
Generic rigidity of crystallographic frameworks
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- L. Berman, University of Alaska Fairbanks:
A Geometric Construction for New Highly Incident Configurations
- P. Brooksbank, Bucknell University:
Classical Groups Acting on Polytopes
- H. Burgiel, Bridgewater State University:
A Family of Unsatisfying Graphs
- P. Cara, Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
Group Actions Applied to Virus Architecture
- M. Conder, University of Auckland:
The Ubiquity of Alternating Groups (as Automorphism Groups of Symmetric Structures)
- R. Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky:
Euler Flag Enumeration of Whitney Statified Spaces
- G. Cunningham, Northeastern University:
Constructing Self-Dual Chiral Polytopes
- I. Helfand, Northeastern University:
Constructions of Polytopes with Preassigned Automophism Group and Number of Flag Orbits
- A. Herman, University of Regina:
The Schur Indices of Irreducible Characters of the Groups of Abstract Regular Polytopes
- I. Hubard, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico:
Colourful Polytopes and Graphs
- N. Johnson, Wheaton College:
Basic Systems of Integers
- G. Jones, University of Southampton:
Beauville Surfaces and Groups
- J. Karabas, Matej Bel University:
Classification of Orientable Edge-transitive Maps
- K. Kutnar, University of Primorska:
Cubic Cayley Graphs and Snarks
- D. Leemans, University of Auckland:
Polytopes of High Rank Arising from Almost Simple Groups
- U. Leopold, Northeastern University:
Polyhedral Realizations & Non-Realizability for Vertex-Minimal Triangulations of Closed Surfaces
- A. Malnic, University of Ljubljana:
On the Split Structure of Lifted Groups
- D. Marusic, University of Primorska:
On Some Open Problems in Groups Actions on Graphs
- A. Mednykh, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics:
Enumeration of Coverings, Maps and Hypermaps
- B. Mohar, Simon Fraser University:
Large Clique Minors in Vertex Transitive Graphs
- R. Nedela, Matej Bel University:
Vertex Transitive and Edge Tranditive Polytopes and 2-Dimensional Orbitfolds
- A. Piggot, Bucknell University:
The Symmetries of McCullough-Miller Space
- E. Schulte, Northeastern University:
Few-Orbit Polytopes
- M. Skoviera, Comenius University:
Regular Maps with Nilpotent Automorphism Groups
- J. Siran, Open University:
External Symmetries of Regular and Orientably Regular Maps
- T. Tucker, Colgate University:
Map Gaps
- R. Weiss, Tufts University:
Buildings and s-Transitive Graphs
- G. Williams, University of Alaska Fairbanks:
On Minimal Regular Covers of the Polyhedral Prisms and Anti-Prisms
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- John R. Birge, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business:
Optimal Portfolio Construction with Estimation Error, Non-normal Returns, and Large Numbers of Assets
- Thamayanthi Chellathurai, Enterprise Risk Portfolio Management, Bank of Montreal:
Markowitz Principles for Multi-period Portfolio Selection Problems with Moments of Any Order and Wealth Constraints
- Thomas F. Coleman, University of Waterloo:
Risk Management of Portfolios by CVaR Optimization (NO AUDIO)
- Bhaskar DasGupta, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago:
On Vulnerability of Banking Networks
- Sheran Deng, World Bank:
Balance Sheet Adjustment and Post-Crisis Policy Choice
- Jonathan Li, University of Toronto:
Portfolio Selection under Model Uncertainty: A Penalized Moment-Based Optimization Approach
- Yang Li, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto:
On Mean-Variance Analysis of Derivative Portfolio
- Qihang Lin, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon:
Computations of the Risk-Averse Strategies for Optimal Trade Execution
- Helmut Mausser, Algorithmics Inc.:
Bias, Exploitation and Proxies in Scenario-Based Risk Minimization
- John Mulvey, Princeton University:
Advances in Portfolio Allocation Models: Lessons from the Past Decade
- Iouldouz S. Raguimov, York University:
On the Efficiency of Solutions of Stochastic Optimal Control Problem with Descrete Time
- Oleksandr Romanko, McMaster University and Algorithmics Inc.:
Multiobjective and Robust Optimization in Finance and Risk Management
- Sebastiano Silla, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy:
Indifference Valuation for Guaranteed Annuity Options Using the Explicit Solution for a Class of Stochastic Optimal Control Problems
- Robert Stubbs, Axioma Inc.:
Factor Alignment Problems in Optimized Portfolio Construction
- Aurelie Thiele, Lehigh University:
Log-Robust Portfolio Management
- Stan Uryasev, University of Florida:
Risk Quadrangle and Applications in Day-Trading of Equity Indices
- Gah-Yi Vahn, UC Berkeley:
Estimation Error Reduction in Portfolio Optimization with Conditional Value-at-Risk
- Henry Zheng, Imperial college:
On Pricing Basket Credit Default Swaps
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Enrico Bombieri, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University:
Around the Davenport--Heilbronn function
- Leo Goldmakher, University of Toronto:
The distribution of character sums
