Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute
during the following events in the year July 2009 - June 2010.
For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from
June-August 2012, please see our video archive.
For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please
consult the audio/slides home page.
Various Dates Throughout the Year
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
January 2010
November 2009
October 2009
September 2009
August 2009
July 2009
- September 17, 2009: David Koenig, CEO, The Governance Fund:
Risk Management, Governance and Value Creation
- September 15, 2009: William Shadwick:
Going to Extremes to Control Risk
- December 15, 2009: Pierre G. Noel, Worldwide Executive, Risk Management & Information Security, IBM Corp:
Bringing Operational Risk Management to the Boardroom Table
- February 16, 2010: Andrew Kalotay, Andrew Kalotay Associates Inc.:
Exposing MBS Model Risk: Look Outside the Black Box
- April 14, 2010: Rick Nason, RSD Solutions & Dalhousie University:
Have We Lost The Plot? (And If So How Do We Get it Back?)
- May 18, 2010: David M. Rowe, David M. Rowe Risk Advisory:
Why Risk Management Has Lost Credibility and What to Do About It
- May 13, 2010: Grigoris Karakoulas, infoAGORA:
Integrated Stress Testing: From risk management to financial stability assessment
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- October 6, 2009: Ignacio Grossmann, Center for Advanced Process Decision-making, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh:
Mathematical Programming Approaches to Enterprise-wide Optimization of Process Industries
- November 3, 2009: Jean-Francois Hétu, Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council of Canada:
Putting CFD to work in industry: issues and challenges for optimization
- October 6, 2009: Larry Megan, Advanced Control and Operations Research R&D, Praxair Inc.:
Optimizing the Industrial Gas Supply Chain Across Organizational Boundaries
- November 3, 2009: Dominique Pelletier, Canada Research Chair on Analysis, Characterization and optimization of Complex Flow Systems, École Polytechnique de Montréal:
Simulation-Based Engineering Analysis and Design: Issues and Challenges
- December 1, 2009: C. Tattersall Smith, Dean and Professor of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto:
Biomass in Canada and the requirement for development and management of new supply chains and technology
- December 1, 2009: Eric J. McCarthy, Director of Fuels at Energy Markets, Ontario Power Generation:
Biomass at OPG
- February 2, 2010: B. Wayne Bequette, Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute:
Systems and Control Applications in Diabetes
- February 2, 2010: Jeffrey D. Kelly, Honeywell Process Solutions:
On the Modeling and Solving of Large-Scale Manufacturing Optimization Problems in Diverse Industries
- March 2, 2010: Forbes Burkowski, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo:
Graph Localization and Molecular Conformation
- March 2, 2010: Zsolt Zsoldos, SimBioSys, Toronto:
Algorithmic and mathematical challenges in protein-ligand docking and scoring
- April 13, 2010: Il Yong Kim, Queens University:
Structural Topology Optimization and Design Space Optimization
- April 13, 2010: Rajesh Jugulum, Bank of America:
Robust Optimization
- May 4, 2010: Bruce Shepherd, McGill University:
Robust Optimization of Networks
- May 4, 2010: Matthew Andrews, Bell Labs:
Minimum cost network design in telecommunication networks under general cost functions
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- October 28, 2009: Tomasz R Bielecki, Illinois Institute of Technology:
Counterparty Credit Risk: CVA computation under netting and collateralization
- September 30, 2009: Jeremy Graveline, University of Minnesota:
G10 Swap and Exchange Rates
- September 30, 2009: Ulrich Horst, Humboldt University Berlin:
Hidden Liquidity and the Optimal Placement of Iceberg Orders
- October 28, 2009: Tom Hurd, McMaster University:
Credit Risk via First Passage for Time Changed Brownian Motions
- November 25, 2009: Frank Milne, Queen's University:
Approaches for Modeling Liquidity and Systemic Risks
- November 25, 2009: Traian Pirvu, McMaster University:
Time Consistency in Portfolio Management
- January 20, 2010: Eckhard Platen, University of Technology , Sydney:
Real World Pricing of Long Term Contracts
- February 24, 2010: Raphael Douady, Riskdata:
The StressVaR: a New Risk Concept for Superior Fund Allocation
- March 31, 2010: Dilip Madan, University of Maryland:
Capital Requirements, Acceptable Risks and the Value of the Taxpayer Put
- March 31, 2010: Stan Uryasev, University of Florida:
Value-at-Risk vs. Conditional Value-at-Risk in Risk Management and Optimization
- April 28, 2010: Jorge Sobehart, Citigroup:
Follow the Money from Boom to Crash: Asset Prices and Market Behavior
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- October 9, 2009: Naveen K. Vaidya, Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
HIV Treatment: From Primary Phase to Chronic Phase
- January 22, 2010: Dr. Quaid Morris, University of Toronto:
Predicting the targets of mRNA-binding proteins
- February 19, 2010: Dr. Santiago Schnell, University of Michigan:
How is protein load sensed in the endoplasmic reticulum?
