Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute
during the following events in the year July 2006 - June 2007.
For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from
June-August 2012, please see our video archive.
For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please
consult the audio/slides home page.
Various Dates Throughout the Year
June 2007
May 2007
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
- April 20, 2007: Mandar Jog, Director, Movement Disorders Program, London Health Sciences Centre & Asst Professor of Clinical Neurological Sciences, U of Western Ontario:
Thermodynamics, entropy and information processing in the basal ganglia.
- March 30, 2007: Frances Skinner, Senior Scientist, Toronto Western Research Institute:
Designing' and 'discovering' cellular-based mechanisms underlying network dynamics
- March 2, 2007: Hermann Eberl, Canada Research Chair in Applied Math, University of Guelph:
Biofilm control by antibiotics and probiotics: a mathematical description
- January 19, 2007: Dr. John Parkinson, Hospital for Sick Children:
Spatio-Temporal Simulations of Cellular Processes
- September 22, 2006: Valdimir Iakovlev, University Health Network:
Sampling error and development of sampling strategies for biological tissues
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- June 6, 2007: Kay Giesecke, Stanford University:
Pricing, hedging and calibrating credit from the top down
- April 25, 2007: Bjorn Flesaker, Bloomberg:
Robust Replication of Default Contingent Claims
- April 25, 2007: Lane Hughston, King's College London:
Information, Inflation, and Interest
- March 28, 2007: Jaksa Cvitanic, California Institute of Technology:
Numerical estimation of volatility values from discretely observed diffusion data
- March 28, 2007: David Saunders, University of Waterloo:
Pricing CDO Tranches of Bespoke Portfolios
- February 28, 2007: Ronnie Sircar, Princeton University:
Utility Valuation of Credit Derivatives
- February 28, 2007: Marcel Rindisbacher, University of Toronto:
Dynamic Asset Allocation: a Portfolio Decomposition Formula and Applications
- October 25, 2006: Michael J. Brennan, The Anderson School, UCLA:
Asset Pricing and Mispricing
- October 25, 2006: Thomas S. Salisbury, York University:
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- June 5, 2007: Christine A. Shoemaker, Cornell University:
Optimization, Calibration, and Uncertainty Analysis of Multi-modal, Computationally Expensive Models with Environmental Applications
- June 5, 2007: Ron Dembo, Zerofootprint:
The World Needs Optimization NOW!
- May 1, 2007: Michael C. Ferris, University of Wisconsin:
Optimization of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery and Beyond
- May 1, 2007: Doug Moseley, University of Toronto:
The Data Tsunami in Radiation Therapy
- April 3, 2007: Rick Adams, Operating Manager, Niagara Plant Group, Ontario Power Generation:
Niagara, from Water to Wire
- April 3, 2007: Hans J.H. Tuenter, Senior Model Developer, Planning & Analysis, Ontario Power Generation:
Hydroelectric dispatch from a system perspective
- April 3, 2007: Ranendra Ponrajah, Senior Market Risk Analyst, Corporate Finance, Ontario Power Generation:
Optimal unit commitment at hydroelectric facilities
- March 6, 2007: Gilles Savard, Ecole Polytechnic Montreal:
Pricing a segmented market subject to congestion
- March 6, 2007: Jean-François Pagé, Air Canada:
Revenue management in the airline industry: where do we come from and where do we go
- February 6, 2007: Virginia Torczon, College of William & Mary:
Generating Set Search Methods for Nonlinear Optimization
- February 6, 2007: Don Jones, General Motors:
A Taxonomy of Global Optimization Methods Based on Response Surfaces
- December 5, 2006: Nicholas G. Hall, The Ohio State University:
The Coordination of Pricing and Production Decisions
- October 31, 2006: Diego Klabjan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Recent Advances in the Crew Pairing Optimization
- October 31, 2006: Dr. Barry Smith, Sabre Holdings, Inc:
Revenue Management in the Airline Industry: A Review of Development and Some Bumps along the Way
- October 3, 2006: R. Baker Kearfott, University of Louisiana at Lafayette:
A Current Assessment of Interval Techniques in Global Optimization
- October 3, 2006: Janos D. Pinter, Pinter Consulting Services, Inc. and Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie University:
Global Optimization: Software Development and Advanced Applications
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- October 16, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- October 18, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- October 23, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- November 8, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- November 13, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- November 20, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- November 22, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
- December 4, 2006: Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- September 25, 2006: Gerhard Frey, Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen:
Bilinear Structures in Theory and Practice
- September 26, 2006: Gerhard Frey, Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen:
From Curves to Brauer Groups
- September 27, 2006: Gerhard Frey, Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen:
Computing in Brauer Groups of Number Fields