- Dan Goldston, San Jose State Univesity:
Differences between Consecutive Primes and the Hardy-Littlewood Prime Tuple Conjecture
- Mariah Hamel, University of Georgia:
Polynomial differences in subsets of the integers
- Henryk Iwaniec, Rutgers University:
The Spin of Prime Ideals
- Angel Kumchev, Townson University:
Sums of almost equal squares of primes
- Matilde Lalin, Université de Montréal:
Unimodularity of roots of self-inversive polynomials
- Greg Martin, University of British Columbia:
Linear independence of zeros of Dirichlet L-functions
- Ethan Smith, Université de Montréal:
Elliptic curves with a given group structure modulo p
- Cem Yalçin Yildirim, Bogaziçi University:
Correlations of zeta zeros with some sequences
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- John R. Birge, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business:
Managing risk with operational and financial instruments
- Endre Boros, Rutgers University:
How to mitigate the risk of blowing up and the cost of being too cautious?
- Nabeel Butt:
PHD Student Session
- Matt Davison, University of Western Ontario:
Energy Storage: A problem at the intersection of quant finance, optimization, and energy policy
- Ryan Donnelly:
PHD Student Session
- Kevin D. Ferreira:
PHD Student Session
- Meng Han:
PHD Student Session
- Don Hathaway, Global Risk Institute:
Global Risk Presentation
- John Hull, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto:
CVA and wrong way risk
- Alexander Melnikov, University of Alberta:
Quantile risk management of equity-linked life insurance contracts with stochastic interest rate
- Melissa Mielkie:
PhD Student Session
- Walid Mnif, University of Western Ontario:
What Can We Learn from the EU ETS Experience? Recommendations for Effective Trading and Market Design
- Pablo Olivares, Ryerson University:
Computing OR-risk measures: recent techniques and open problems
- David Olson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln:
Broader Perspectives of Risk Management
- Yuri Lawryshyn, University of Toronto:
Distribution-Free Approaches in Finance
- Mike Pavlin:
PHD Student Session
- Jason Ricci:
PHD Student Session
- Tom Salisbury, York University:
Planning for retirement: sustainability versus legacy
- David Simchi-Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Mitigating Business Risks from the Known-Unknown to the Unknown-Unknown
- Jue Wang:
PHD Student Session
- Rudi Zagst, TUM, Germany:
The Crash-NIG Copula Model - Pricing of CDOs under changing market conditions
- Jean Xi:
PHD Student Session
- Liyan Yang, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto:
Differential Access to Price Information in Financial Markets
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Jorge Luis Ramírez Alfonsín, Université Montpellier 2:
Matroid base polytope decomposition
- Andras Bezdek, Auburn University:
On stability of polyhedra
- Adrian Dumitrescu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee:
Dispersion in disks
- Jack Edmonds, Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica:
Partitions of the vertices by facets in simplicial polytopes, Nash equilibria, and kernals in perfect digraphs
- Gábor Fejes Tóth, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics:
Convex Sets in Empty Convex Position
- Ferenc Fodor, University of Szeged:
Approximations of spindle convex sets
- György Kiss, Eötvös Loránd University:
Notes on the illumination parameters of convex polytopes
- Zsolt Lángi, Budapest University of Technology:
On a discrete isoperimetric inequality
- Endre Makai, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics:
Stability of the Volume Product in the Plane
- Horst Martini, University of Technology, Chemnitz:
Discrete geometry in normed planes
- Benjamin Matschke, FU Berlin:
On the square peg problem
- Deborah Oliveros, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México:
Helly Type Theorems in relation with Graph Theory
- Pedro Sánchez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México:
Generating vertices for the row-column polytopes
- Valeriu Soltan, George Mason University:
Carathéodory-type Results for Faces of Convex Sets
- Konrad Swanepoel, The London School of Economics and Political Science:
Dense favourite-distance digraphs
- Csaba Toth, University of Calgary:
Disjoint Compatible Geometric Matchings
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- David Avis, Kyoto University and McGill University:
The directed cut cone and polytope with mining applications
- Christine Bachoc, Université Bordeaux 1:
Lower bounds for the measurable chromatic number of Euclidean space
- Jesus De Loera, University of California, Davis:
Integrals of polynomials over Convex Polytopes: Combinatorics and Algorithms
- Michel Deza, Ecole Normale Superieure & JAIST:
Spheric analogs of fullerenes
- Jan Foniok, Queen's University:
Linear Complementarity, Unique-Sink Orientations and Oriented Matroids
- Thomas C. Hales1, University of Pittsburgh:
Mathematics in the Age of the Turing machine
- Thomas C. Hales2, University of Pittsburgh:
The weak and strong Dodecahedral Conjectures.