- March 12, 2010: Dr. L. Mahadevan, Harvard University:
On growth and form: mathematics, mechanics and morphogenesis
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- June 11, 2010: Richard Cook, University of Waterloo:
Robust Estimation of Mean Functions and Treatment Effects for Recurrent Events Under Event-Dependent Censoring and Termination: Application to Skeletal Complications in Cancer Metastatic to Bone
- June 11, 2010: Christodoulos Floudas, Princeton University:
Advances in Biclustering Methods for Re-ordering Data Matrices in Systems Biology, Drug Discovery, and Prediction of In Vivo Toxicities from In Vitro Experimental Data
- June 11, 2010: Hamid Ghaffari, University of Toronto:
A Semi-Infinite Linear Programming Approach to Gamma Knife Perfexion
- June 11, 2010: Igor Jurisica, University of Toronto:
Systematic Identification and Characterization of Cancer Biomarkers
- June 12, 2010: Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Houston:
Challenges and Opportunities for Extracting Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers from Non-Contrast CT Data
- June 11, 2010: Panos Pardalos, University of Florida:
Consistent Biclustering via Nonlinear 0-1 Optimization
- June 12, 2010: Kostas Tsakalis, University of Arizona:
Feedback Control for Epileptic Seizure Suppression
- June 11, 2010: Stephen Wright, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Developments in Optimization Algorithms for Data Analysis
- June 11, 2010: Petros Xanthopoulos, University of Florida:
Data Mining Approaches for a Multiclass Cell Death Discrimination Problem
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Dmitriy Bilyk, University of South Carolina:
Directional discrepancy
- Nicholas Boros, Michigan State University:
The Bellman Function for a Perturbation of Burkholder's Martingale Transform
- Serban Costea, McMaster University:
Corona Theorems for Multiplier Algebras on B_n
- Larry Guth, University of Toronto:
Multilinear Kakeya estimates and Dvir's polynomial method
- Mariah Hamel, University of Georgia:
Sumsets of dense subsets of primes
- Alex Iosevich, University of Rochester:
A sharpness example for the Falconer estimate and connections with geometric incidence theory
- Doo Won Koh, Michigan State University:
Harmonic analysis related to homogeneous varieties in three dimensional vector spaces over finite fields
- Izabella Laba, UBC:
Maximal operators and differentiation theorems in sparse sets
- Michael T. Lacey, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Recent results on two weight inequalities for singular integrals
- Neil Lyall, University of Georgia:
On the density of sets with no square differences
- Winston Ou, Scripps College:
Structure results on A_infinity
- Malabika Pramanik, UBC:
A multi-dimensional resolution of singularities and applications
- Eric T. Sawyer, McMaster University:
Two weight insecurities for singular integrals: L^p results
- Chun-Yen Shen, Indiana University:
Two weight inequalities for singular integrals: L^p results
- Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero, Michigan State University:
Astala's conjecture on Hausdoff measure distortion under planar quasiconformal mappings and related removability problems
- Brett Wick, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Bergman-Type Singular Integral Operators and Non-Homogeneous Harmonic Analysis
- Kelan Zhai, UBC:
Favarad Length of Cantor Type Sets
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Lorenzo Bergomi, Societe Generale:
Static and dynamic properties of stochastic volatility models: a structural connection
- Tomasz Bielecki, IIT:
Hedging of counterparty risk
- Nicholas Bingham, Imperial College:
Multivariate elliptic processes
- Dorje C. Brody, Imperial College London:
Rational Term Structure Models with Geometric Lévy Martingales
- Rama Cont, Paris VI-VII:
Functional Ito calculus and the pricing and hedging of path-dependent derivatives
- Mark Davis, Imperial College:
On SDEs with state-dependent jump measure