- November 22, 2006: Shafi Goldwasser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Limits of Obfuscation
- November 23, 2006: Shafi Goldwasser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
New Proofs for Hard Core Predicates
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- January 15, 2007: Andre Joyal, UQAM:
Basic aspects of quasi-categories
- January 17, 2007: Andre Joyal, UQAM:
Basic aspects of quasi-categories
- January 19, 2007: Andre Joyal, UQAM:
Basic aspects of quasi-categories
- January 22, 2007: Andre Joyal, UQAM:
Basic aspects of quasi-categories
- January 23, 2007: Andre Joyal, UQAM:
Basic aspects of quasi-categories
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- March 5, 2007: Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Hermitian K-theory
- March 7, 2007: Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Hermitian K-theory
- March 9, 2007: Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Hermitian K-theory
- March 12, 2007: Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Hermitian K-theory
- March 13, 2007: Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Hermitian K-theory
- March 14, 2007: Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Hermitian K-theory
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- June 11, 2007: Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Derived algebraic geometry and topologicval modular forms
- June 13, 2007: Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Derived algebraic geometry and topologicval modular forms
- June 15, 2007: Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Derived algebraic geometry and topologicval modular forms
- June 18, 2007: Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Derived algebraic geometry and topologicval modular forms
- June 20, 2007: Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Derived algebraic geometry and topologicval modular forms
- June 22, 2007: Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Derived algebraic geometry and topologicval modular forms
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- May 24, 2007: Paul Goerss, Northwestern:
The Moduli Stack of Formal Groups and Homotopy Theory
- May 25, 2007: Paul Goerss, Northwestern:
The Moduli Stack of Formal Groups and Homotopy Theory
- May 28, 2007: Paul Goerss, Northwestern:
The Moduli Stack of Formal Groups and Homotopy Theory
- May 29, 2007: Paul Goerss, Northwestern:
The Moduli Stack of Formal Groups and Homotopy Theory
- May 30, 2007: Paul Goerss, Northwestern:
The Moduli Stack of Formal Groups and Homotopy Theory
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- March 6, 2007: Fabien Morel, University of Munich:
Structure and computations of A^1-homotopy sheaves, with applications
- March 8, 2007: Fabien Morel, University of Munich:
Structure and computations of A^1-homotopy sheaves, with applications
- March 9, 2007: Fabien Morel, University of Munich:
Structure and computations of A^1-homotopy sheaves, with applications
- March 12, 2007: Fabien Morel, University of Munich:
Structure and computations of A^1-homotopy sheaves, with applications
- March 13, 2007: Fabien Morel, University of Munich:
Structure and computations of A^1-homotopy sheaves, with applications
- March 14, 2007: Fabien Morel, University of Munich:
Structure and computations of A^1-homotopy sheaves, with applications
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Richard Brak, The University of Melbourne:
Directed path models of certain polymer phase transitions
- Hugues Chaté, CEA:
Collective properties of active polar and nematic particles
- Giovanni Ciccotti, Università degli Studi di Roma-"La Sapienza":
Minimum free energy paths and isocommittor surfaces
- David Coker, Boston University:
Modeling electronic and bibrational pure dephasing and dissipation dynamics in condensed phase systems
- Jörn Davidsen, University of Calgary:
Filament induced surface spiral turbulence
- Frank Den Hollander, Universiteit Leiden:
Copolymers in emulsions
- Rashmi Desai, University of Toronto:
Epitaxial Growth in coherent, strained, asymmetric alloy films
- Leon Glass, McGill University:
Predicting and preventing sudden cardiac death
- Tony Guttmann, University of Melbourne:
Role of conformational entropy in force-induced bio-polymer unfolding
- J T Hynes, University of Colorado and Ecole Normale Supérieure:
Solvation and photochemical funnels: Environmental effects on conical intersection structure and dynamics
- Jennifer Lee, University of Toronto:
Collapse transition in the presence of an applied force
- Neal Madras, York University:
Polymers on hyperbolic lattices
- Gregoire Nicolis, Université Libre de Bruxelles:
Nonlinear dynamics and self-organization in the presence of metastable phases
- Steve Nielsen, University of Texas at Dallas:
Quantifying the surfactant coverage of nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulation: the physisorbed versus chemisorbed
- Gian-Luca Oppo, University of Strathclyde:
Spatio-temporal Structures in photonics and chemistry
- Garnet Ord, Ryerson University:
Counting oriented rectangles and the propogation of waves
- Enzo Orlandini, Universita degli Studi di Padova:
Directed walk models of polmers stretched by a force
- Aleksander Owczarek, University of Melbourne:
Polymers in a slab with attractive walls: Scaling and numerical
- Antonio Politi, CNR:
Chaos without exponential instability
- Katrin Rohlf, Ryerson University:
From excitable media on the large scale to reaction-diffusion mechanisms on the small scale