- Thomas C. Hales3, University of Pittsburgh:
Fejes Tóth's Contact Conjecture
- Matthias Koppe, University of California, Davis:
Intermediate sums on polyhedra: Ehrhart theory and an application in mixed integer optimization
- Monique Laurent, CWI:
Characterizing graphs with Gram dimension at most four
- Joseph S. B. Mitchell, State University of New York at Stony Brook:
Optimizing and Approximating Geometric Covering Tours
- Oleg Musin, University of Texas at Brownsville:
Irreducible contact graphs and Tammes' problem
- Pablo A. Parrilo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Convex graph invariants
- Vincent Pilaud, Fields Institute and Université Paris 7:
The brick polytope of a sorting network
- Franz Rendl, University of Klagenfurt:
SDP and eigenvalue approaches to Bandwidth and Vertex-Separator problems in graphs
- Achill Schürmann, University of Rostock:
Exploiting Polyhedral Symmetries in Social Choice Theory
- Tamon Stephen, Simon Fraser University:
The width of 4-prismatoids
- Frank Vallentin, Technische Universiteit Delft:
Spectral bounds for the independence number and the chromatic number of an operator
- Yuan Yao, PKU:
A Geometric Approach to Social Choice: Combinatorial Hodge Theory
- Yinyu Ye, Stanford University:
Universal Rigidity Theory and Semidefinite Programming for Sensor Network Localization
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Miguel Anjos, École Polytechnique de Montréal:
Valid Polynomial Inequality Generation in Polynomial Optimization
- Kurt M. Anstreicher, University of Iowa:
An Approach to the Dodecahedral Theorem Based on Bounds for Spherical Codes
- Marcel De Carli Silva, (University of Waterloo):
Geometric Representations of Graphs, Semidefinite Optimization and Min-Max Theorems
- Antoine, Deza:
A further generalization of the colourful Carathéodory theorem
- Robert M. Freund, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Design of Photonic Crystals with Multiple and Combined Band Gaps, plus Fabrication-Robust Design
- Jon Lee, University of Michigan:
Submodular-function Maximization
- Adrian Lewis, Cornell University:
Nonsmooth optimization and semi-algebraic sets
- Gabor Pataki, University of North Carolina:
Bad semidefinite programs: they all look the same
- Javier Peña, Carnegie Mellon University:
A modified perceptron algorithm
- Istvan Szalkai, University of Pannonia:
Counting Chemical Reactions and Simplexes in R^n
- Michael J. Todd, Cornell University:
A Robust Robust Optimization Result and the Probability that a Random Triangle is Acute
- Kim-Chuan Toh, National University of Singapore:
A proximal point method for matrix least squares problem with nuclear norm regularization
- Stephen A. Vavasis, University of Waterloo:
Finding Low-Rank Submatrices with Nuclear Norm and l1-Norm
- Hayato Waki, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo:
On a smaller SDP relaxation for polynomial optimization
- Gyorgy Dosa, University of Pannonia:
Online reassignment models (in scheduling)
- Yuriy Zinchenko, University of Calgary:
Shrink-Wrapping trajectories for Linear Programming
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Libor Barto, McMaster University:
A welcome conservative talk
- Manuel Bodirsky, École Polytechnique:
Homogeneous Structures and Siggers Terms
- Andrei Bulatov, Simon Fraser University:
Conservative dichotomy revisited
- Jakub Bulin, Charles University in Prague:
Absorption in finitely related SD(meet) algebras has bounded arity
- Hubie Chen, Univ. Pompeu Fabra:
Generic Expression Hardness Results for Primitive Positive Formula Comparison
- Victor Dalmau, Universitat Pompeu Fabra:
Robust approximation of CSPs