- Rudiger Frey, Leipzig:
Portfolio optimization under partial information with expert opinions
- Pavel Gapeev, London School of Economics:
London School of Economics
- Giuseppe Di Graziano, Deutsche Bank London:
Target Volatility Option Pricing
- Jim Gatheral, Baruch College, CUNY:
Implied Volatility from Local Volatility
- David Hobson, Warwick:
Model independent bounds for variance swaps
- Lane Hughston, Imperial College:
Implied Density Models for Asset Pricing
- Monique Jeanblanc, Evry:
Density models for credit risk
- Yu Hang Kan, Columbia:
Default intensities implied by CDO spreads: inversion formula and model calibration
- Thomas Kokholm, Aarhus:
A Consistent Pricing Model for Index Options and Volatility Derivatives
- Roger Lee, Chicago:
Variation Swaps on Time-Changed Levy Processes
- Andrea Macrina, King's College London:
Heat Kernels for Information-Sensitive Pricing Kernels
- Gustavo Manso, MIT:
Information Percolation
- Aleksandar Mijatovic, Imperial College:
Deterministic criteria for the absence of arbitrage in one-dimensional diffusion models
- Andreea Minca, Paris VI:
Resilience to contagion in financial networks
- Jan Obloj, Oxford:
On notion of arbitrage and robust pricing and hedging of variance swaps
- Martijn Pistorius, Imperial College:
Continuously monitored barrier options under Markov processes
- Marek Rutkowski, Sydney:
Market Models of Forward CDS Spreads
- Thorsten Schmidt, Leipzig:
Market Models for CDOs Driven by Time-Inhomogeneous Levy Processes
- Steve Shreve, Carnegie Mellon:
Matching Statistics of an Ito Process by a Process of Diffusion Type
- Stuart Turnbull, Houston:
Measuring and Managing Risk in Innovative Financial Instruments
- Johan Tysk, Uppsala:
Dupire's Equation for Bubbles
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Jianqing Fan, Frederick L. Moore Professor of Finance Director of Committee of Statistical Studies Department of Operation Research and Financial Engineering,Princeton University:
High-dimensional Feature Selection
- Jianqing Fan, Frederick L. Moore Professor of Finance Director of Committee of Statistical Studies Department of Operation Research and Financial Engineering,Princeton University:
ISIS: A vehicle for the universe of sparsity
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Viral Acharya, NYU:
Measuring Systemic Risk
- Rama Cont, Columbia:
Measuring Contagion and Systemic Risk
- Jon Danielsson, London School of Economics:
Risk Appetite and Endogenous Risk
- Erkko Etula, Federal Reserve Bank of New York:
Risk Appetite and Exchange Rates
- Kay Giesecke, Stanford MSE:
Systemic Risk: What Defaults Are Telling Us
- Itay Goldstein, Wharton:
Self-Fulfilling Credit Market Freezes
- Jennifer Huang, University of Texas at Austin:
Optimal Liquidity Policy
- Frank Milne, Queens:
General Approaches for Modelling Liquidity Effects in Asset Markets and their Application to Risk Management Systems
- Wei Xiong, Princeton:
Heterogeneous Beliefs and Short-term Credit Booms
- Hao Zhou, Federal Reserve Board:
Assessing the Systemic Risk of a Heterogeneous Portfolio of Banks during the Recent Financial Crisis
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Naomi Altman, Pennsylvania State University:
Inferring Isoform Expression Using RNA-seq with Restriction EnzymeTags
- David Brillinger, UC Berkeley:
Random trajectories in the plane: some theory and applications
- Arthur Dempster, Harvard University:
Nonparametric Protective Weakening: an Illustration of Dempster- Shafer Inference
- Steven Fienberg, Carnegie-Mellon University:
Longitudinal Mixed-Membership Models for Survey Data on Disability
- Don Fraser, University of Toronto:
Identity for Statistics
- Jerry Lawless, University of Waterloo:
Profile Likelihood Methods with Semi-parametric Models
- Richard Lockhart, Simon Fraser University:
Goodness of Fit and the Large Hadron Collider
- Peter McCullagh, University of Chicago:
Improper mixtures and Bayes’s theorem
- Kai Ng, University of Hong Kong:
How Good Is the Likelihood Asymptotic Inference?