- Tom Shiokawa, National Center for Theoretical Sciences:
Non-Markovian dynamics and quantum Brownian motion
- Kenneth Showalter, West Virginia University:
Spatio-temporal dynamics of networks of excitable nodes
- Christine Soteros, University of Saskatchewan:
Random copolymer models
- De Witt Sumners, Florida State University:
Random thoughts about random knotting
- Andrew Rechnitzer, University of British Columbia:
Mean unknotting times of random knots and embeddings
- E J Janse van Rensburg, York University:
Knotted lattice polygons
- Charles Wu, Revionics, Inc.:
Ion dynamics in non-perfect quadrupole traps
- Royce Zia, Virginia Tech:
Percolation of a collection of finite random walks: A model for gas permeation through thin polymeric membranes
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Matt Ando, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
P-adic modular forms and the string orientation of Topological Modular Forms
- Clark Barwick, University of Oslo:
Differential Calculus in Spectral Algebraic Geometry
- Mark Behrens, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Topological Automorphic Forms
- Max Lieblich, Princeton University:
Compact moduli of projective bundles
- Wendy Lowen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
Deformations of ringed spaces as algebroid prestacks
- Jacob Lurie, Harvard University:
Higher Equivariance and Loop Group Representations
- Niko Naumann, University of Regensburg:
Arithmetically defined dense subgroups of Morava stabilizer groups
- Behrang Noohi, FSU and MPI:
Fulton-MacPherson bivariant theories and string topology for stacks
- Charles Rezk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Morava E-theory of commutative S-algebras and the Frobenius congruence
- Markus Spitzweck, University of Goettingen:
Integral derived fundamental groups for Tate motives
- Bertrand Toën, CNRS - Université Paul Sabatier:
Homotopical finiteness of smooth and proper dg-algebras
- Michel Vaquié, Universite Toulouse 3:
Characterization of algebraic spaces by their derived category
- Angelo Vistoli, Universita di Bologna:
Essential dimension and algebraic stacks
- Chenchang Zhu, Fourier Institute:
Lie theory of Lie algebroids via higher structures in differentiable geometry
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Ding-Zhu Du, University of Texas, Dallas:
Analysis of Greedy Approximation with Nonsubmodular Potential Function
- Vivek Dua, University College London:
Global Optimization Issues in Parametric Programming & Control
- Christodoulos A. Floudas, Princeton University:
Deterministic Global Optimization: Advances in Convex Underestimation Methods and Applications
- Ignacio E. Grossmann, Carnegie Mellon University:
A Lagrangean Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Global Optimization of Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs with Decomposable Structures
- Pierre Hansen, HEC Montreal:
Extremal Problems for Convex Polygons
- Panos M. Pardalos, University of Florida:
Nonlinear Integer Programming Applications in Biomedicine
- János D. Pintér, Pintér Consulting Services Inc., Halifax:
Global Optimization: Software Development and Advanced Applications
- Nick Sahinidis, University of Illinois:
Global Optimization with Branch-and-Reduce
- Anthony Vannelli, University of Guelph:
VLSI Fixed-Outcome Floorplanning Using Convex Optimization
- Yinyu Ye, Stanford University:
Min-Max Optimization on the Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Donald Campbell, University of Waterloo:
The Sigma-Delta Modulator as a Chaotic Nonlinear Dynamical System
- Oliver Diaz-Espinosa, McMaster University:
Small random perturbations of critical dynamical systems
- Qingwen Hu, York University:
Global Hopf Bifurcation of Differential Equations with State-dependent Adaptive Delay
- Hadi Jorati, University of British Columbia:
A Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem for nonhomogeneous dilations
- Abdoul Kane, University of Toronto:
Dynamics of Synchronization in an Inhibitory Network
- Young-Heon Kim, University of Toronto:
Curvature and the continuity of optimal transportation maps
- Eugene Kritchevski, McGill University:
Hierarchical Anderson Model
- Paul Lee, University of Toronto:
A Nonholonomic Moser Lemma
- Qun Li, McGill University:
The Constant Rank Theorem for Solutions of Fully Nonlinear Equations in Complex Variables
- Vladislav Panferov, McMaster University:
On a kinetic averaging lemma
- Mary Pugh, University of Toronto:
Notes on Blowup and Long-Wave Unstable Thin Film Equations
- Eugene Wayne, Boston University:
Stability of Vortex Solutions of the Two and Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations
- Igor Wigman, McGill University:
Nodal sets for random eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the torus
- Alberto Montero Zarate, University of Toronto:
On a weighted Hodge decomposition problem that arises in the study of the Gross-Pitaevskii energy
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Michelle Boue, Trent University:
Phase transitions for some interacting particle systems with movement
- Dimitris Cheliotis, University of Toronto:
The noise of perturbed random walk on some regular graphs
- Ted Cox, University of Syracuse:
Survival and coexistence for a stochastic Lotka-Volterra model
- Nikolai Dokuchaev, Trent University:
Mean-reverting market model: Novikov condition, speculative opportunities, and non-arbitrage
- Bob Griffiths, University of Oxford:
Diffusion processes and coalescent trees.