- Martin Dyer, University of Leeds:
On the complexity of # CSP
- Peter Jeavons, University of Oxford:
A Galois Connection for Valued Constraints
- Alexandr Kazda, Charles University in Prague:
Dichotomy for conservative digraphs
- Vladimir Kolmogorov, University College London:
The complexity of conservative valued CSPs
- Marcin Kozik, Jagiellonian University:
CSPs with near-unanimity polymorphisms are solvable by linear Datalog
- Benoit Larose, Champlain Regional College:
NU operations, graphs and finite duality
- Miklos Maroti, University of Szeged:
Beyond bounded width and few subpowers
- Barnaby Martin, Durham University:
A tetrachotomy for positive equality-free logic
- Ralph McKenzie, Vanderbilt University:
Finitely related clones and algebras with cube-terms; Valeriote's conjecture for finite algebras in congruence modular algebras and its consequence for the CSP dichotomy conjecture
- Michael Pinsker, Université Denis Diderot - Paris 7:
Making the infinite finite: Polymorphisms on Ramsey structures
- Johan Thapper, École Polytechnique:
Min CSP on Four Elements: Moving Beyond Submodularity
- Laszlo Zadori, University of Szeged:
Near unanimity operations and totally symmetric idempotent operations on reflexive digraphs
- Venkatesan Guruswami, Carnegie Mellon University:
Robust satisfiable algorithms and bounded width CSPs
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Per Austrin, University of Toronto:
On the usefulness of predicates
- Boaz Barak, Microsoft Corporation:
Making the long code shorter, with applications to the unique games conjecture
- Andrei Bulatov, Simon Fraser University:
Approximate counting
- Andrei Krokhin, Durham University:
Robust algorithms for CSPs
- Gabor Kun, Institute for Advanced Study:
Linear programming robustly decides width-1 CSP's
- Yury Makarychev, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago:
The Grothendieck Constant is Strictly Smaller than Krivine's Bound
- Elchanan Mossel, University of California, Berkeley:
Tests of deviation from dictatorship
- David Steurer, Microsoft Research New England:
Subexponential Algorithms for Unique Games and Related Problems
- Ning Tan, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Globally Constrained CSP
- Aravindan Vijayaraghavan, Princeton University:
On the Densest k-Subgraph problem (no audio)
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Clement Ampadu:
On the Ambainis-Bach-Nayak-Vishwanath-Watrous Conjecture
- Charles Bamber, National Research Council:
Direct Measurement of the Quantum Wavefunction
- Marco Bellini, Instituto Nazionale di Ottica:
Single-photon-level light manipulation and amplification
- Robin Blume-Kohout, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
Tomography for fault-tolerance: confidence regions for quantum hardware
- Ben Buchler, Australian National University:
Gas-phase quantum memory
- Man-Duen Choi, University of Toronto:
My Personal Adventure in Quantum Wonderland
- Marcus P. da Silva, Raytheon BBN Technologies:
Practical characterization of quantum devices without tomography
- Shohini Ghose, Wilfrid Laurier University:
Analysis of multiqubit entanglement and nonlocality for optimal quantum communication
- Brendon Higgins, University of Waterloo:
Multiple-copy state discrimination: Thinking globally, acting locally
- John Howell, University of Rochester:
Weak Values and Precision Measurements
- Vladimir Korepin, Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics:
Correlation Functions of 1 D anyons
- David Kribs, University of Guelph:
A family of norms with applications in quantum information
- Gershon Kurizki, Weizmann Institute of Sciences:
Quantum thermodynamics via measurements on non-Markovian time scales
- Jordan Kyrikiadis, Dalhousie University:
Optimal Trajectories for Quantum Adiabatic Processing
- Adrian Lupascu, University of Waterloo:
Quantum gates for superconducting qubits with fixed coupling
- Alexander Lvovsky, University of Calgary:
Remote preparation of arbitrary states of an atomic collective
- Tomas Mancal, Charles University in Prague:
Photoinduced dynamics in photosynthetic complexes under incoherent light excitation
- Ahsan Nazir, Imperial College London:
A variational master equation approach to dissipative energy transfer dynamics
- Alexandra Olaya-Castro, University College London:
Quantum coherence in biology: facts, fiction and challenges
- Marco Piani, University of Waterloo:
All non-classical correlations can be activated into distillable entanglement
- Alberto Politi, University of Bristol:
Integrated Quantum Photonics
- Sandu Popescu:
Virtual qubits, virtual temperatures, and the foundations of thermodynamics
- Peter Rapcan, Slovak Academy of Sciences:
Scavenging quantum information: Multiple observations of quantum systems
- Changliang Ren, Hiroshima University:
Quantum tomography of photonic time -energy entanglement by photon bunching with short-time reference pulses
- Dylan J. Saunders:
The Power of Many Settings or Many Outcomes in Experimental Demonstrations of EPR-Steering
- Torsten Scholak, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg:
On the efficiency of excitonic energy transport
- Christine Silberhorn, University of Paderborn:
Pulsed quantum states of light for multi-mode quantum systems
- Neil Sinclair, University of Calgary:
Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons
- Ben Sparkes, The Australian National University:
Spectral Manipulation of Optical Pulses Using the Gradient Echo Memory Scheme
- Shigeki Takeuchi, Hokkaido University and Osaka University:
Photonic quantum circuits and their application
- Ioannis Thanopulos, National Hellenic Research Foundation:
Coherent Control of Intramolecular Energy Transfer in 24-mode Pyrazine
- Peter Turner, University of Tokyo:
The curious nonexistence of Gaussian 2-designs
- Christian Weedbrook, University of Toronto:
Quantum Cryptography Approaching the Classical Limit
- Tzu-Chieh Wei, University of British Columbia:
Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states as a resource for universal quantum computation
- Lianao Wu, Universidad del País Vasco:
Nondeterminstic fast ground state cooling of a mechanical resonator
- Shengjun Wu, University of Science and Technology of China:
A general framework of weak measurement and its application to optical non-linearity
Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Marie José Bertin, Université Paris 6:
Elliptic fibrations on the modular surface associated to $\Gamma_1(8)$ =
- X. Chen, University of Alberta:
Rational self-maps of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau manifolds
- A. Clingher, Washington University in St. Louis:
On K3 Surfaces of High Picard Rank
- I. Dolgachev, University of Michigan:
Quartic surfaces and Cremona transformations
- C. Doran, University of Alberta:
Periods, Picard-Fuchs Equations, and Calabi-Yau Moduli
- C. Doran, University of Alberta:
Periods, Picard-Fuchs Equations, and Calabi-Yau Moduli
- N. Elkies, Harvard University:
Even lattices and elliptic fibrations of K3 surfaces, I
- Y. Goto, Hokkaido University of Education Hakodate:
On K3 surfaces with involution
- L. Halle, University of Oslo:
Motivic zeta functions for degenerations of Calabi-Yau varieties
- J.W Hoffman, Louisiana State University:
Picard groups of Siegel modular threefolds and theta lifting.