- Ana-Maria Staicu, North Carolina State University:
Generalized Multilevel Functional Regression
- Larry Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon University:
Minimax Estimation of Filaments and Manifolds
- Changbao Wu, University of Waterloo:
Empirical Likelihood Methods for Survey Data
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Samit Bhattacharyya, University of Guelph:
A game theoretical approach to modelling non-vaccinator and delayer behaviours in pandemic influenza
- Sue Ann Campbell, University of Waterloo:
Approximating the Stability Region of a Neural Network with a General Distribution of Delays.
- Yuming Chen, Wilfrid Laurier University:
Threshold dynamics of a delayed reaction diffusion equation subject to Dirichlet condition
- Mohammad Dur-E-Ahmad, University of Waterloo:
Computational model of CA3 hippocampal network
- Guihong Fan, York University:
The role of vectors in vector-borne disease
- Suma Ghosh, York University:
Characterization of H1N1 pandemic waves under various mitigation
- Hongbin Guo, York University:
Global stability of the endemic equilibrium for a staged-progression model with immigration
- Daihai He, McMaster University:
Likelihood-based inference on the cause of multiple waves in the 1918 influenza pandemic in London
- Jane Heffernan, York University:
An introduction to mathematical immunology
- Sehjeong Kim, York University:
A multigroup model for a heterosexually transmitted disease
- Victor LeBlanc, University of Ottawa:
Realization of multiple Hopf bifurcations in DDEs
- Chengzhi Li, Peking University & York Univeristy:
Cyclicities of period annulus for quadratic integrable systems under quadratic perturbations
- Mary Pugh, University of Toronto:
Coating flows on slowly rotating cylinders
- Redouane Qesmi, York University:
Backward bifurcation for a model of Hepatitis B and C virus with age since infection
- Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montréal:
Codimension one 1-resonant singularities of analytic dynamical systems
- Lennaert van Veen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology:
The tangled edge of turbulence in bursting Couette flow
- Hui Wan, York University:
Backward bifurcation in models for West Nile virus
- Jiafeng Wang, York University:
Dynamical modeling of mosquito population in Peel Region with weather conditions
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Yacine Ait-Sahalia, Princeton:
Modeling Financial Contagion using Mutually Exciting Jump Processes
- Marco Bonomo, Getulio Vargas Foundation:
Generalized Disappointment Aversion, Volatility Long-run Risk and Asset Prices
- Robert Engle, New York:
Long Term Skewness and Systemic Risk
- Jianqing Fan, Princeton:
Vast Volatility Matrix Estimation using High Frequency Data for Portfolio Selection
- Kaddour Hadri, Queen's, Belfast Management School:
Modelling Multivariate Interest Rates using Time-varying Copulas and Reducible Non-linear Stochastic Differential Equations
- Lars Hansen, Chicago:
Nonlinear Filtering and Learning Dynamics
- Stan Hurn, QUT Business:
Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameters of Multivariate Diffusion
- Robert Kimmel, Ohio State:
On Estimation of Risk Premia in Linear Factor Models
- Suzanne Lee, Georgia Tech:
Jumps and Information Flow in Financial Markets
- Haitao Li, Michigan:
Exploring Statistical Arbitrage Opportunities in the Term Structure of CDS Spreads
- Yingying Li, Science & Technology, HK:
Studying the Leverage Effect Based on High-frequency Data
- Jia Li, Princeton:
A Local-to-continuity Theory for the Pre-averaging Method
- Andrew Lo, MIT:
WARNING: Physics Envy May Be Hazardous To Your Wealth
- Gael Martin, Monash:
Optimal Probabilistic Forecasts for Counts
- Nour Meddahi, Le Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Toulouse:
The Economic Value of Realized Volatility
- Eric Renault, North Carolina, Chapel Hill:
A Structural Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model
- Joon Park, Indiana:
Asymptotic Theory of Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Diffusion Model
- Eckhard Platen, Univ. of Technology Sydney:
Empirical Properties of a Well Diversified Global Stock Index
- Roberto Reno, Siena:
Nonparametric Leverage Effects
- Paul Schneider, Warwick:
Transition Density Approximations for Multivariate Affine Jump Diffusion Processes
- Osnat Stramer, Iowa:
Bayesian Inference of Discretely Sampled Markov Processes with Closed-form Likelihood Expansions
- George Tauchen, Duke:
The Realized Laplace Transform of Volatility
- Allan Timmerman, UC San Diego:
What is the Shape of the Risk-return Relation?