- Charles Newman, Courant Institute:
Percolation methods for spin glasses
- Kavita Ramanan, Carnegie Mellon University:
Measure-valued Process Limits of Some Stochastic Networks
- Anna Savu, University of Toronto:
Convergence of a process of Wishart matrices to free Poisson process
- Deniz Sezer, York University:
Conditioning super-Brownian motion on its exit measure
- David Steinsaltz, Queen’s University:
Measure-valued dynamical systems, with applications to the evolution of aging
- Balasz Szegedy, University of Toronto:
Limits of Discrete Structures
- Benedek Valko, University of Toronto:
t^{1/3} Superdiffusivity of Finite-Range Asymmetric Exclusion Processes on Z
- Vladimir Vinogradov, Ohio University:
On local limit theorems related to Levy-type branching mechanism
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Alexander A. Beilinson, University of Chicago:
Towards a motivic descent
- Spencer Bloch, University of Chicago:
Mixed Hodge Structures and Motives in Physics
- Hélène Esnault, Universität Duisburg-Essen:
Remarks and questions on coniveau
- Eric M. Friedlander, Northwestern University:
Musings about algebraic cycles modulo algebraic equivalence
- Henri Gillet, University of Illinois at Chicago:
Arithmetic intersection theory on stacks
- Alexander Goncharov, Brown University:
Motivic fundamental groups of curves and Feynman integrals
- Luc Illusie, Universite Paris-Sud:
On Gabber's recent work in \'etale cohomology
- Uwe Jannsen, Universitat Regensburg:
Finiteness of motivic cohomology and resolution of singularities
- Bruno Kahn, Université Paris 7:
Questions on weights and Albanese varieties
- Kazuya Kato, Kyoto University:
Non-commutative Iwasawa theory and Hilbert modular forms
- Marc Levine, Northeastern University:
Motivic Postnikov towers
- Stephen Lichtenbaum, Brown University:
The conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer is misleading
- Arthur Ogus, University of California, Berkeley:
Hodge cohomology of invertible sheaves
- Wayne Raskind, U.S.C.:
p-adic intermediate Jacobians
- Takeshi Saito, University of Tokyo:
Wild ramification and the characteristic cycle of an l-adic etale sheaf
- Chad Schoen, Duke University:
Some surfaces of general type in abelian varieties
- Tony Scholl, University of Cambridge:
Some Eisenstein series
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Joseph Ayoub, Université Paris 7:
On cdh-descent for motives over arbitrary fields
- Paul Balmer, ETH Zurich:
Tensor triangular geometry
- Thomas Geisser, University of Southern California:
The affine part of the Picard-scheme
- Vladimir Guletskii, University of Liverpool:
Algebraic cycles on certain threefolds over a field
- Uwe Jannsen, Universitat Regensburg:
On embedded resolution of two-dimensional excellent schemes
- Bruno Kahn, Université Paris 7:
The Brauer group and indecomposable (2,1)-cycles
- Max Karoubi, Université Paris 7:
Twisted K-theory, old and new
- Marc Levine, Northeastern University:
Algebraic cobordism and Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- Alexander Merkurjev, University of California:
Unramified cohomology of algebraic varieties
- Andreas Rosenschon, SUNY Buffalo:
The modified Ceresa cycle modulo q
- Marco Schlichting, Louisiana State University:
Hermitian K-theory and A1-homotopy theory
- Andrei Suslin, Northwestern University:
The category EM ^{-} over non perfect fields
- Burt Totaro, Cambridge University:
Birational geometry of quadrics using Chow groups
- Charles A. Weibel, Rutgers University:
Bass' NK - groups and cdh-fibrant Hochschild homology
- Mark Walker, University of Nebraska:
The K-theory of toric varieties
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- John Baez, The University of California:
The Homotopy Hypothesis
- Julie Bergner, Kansas State University:
Model categories Quillen equivalent to the quasi-category model structure
- Eugenia Cheng, The University of Chicago:
Batanin omega-groupoids and the homotopy hypothesis
- Alissa Crans, Loyola Marymount University:
A Survey of Higher Lie Theory
- Nick Gurski, Yale University:
- Steve Lack, University of Western Sydney:
A survey of the theory of Gray-categories
- Aaron Lauda, University of Cambridge:
Frobenius algebras, quantum topology and higher categories
- Tom Leinster, University of Glasgow:
A survey of the theory of bicategories
- Peter May, University of Chicago:
Applications of bicategories to algebraic topology
- Joshua Nichols-Barrer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Fibred Quasi-Categories and Stacks
- Simona Paoli, Macquarie University:
Semistrict Tamsamani's n-groupoids and connected n-types
- Urs Schreiber, Universität Hamburg:
Parallel transport in low dimensions
- Urs Schreiber, Universität Hamburg:
On 2-dimensional QFT: from arrows to disks
- Michael Shulman, The University of Chicago:
Introduction to quasicategories
- Danny Stevenson, University of California:
Lie 2-algebras and Higher Gauge Theory
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Adi Akavia, MIT:
On Basing One-Way Functions on NP-Hardness
- Amos Beimel, Ben Gurion/UCLA:
Private approximation of search problems
- Dan Bernstein, UIC:
Proving tight security for Rabin-Williams signatures
- Dan Brown, Certicom:
Difficulty and Inapplicability of the RSA problem
- Debbie Cook, Bell Labs/Lucent:
Elastic block ciphers
- J.-M. Couveignes, Toulouse:
Hard homogeneous spaces
- Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Telcordia:
Virus Localization using Cryptographic Primitives
- Jintai Ding, Cincinnati/Darmstadt:
Can HFE be saved?