- K. Hulek, University of Hannover:
Abelian varieties with a singular odd $2$-torsion point on the theta divisor
- M. Kerr, Washington University in St. Louis:
Higher Chow cycles on families of K3 surfaces
- J. Keum, KIAS:
Finite groups acting on K3 surfaces in positive characteristic
- R. Kloosterman, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin:
Mordell-Weil ranks, highest degree syzygies and Alexander polynomials
- S. Kondo, Nagoya University:
K3 and Enriques surfaces
- S. Kondo, Nagoya University:
K3 and Enriques surfaces
- S. Kudla, University of Toronto:
Modular generating functions for arithmetic cycles: a survey
- A. Kumar, MIT:
Elliptic fibrations on Kummer surfaces
- R. Laza, Stony Brook University:
Degenerations of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds
- J. Lewis, University of Alberta:
Lectures in Transcendental Algebraic Geometry: Algebraic Cycles with a Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties
- J. Lewis, University of Alberta:
Lectures in Transcendental Algebraic Geometry: Algebraic Cycles with a Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties
- C. Liedtke, Stanford University:
Rational Curves on K3 Surfaces
- H. Movasati, IMPA:
Eisenstein type series for mirror quintic Calabi-Yau varieties
- S. Mukai, RIMS, Japan:
Enriques surfaces and root systems
- K. O'Grady, Sapienza Universita' di Roma:
Moduli and periods of double EPW-sextics
- K. Oguiso, Osaka University:
Group of automorphisms of Wehler type on Calabi-Yau manifolds and compact hyperkaehler manifolds
- H. Ohashi, Nagoya University:
On automorphisms of Enriques surfaces
- G. Pearlstein, Michigan State University:
Jumps in the Archimedean Height
- J.C. Rohde, Universitaet Hamburg:
Shimura varieties and Calabi-Yau manifolds versus Mirror Symmetry
- A. Sarti, University of Poitiers:
The BHCR-mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces
- C. Schnell, IPMU, Japan:
Derived equivalences and the fundamental group
- C. Schoen, Duke University:
Desingularized fiber products of elliptic surfaces
- S. Schroeer, University of Duesseldorf:
Enriques manifolds
- M. Schuett, University of Hannover:
Arithmetic of K3 surfaces
- Sijsling, IMPA:
Calculating arithmetic Picard-Fuchs equations
- D. van Straten, Universitaet Mainz:
CY-period expansions
- A. Thompson, Oxford University:
Degenerations of K3 surfaces of degree two
- U. Whitcher, Harvey Mudd College:
Picard-Fuchs equations for lattice-polarized K3 surfaces
- K.-I. Yoshikawa, Kyoto University:
On the value of Borcherds $\Phi$-function
- J.D. Yu, National Taiwan University:
On Dwork congruences
- N. Yui, Queen's University:
Modularities of Calabi--Yau varieties: 2011 and beyond
- S. Cynk, Jagiellonian University:
Arithmetically significant Calabi-Yau threefolds
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Back to 2011-2012 Event Listing
- Zdenek Dvorak, Charles University:
Deciding first-order properties for sparse graphs
- Jan Foniok, École Polytechnique (ParisTech):
Adjoint functors on digraphs
- Hamed Hatami, McGill:
Elementary asympototic extremal graph theory is non-trivial
- Pavol Hell, SFU:
Homomorphism dichotomy and graph classes
- Daniel Kral, Charles University:
Algorithmic metatheorems
- Benoit Larose, Champlain College:
The complexity of the list homomorphism problem for graphs
- Jarik Nesetril, Charles University:
On first-order definable H-colorings
- Patrice Ossona de Mendez, CAMS-CNRS, Paris:
The existence and counting of subgraphs
- Andre Raspaud, University Bordeaux I:
Partitions of graphs with bounded maximum average degree
- Mark Siggers, Kyungpook University:
Semi-lattice polymorphisms on reflexive graphs
- Claude Tardif, Royal Military College of Canada:
Duality and exponential graphs
- Peter Winkler, Dartmouth:
Random walks and other homomorphisms
- Xuding Zhu, Zhejiang Normal University:
Circular colouring of graphs
- Arash Rafiey, IDSIA, Lugano:
Minimum cost homomorphism problem for digraphs
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- R. Balasubramanian, IMSc:
Catalan's conjecture in imaginary quadratic fiel
- Sanoli Gun, IMSc:
Non-vanishing of L(k,f) for k>1, irrationality and multiple zeta values
- Manfred Kolster, McMaster University:
Special values of Dedekind zeta-functions and motivic cohomology
- M. Mourtada, University of Toronto:
Growth of logarithmic derivatives of Dirichlet L-functions
- M. Ram Murty, Queen's University:
Transcendence of Special Values of L-series
- V. Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
Periods and Special values of Logarithmic derivatives of L-functions
- A. Raghuram, University of Oklahoma:
Special values of automorphic L-functions
- Purusottam Rath, CMI:
Non-vanishing of L(1,f), the state-of-the-art
- Damien Roy, University of Ottawa:
Algebraic independence and small value estimates