- Juan Garay, Bell Labs:
Searchable Symmetric Encryption: Improved Definitions and Efficient Constructions
- Shai Halevi, IRM Research:
Mitigating Dictionary Attacks on Password-Protected Local Storage
- David Jao, Waterloo:
Isogenies as a cryptographic primitive
- Jonathan Katz, Maryland:
Concurrently-Secure Blind Signatures
- Aggelos Kiayias, Connecticut:
Copyrighting public-key encryption and black-box traitor tracing
- Vlad Kolesnikov, Bell-Labs/Lucent:
How to tell which of the encrypted numbers is greater
- Hugo Krawczyk, Techion and IBM Research:
HMQV and Why Provable Security Matters
- Anna Lysyanskaya, Brown:
Compact Ecash and Applications
- Alexander May, Paderborn:
New Cryptanalytic Results for RSA with Small Exponents
- Stephen Miller, Rutgers:
Provable Collisions in the Pollard Rho Algorithm for DLOG
- Tatsuaki Okamoto, NTT:
An Efficient Public-Key Encryption Scheme under Standard Assumptions
- Leonid Reyzin, Boston:
Robust Fuzzy Extractors and Authenticated Key Agreement from Close Secrets
- Rei Safavi-Naini, Wollongong:
Information Theoretic Bounds on Authentication Systems in Query Model
- Berry Schoenmakers, Eindhoven:
Efficient Pseudorandom Generators Based on the DDH Assumption
- Douglas R. Stinson, Waterloo:
Hash Function Games and Two-Channel Authentication
- Ram Venkatesan, Microsoft:
Randomized Sparse Representations of integer representations for Elliptic Curve and applications
- Moti Yung, Columbia and RSA:
Group Encryption
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Ryuichi Ashino, Osaka Kyoiku University:
Blind Source Separation Using Time-Frequency Analysis
- Paolo Boggiatto, Università di Torino:
Weyl Quantization and Lebesgue Spaces
- Ernesto Buzano, Università di Torino:
Continuity and Compactness Properties of Pseudo-Differential Operators
- Aparajita Dasgupta, York University:
Global Hypoellipticity of the Twisted Laplacian
- Nicoleta Dines, Universität Potsdam:
Elliptic Operators on Manifolds with Corners
- Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania:
Microlocal Methods for Boundary Value Problems
- Brendan Farrell, University of California at Davis:
Wiener's Lemma for the Heisenberg Group and a Class of Pseudo-Differential Operators
- Gianluca Garello, Università di Torino:
Pseudo-Differential Operators and Regularity for Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
- Peter Gibson, York University:
Stockwell and Wavelet Transforms
- Peter Greiner, University of Toronto:
On Carnot-Caratheodory Geometry, Partial Differential Equations and the Quartic Oscillator
- Karlheinz Gröchenig, University of Vienna:
Time-Frequency Analysis: From Wireless Communications to Abstract Harmonic Analysis
- Thomas Krainer, Penn State Altoona:
Elliptic Boundary Problems on a Class of Noncompact Manifolds
- Yu Liu, York University:
Inversion Formulas for Two-Dimensional Polar Stockwell Transforms
- Calin Iulian Martin, Universität Potsdam:
Elliptic Complexes on Manifolfs with Corner Singularities
- Ross Mitchell, University of Calgary:
Applications of Time-Frequency Analysis in Medicine and Geophysics
- Alip Mohammed, York University:
Wavelet Multipliers on Lp(Rn)
- Alessandro Oliaro, Università di Torino:
A Class of Quadratic Time-Frequency Representations
- Götz Pfander, International University Bremen:
Operator Sampling Applied to Time-Varying Communication Channels
- C. Robert Pinnegar, Calgary Scientific, Inc.:
Localization of Signal and Image Features with the TT-Transform
- Raphael Ponge, University of Toronto:
Heisenberg Calculus and Spectral Theory of Hypoelliptic Operators
- Vladimir S. Rabinovich, Instituto Politecnico Nacional:
Reconstruction of Input Signals in Time-Varying Filters: Methods Based on Pseudo-Difference Operators
- Luigi Rodino, Università di Torino:
Semilinear Pseudo-Differential Equations and Applications to Travelling Waves
- Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, Universität Potsdam:
Pseudo-Differential Calculus on Manifolds with Geometric Singularities
- Robert G. Stockwell, Northwest Research Associates:
Why Use the S-Transform?
- Joachim Toft, Växjö University:
Pseudo-Differential Operator Algebras and Modulation Spaces
- M. W. Wong, York University:
Plancherel Formulas for Integral Transforms in Time-Frequency Analysis
- Hongmei Zhu, York University:
Time Frequency Analysis in Instantaneous Frequency and Amplitude Estimations
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 23, 2006 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 24, 2006 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 24, 2006 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 25, 2006 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 25, 2006 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 26, 2006 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 26, 2006 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
October 27, 2006 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 6 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 7 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 7 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 8 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 8 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 9 - morning lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 9 - afternoon lecture
- D. J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
November 10 - morning lecture
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Mark Bauer, University of Calgary:
Relating the ECDLP to other curves
- Nils Bruin, Simon Fraser University:
Deciding the existence of rational points on curves
- Johannes Buchmann, Technische Universitat Darmstad:
CMSS - digital signatures without number theory?
- Alina Cojocaru, University of Illinois at Chicago:
Effective versions of Serre's Theorem for elliptic curves
- Jintai Ding, Technical University of Darmstadt:
Multivariate public key cryptography
- Steven Galbraith, Royal Holloway University of London:
Some open problems in elliptic curve cryptography
- Pierrick Gaudry, Ecole Polytechnique:
Variants of the montgomery form based on theta functions
- Mark Girsbrecht and Arne Storjohann, University of Waterloo:
Speedy new algorithms for solving integer linear systems
- Elisa Gorla, University of Zurich:
Computational challenges arising in torus-based cryptography
- Florian Hess, Technische Universitt Berlin:
The ate pairing - computational aspects of pairings in cryptography
- Michael Jacobson, University of Calgary:
Computing class groups of quadratic fields
- David Jao, University of Waterloo:
The discrete logarithm problem on algebraic curves
- Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State University:
Finding small degree factors of multivariate supersparse (lacunary) polynomials over algebraic number fields
- Kiran Kedlaya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Recent results on p-adic computation of zeta functions
- Yoonjin Lee, Simon Fraser University:
Construction of cubic function fields from quadratic infrastructure
- Alfred Menezes, University of Waterloo:
Another look at provable security
- Daniele Micciancio, University of California San Diego:
Ideal lattices: cryptographic applications and open problems
- Victor S. Miller, Center for Communications Research:
The weil pairing, and its efficient calculation
- Francois Morain, Ecole Polytechnique, LIX:
Recent improvements to the SEA algorithm in genus 1
- Roger Oyono, University of Waterloo:
Computation of non-hyperelliptic modular Jacobians of dimension 3
- Allison M. Pacelli, Williams College:
Constructing number fields and function fields with prescribed class group properties
- Rachel Pries, Colorado State University:
Computing the invariants of p-torsion of Jacobians in characteristic p
- Takakazu Satoh, Tokyo Institute of Technology:
On Euclid prime sequences (joint work with Nobushige Kurokawa)
- Peter Stevenhagen, Universiteit Leiden:
Computational challenges arising in complex multiplication
- Hugh Williams, University of Calgary:
My reminiscences of Emma Lehmer
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Andris Ambainis, IQC, Waterloo:
Multi-party coin-flipping
- Michael Ben-Or, Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
Honest Private Computation with a Quantum Channel
- Harry Buhrman, CWI, Amsterdam:
On the (Im)Possibility of Quantum String Commitment
- Daniel Gottesman, PI, Waterloo:
Secure multiparty quantum computation
- Sean Hallgren, NEC, Princeton:
Quantum algorithms and cryptography
- Patrick Hayden, McGill University, Montreal:
The power of forgetting
- Debbie Leung, IQC, Waterloo:
QKD based on twisted ebits
- Hoi-Kwong Lo, University of Toronto:
Decoy State Quantum Key Distribution: Theory and Practice
- Norbert Luetkenhaus, IQC, Waterloo:
Challenges and directions in quantum key distribution
- Dominic Mayers:
Self-Testing of Quantum Circuits
- Ashwin Nayak, IQC & PI, Waterloo:
Optimality of Approximate Encryption Schemes
- Kenny Paterson, Royal Holloway, Egham:
What can Quantum Cryptographers learn from History?
- Alexandre Pauchard, IDQuantique, Geneva:
Integration of a commercial quantum cryptography appliance into metropolitan area networks
- Oded Regev, Tel-Aviv University:
On Lattices, Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography
- Renato Renner, DAMTP, Cambridge:
How secure is quantum key distribution?