- Chris Smyth, University of Edinburgh:
Zeros of Ramunajan and related polynomials
- Cameron Stewart, University of Waterloo:
Transcendence, linear forms in logarithms and applications
- Michel Waldschmidt, Universite de Paris IV:
Transcendence properties of Euler's Gamma and Beta functions
- Chester Weatherby, University of Delaware:
Transcendence of sums over the integers
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- Nicola Arcozzi, University of Bologna:
Potential theory on Trees and Metric Spaces
- Baojun Bian, Tongji University:
Convexity and partial convexity for solution of partial differential equations
- Sagun Chanillo, Rutgers University:
Embedding CR Three Manifolds
- Seng Kee Chua, National University of SIngapore:
Average value problems in differential equations
- David Cruz-Uribe, Trinity College:
Norm inequalities for the maximal operator on variable Lebesgue spaces
- Julio Delgado-Valencia, Universidad del Valle:
Degenerate Elliptic Operators on the Torus
- Xuan Duong, Macquarie University:
Boundedness of singular integrals and their commutators with BMO functions on Hardy spaces
- Pengfei Guan, McGill University:
Maximum rank property and partial Legendre tranform of Homegenous Monge-Ampere type equations
- Xiaolong Han, Wayne State University:
Hardy-Littlewood-Soboloev inequalities on $\R^N$ and the Heisenberg group
- Steve Hofmann, University of Missouri at Columbia:
Harmonic Measure and Uniform Rectifiability
- Ron Kerman, Brock University:
Rearrangement invariant Sobolev spaces on general domains
- Lyudmila Korobenko, University of Calgary:
Regularity of solutions of degenerate quasilinear equations
- Michael Lacey, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Weighted Estimates for Singular Integrals
- Guozhen Lu, Wayne University:
Multiparameter Hardy spaces associated to composition operators and Littlewood-Paley theory
- José María Martell, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain):
Higher integrability of the Harmonic Measure and Uniform Rectifiability
- Henri Martikainen, University of Helsinki:
Tb Theorems on Upper Doubling Spaces
- Camil Muscalu, Cornell University:
Beyond Calderón's algebra
- Carlos Perez, University of Seville:
The work of Eric Sawyer: Some high points
- Nguyen Cong Phuc, Louisiana State University:
A nonlinear Calderon-Zygmund theory for quasi linear opeartors and its applications
- Malabika Pramanik, University of British Columbia:
A multi-dimensional resolution of singularities with applications to analysis
- Richard Rochberg, Washington University at Saint Louis:
Toeplitz Operators and Hankel Forms on Model Spaces
- Rodolfo Torres, University of Kansas:
A new geometric regularity condition for the end-point estimates of bilinear Calderon-Zygmund operators
- Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero, Michigan State University:
Two conjectures of Astala on distortion of sets under quasiconformal maps and related removability problem
- Treven Wall, Johns Hopkins University:
The $L^p$ Dirichlet problem for second-order, non-divergence form operators
- Richard Wheeden, Rutgers University:
Norm inequalities for rough Calderon-Zygmund operators; Regularity of weak solutions of degenerate quasilinear equations with rough coefficients
- Xiao Yuayuan, Wayne State University:
Wolff potentials and integral systems on homogeneous spaces
- Xiangweng Zhang, McGill University:
Schauder estimate for the complex Monge-Ampere equation
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- Venkatesan Guruswami, CMU:
The Approximability of Constraint Satisfaction Problems - Part 3
- Venkatesan Guruswami, CMU:
The Approximability of Constraint Satisfaction Problems - Part 4
- Andrei Krokhin, Durham University:
An introduction into mathematics of constraint satisfaction - Part 1
- Andrei Krokhin, Durham University:
An introduction into mathematics of constraint satisfaction - Part 3
- Jaroslav Nesetril, Charles University:
Colorings and homomorphisms for graphs and finite structures - Part 1
- Jaroslav Nesetril, Charles University:
Colorings and homomorphisms for graphs and finite structures - Part 3
- Jaroslav Nesetril, Charles University:
Colorings and homomorphisms for graphs and finite structures - Part 4
- Ryan O'Donnell, CMU:
The Approximability of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Ross Willard, University of Waterloo:
Universal algebra for constraint satisfaction - Part 1
- Ross Willard, University of Waterloo:
Universal algebra for constraint satisfaction - Part 2
- Ross Willard, University of Waterloo:
Universal algebra for constraint satisfaction - Part 3
- Ross Willard, University of Waterloo:
Universal algebra for constraint satisfaction - Part 4
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