- Louis Salvail, BRICS, Aarhus:
A Tight High-Order Entropic Uncertainty Relation with Applications in the Bounded Quantum-Storage Model
- Barry Sanders, University of Calgary:
Real-World Quantum Cryptography in Calgary
- Miklos Santha, LRI, Orsay:
An efficient quantum algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem in extraspecial groups
- Adam Smith, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot:
Techniques for Secure Distributed Computing with Quantum Data
- Alain Tapp, IRO, Montreal:
Private Quantum Channels
- John Watrous, IQC, Waterloo:
Quantum computational indistinguishability and zero-knowledge
- Gregor Weihs, IQC, Waterloo:
Experimental Quantum Key Distribution: Status and Directions
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- Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA:
Efficient arithmetic of finite fields
- Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA:
Arithmetic on EC, large characteristic
- Peter Birkner, Technical University of Denmark:
Addition chains
- Reinier Bröker, University of Calgary, Canada:
Point counting on EC
- Reinier Bröker, University of Calgary, Canada:
Complex multiplication I
- Reinier Bröker, University of Calgary, Canada:
Complex multiplication II
- Roger Oyono, University of Waterloo, Canada:
Elliptic curves I
- Roger Oyono, University of Waterloo, Canada:
Generic attacks
- Nicolas Thériault, Fields Institute Toronto, Canada:
Index calculus attacks on HECC I
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA:
Elliptic vs. hyperelliptic, part 1
- Xavier Boyen, Voltage Security, USA:
Practical aspects of identity-based encryption
- Reinier Bröker, University of Calgary, Canada:
Constructing elliptic curves for cryptography
- Isabelle Déchène, University of Waterloo, Canada:
Generalized Jacobians: Natural candidates for DL-based cryptography
- Claus Diem, University of Leipzig, Germany:
An index calculus algorithm for non-singular plane curves of high genus
- Andreas Enge, INRIA & École Polytechnique, France:
An L(1/3+\epsilon) algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem in low degree curves
- David Freeman, University of California at Berkeley, USA:
Methods for constructing pairing-friendly elliptic curves
- Tanja Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven:
Elliptic vs. hyperelliptic, part 2
- Kristin Lauter, Microsoft Research, USA:
Cryptographic hash functions from expander graphs
- Laurie Law, National Security Agency, USA:
Finding invalid signatures in pairing-based batches
- Dan Page, University of Bristol, UK:
Compilers in (elliptic curve) cryptography
- Jan Pelzl, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany:
Cost estimates for ECC attacks with special-purpose hardware
- Oliver Schirokauer, Oberlin College, USA:
Extending the special number field sieve
- Michael Scott, Dublin City University, Ireland:
Implementing cryptographic pairings
- Igor Shparlinski, Macquarie University, Australia:
Distribution of elliptic curves for pairing-based cryptography
- Alice Silverberg, University of California at Irvine, USA:
Using primitive subgroups in cryptography
- Nigel Smart, University of Bristol, UK:
ID-based key agreement
- Nicolas Thériault, Fields Institute, Canada:
Towards an exact cost analysis of index-calculus algorithms
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Francois Bergeron, UQAM:
A combinatorial moduli space for polynomials of degree n (No Audio Available)
- Mahir Can, University of Western Ontario:
The smooth nested Hilbert scheme of points and Catalan numbers (No Audio Available)
- Ning Jia, University of Minnesota:
Duality of antidiagonals and pipe dreams
- Graham Leuschke, Syracuse University:
Non-commutative desingularization of the generic determinant
- Jessica Sidmam, Mt. Holyoke College:
Describing secant varieties
- Achilleas Sinefakopoulos, Cornell University:
On Borel fixed ideals generated in one degree
- Seth Sullivant, Harvard University:
Combinatorial Secant Varieties and Symbolic Powers
- Hugh Thomas, University of New Brunswick:
Intersection Theory for Toric Varieties
- Adam Van Tuyl, Lakehead University:
Edge ideals of hypergraphs (No Audio Available)
- Mauricio Velasco, Cornell University:
The total coordinate rings of Del Pezzo surfaces
- Uli Walther, Purdue University:
Slopes of hypergeometric systems along coordinate varieties
- Cornelia Yuen, University of Michigan:
Jet schemes of monomial schemes and determinantal varieties
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Christopher Bauerle, CNRS-CRTBT:
Decoherence in metallic quantum wires and quantum networks
- Aashish Clerk, McGill University:
Quantum-Limited Detection With Strongly Correlated Detectors
- Ivan Deutsch, University of New Mexico:
Quantum State Estimation via Continuous Measurement
- Brian King, McMaster University:
Trapped atomic ions as a decoherence "micro laboratory"
- Roger Koch, IBM Research:
Experimental Demonstration of an OscillatorStabilized Josephson Flux Qubit
- Gershon Kurizki, Weizmann Institute of Science:
Preventing Multipartite Disentanglementby Local Modulations
- Jan Kycia, University of Waterloo:
1/f Noise in Josephson Junctions
- Daniel Lidar, Unversity of Southern California:
Adiabaticity in open quantum systems
- Lorenza Viola, Dartmouth College:
Coherence preservation via randomized dynamical control
- Andrew White, University of Queensland:
Optical entangling gates
- Frank Wilhelm, University of Waterloo:
Loss of visibility and the sensitivity to initial conditions in spin-Boson type models
- Howard Wiseman, Griffith Universiy:
The Preferred Ensemble Fact, with Applications to Quantum Feedback Control
- Andrei Zaikin, Institute for Nanotechnology:
Quantum decoherence in quantum dots: Effect of electron-electron interactions
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Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Zohar Amitay, Israel Institute of Technology:
Quantum Control of Coupled Multiphoton Excitations for Efficient Anti-Symmetry Check of Optically Encoded Information
- Ilya Averbukh, Weizmann Institute:
Optical Shaker: Feedback-Controlled Laser Cooling
- Klaas Bergmann, Universität Kaiserslautern:
STIRAP-a powerful coherent population transfer scheme
- Robin Blume-Kohout, California Institute of Technology:
Accurate state estimation via 'keeping the experimentalist honest’
- Gavin K. Brennen, Universität Innsbruck:
Designing spin lattice models with polar molecules: a route to topological order
- Todd Brun, University of Southern California:
Weak Measurements and Feedback
- Hugo Cable, Louisiana State University:
Directed Generation of Many Photon NOON States
- Alberto Carlini, Tokyo Institute of Technology:
Time Optimality of Quantum Evolutions
- Hilary Carteret, University of Calgary:
Noiseless quantum circuits for measuring entanglement
- Richard Cleve, Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics:
Parallel Repetition of Nonlocal Quantum Strategies
- Bill Coish, University of Basel:
Electron spin dynamics in single and double quantum dots due to the hyperfine interaction
- M. V. Gurudev Dutt, Harvard University:
Probing the mesoscopic environment of a single electron spin: Long coherence times enabled by quantum back-action
- Joseph Emerson, University of Waterloo:
Efficient protocol for direct estimation of k-body error correlations
- Mikio Fujiwara, NICT, Tokyo:
Developing of a photon-number-resolving detector at a telecommunications wavelength
- Gustav Gerber, Universität Würzburg:
Quantum Control of Femtochemistry in the Gas Phase, Liquid Phase and on Surfaces
- Salman Habib, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
- Hartmut Häffner, Universität Innsbruck:
Quantum computation with trapped ions
- Andrew Houck, Yale University:
Quantum Optics with Electrical Circuits
- John Howell, University of Rochester:
Large Alphabet Quantum Key Distribution
- Richard Hughes, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
Quantum Cryptography at 22
- Nikolai Kiesel, LMU München, MPQ Garching:
Experimental Analysis of a Four-Photon Entangled Dicke State
- Paul Kwiat, University of Illinois Urbana-Champain:
Relativistic Quantum Cryptography
- Debbie Leung, University of Waterloo:
Progress on quantum network coding
- Seth Merkel, University of New Mexico:
Optimal Control of Large Spin Systems
- Morgan W. Mitchell, Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona:
Atomic ensembles with cold atoms and quantum light sources
- Masoud Mohseni, University of Southern California:
Direct Characterization of Quantum Dynamics
- Sae Woo Nam, National Institute of Standards and Technology:
Superconducting optical photon detectors for quantum information
- Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Osaka University:
Projection synthesis in multi-port interferometer for selective manipulation of an optical field in the Fock-state space
- Robert Raussendorf, Perimeter Institute:
A fault-tolerant one-way quantum computer
- Evgeny A. Shapiro, University of British Columbia:
Adiabatic Raman Photoassociation of a desired continuum waveform
- Moshe Shapiro, University of British Columbia:
Quantum Control on the nanoscale
- Kiyoshi Tamaki, NTT Basic Research Laboratories:
Unconditional security of the Bennett 1992 quantum key-distribution scheme with strong reference pulse
- Barbara Terhal, IBM Watson Research Center:
The complexity of Hamiltonian problems
- Daniel Terno, Perimeter Institute:
Non completely positive maps in physics
- Lin Tian, National Institute of Standards & Technology:
Controlling low frequency noise by continuous measurement
- Juan P. Torres, Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona:
Engineering the frequency correlations, entanglement and bandwidth of paired photons generated in parametric down-conversion
- Kentaro Wakui, NICT, Tokyo:
Generation of non-Gaussian optical quantum states from continuous-wave squeezed vacua
- Harald Weinfurter, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München:
- Frank Wilhelm, University of Waterloo:
Optimal control of Josephson qubits and the GRAPE algorithm
- Eli Yablonovitch, University of California Los Angeles:
Architecture for a Shor Factorization Engine Based on Semiconductor Spins
- Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Stanford University:
Differential phase shift quantum key distribution
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing
- Abraham Broer, Université de Montréal:
Modular reflection groups and the Dedekind different
- Corrado DeConcini, Università di Roma "La Sapienza":
Some remarks on vector partition functions
- Gene Freudenburg, University of Southern Indiana:
The Venereau polynomials relative to C_-fibrations and stable coordinates
- Peter Heinzner, Ruhr-Universität Bochum:
Actions Of Real Reductive Groups on Kahler Spaces
- Aloysius G. Helminck, North Carolina State University:
On orbits of spherical subgroups acting on symmetric varieties
- Friedrich Knop, Rutgers University:
Construction of semisimple tensor categories
- Bertram Kostant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
On the Structure of U(g)K
- Hanspeter Kraft, University of Basel:
First Fundemental Theorems revisited
- Peter Littelmann, Universität zu Köln:
On representations of current algebras
- Christine Riedtmann, University of Bern:
Representations of quivers and invariants
- Jim Shank, University of Kent:
Modular invariant theory for cyclic groups of prime order
- Nolan Walllach, Univesity of California, San Diego:
- David Wehlau, Queen’s University & Royal Military College:
Separating Invariants
- Jerzy Weyman, Northeastern University:
Semi-invariants of quivers-new developments
Back to 2006-2007 Event Listing