- Giovanni Urga, Cass Business School, London:
Identifying Jumps in Financial Assets with a Comparison between Nonparametric Jump Tests
- Rossen Valkanov, UC San Diego:
Robust Measure of Time-Varying Skewness at Short and Long Horizons
- Liuren Wu, Baruch College, New York:
A Multifrequency Theory of the Interest Rate Term Structure
- Dacheng Xiu, Princeton:
Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimation of Volatility with High Frequency Data
- Jialin Yu, Columbia:
Option Value of Cash
- Zhibiao Zhao, Penn State:
Nonparametric Model Validations for Hidden Markov Models with Applications in Financial Econometrics
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Darrell Duffie, The Graduate School of Business, Stanford University:
Dark Markets
- Darrell Duffie, The Graduate School of Business, Stanford University:
Dark Markets Part 2
- Darrell Duffie, The Graduate School of Business, Stanford University:
Dark Markets Part 3
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Claudio Albanese, King's College, London:
Credit-equity models and High-Throughput Computing
- Agostino Capponi, California Institute of Technology:
Bilateral counterparty risk valuation with stochastic dynamical models and application to Credit Default Swaps
- Giovanni Cesari, UBS:
Modelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure
- Jean-Francois Chassagneux, Université d'Evry:
Pricing Game Option using Reflected BSDEs
- Stephane Crepey, Evry University:
CVA computation for counterparty risk assessment in credit portfolios
- Tom Hurd, McMaster:
Two factor models of equity and credit derivatives
- Jan Kallsen, University of Kiel:
On the pricing of game options and convertible bonds
- Yuri Kifer, Institute of Mathematics Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
Perfect and Partial Hedging for Multiple Exercise (Swing) Game Options in Discrete And Continuous Time
- Rafael Mendoza-Arriaga, UTexas:
Time Changed Markov Processes in United Credit-equity Modeling
- Abdallah Rahal, Bank AUDI:
Pricing Game Option using Reflected BSDEs: Part II – Application to Pricing Convertible Bonds with call protection
- Dan Rosen, R2 Technologies:
Pricing Counterparty Risk at the Trade Level and CVA Allocations
- Julien Turc, Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking:
Joint modelling of credit spreads, share prices and volatility
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Rene Aid, European Energy Producer EDF:
A structural risk-neutral model for electricity prices
- Alvaro Cartea, Universidad Carlos III & Madrid):
Mean reversion, measure changes and stochastic risk premia in commodity markets
- Michael Coulon, Princeton:
The Electricity Bid Stack: Linking the dynamics of fuel, power and carbon prices
- Gilles Edouard Espinosa, Ecole Polytechnique:
A model of emissions and the price of carbon (joint with R. Carmona and N. Touzi)
- Alex Eydeland, Morgan Stanley:
Commodity Modeling: View from the trenches
- Max Fehr, London School of Economics:
Option Pricing in the European Unions Emission Trading Scheme
- Helyette Geman, Birbeck and ESCP Europ:
Inventory, Commodity Forward Curve and Spot price Volatility: The case of Crude Oil and Natural Gas
- Georg Gruell, Duisburg-Essen:
Pricing CO2 permits using approximation approaches
- Walid Mnif, Western Ontario:
Pricing and Hedging Strategies for Contingent Claims in an Incomplete Hybrid Emissions Market
- Ehud Ronn, Morgan Stanley & Co.:
The Valuation and Information Content of Options on Crude-Oil Futures Contracts
- Marliese Uhrig-Homburg, Universität Karlsruhe:
Understanding the Price Dynamics of Emission Permits: A Model for Multiple Trading Periods
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Yan Bai, PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto:
Region Adaptive algorithm with Online Recursion
- Billy Chang, PhD Candidate, Department of Public Health Science, University of Toronto:
Statistical Approach to Transcript Quantification in RNA-Sequences
- Dr. Radford Neal, Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto:
- Dr. James Ramsay, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, McGill University:
Linear Models for Output-Buffered Systems
- Dr. Kathryn Roeder, Professor, Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University:
Finding rare variants affecting disease risk by genetic matching and a test for mixtures
- Madeleine Thompson, PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto:
Using Correlation Length to Compare MCMC Methods Graphically
- Dr. Angel Valov, PhD Graduate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto:
First Passage Times for Brownian Motion with Applications
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- John Chadam, University of Pittsburgh:
Numerical Simulation of Free Boundary via Integral Equations
- Liming Feng, Illinois:
Hilbert transform approach to options valuation
- Peter Forsyth, Waterloo:
Analysis of A Penalty Method for Pricing a Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (GMWB)
- Lorenzo Garlappi, UBC:
Solving Consumption and Portfolio Choice Problems: The State Variable Decomposition Method
- Jim Gatheral, Merrill Lynch:
Optimal order execution
- Mike Giles, Oxford:
Afternoon discussion
- Mike Giles, Oxford:
Progress with multilevel Monte Carlo methods
- Kay Giesecke, Stanford:
Asymptotically Optimal Importance Sampling For Dynamic Portfolio Credit Risk
- Ralf Korn, TU Kaiserslautern:
Recent advances in option pricing via binomial trees
- Ciamac Moallemi, Columbia:
A multiclass queueing model of limit order book dynamics
- Kumar Muthuraman, UT Austin:
Moving boundary approaches for solving free-boundary problems
- Philip Protter, Cornell:
Absolutely Continuous Compensators
- Chris Rogers, Cambridge:
Convex regression and optimal stopping
- Birgit Rudloff, Princeton:
Hedging and Risk Measurement under Transaction Costs
- Jeremy Staum, Northwestern:
Déjà Vu All Over Again: Efficiency when Financial Simulations are Repeated
- Nizar Touzi, Ecole Polytechnique:
A Probabilistic Numerical Method for Fully Nonlinear Parabolic PDEs
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Emre Balta, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, OCC:
The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable: Challenges in Validating AMA Models
- Eric Cope, IBM Research, Zurich:
Penalized Likelihood Estimators for Truncated Data
- Matthias Degen, Cornell University:
Diversification benefits: a second-order approximation
- Kabir Dutta, Charles River Associates:
On Using Scenario Analysis in The Measurement of Operational Risk: A Systematic Approach for Data Integration
- Elise Gourier, Swiss Banking Institute, University of Zurich:
Operational risk quantification using extreme value theory and copulas: from theory to practice
- Giulio Mignola, Intesa Sanpaolo:
Challenges in measuring operational risks from loss data
- Martin Neil, Queen Mary University, London:
Using Hybrid Dynamic Bayesian Networks to model Operational Risk in Finance
- Tony Peccia, Citi group:
Rethinking Basel II for Operational Risk
- Anupam Sahay, Key corp:
Analytic Approximations for Operational Risk Capital
- Alberto Suarez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid:
Robust quantification of the exposure to operational risk: Bringing economic sense to economic capital
- Beatriz Santa Cruz Blanco, BBVA:
Issues in Modelling Tails in Operational Risk
- John Walter, Bank of America:
Operational Risk Quantification at Bank of America
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- S. Agarwal, MIT:
Gene Prioritization Using Ranking Methods in Machine Learning: A New Computational Approach
- H. Bolouri, Caltech:
The potential impact of inter-individual genomic variations on disease susceptibility and treatment response
- A. Chakraborty, MIT:
Regulation of Ras signaling in lymphocytes
- C. Drapaca, Pennsylvania State University:
An Elastography – Mass Spectroscopy Coupling Model for Tumors’ Classification
- M. Foldvari, University of Waterloo:
Non-viral Gene Delivery Systems based on Gemini Nanoparticles
- S. Haase, Duke University:
Cycling Without Cyclins: New Views on the Cell Cycle Oscillator
- T. Huzil, University of Waterloo:
Atomistic Simulation of Receptor-Ligand Interactions
- T. Mak, UHN, University of Toronto:
Blocking Oncogenes to Cure Cancer: Is the Paradise Lost?
- M. Milosevic, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto:
Individualized, Adaptive Radiotherapy: The Next Frontier in Radiation Medicine
- H. Molavian, University of Waterloo:
New insight on cell metabolism and the relationship between hypoxia and acidity in solid tumors in vivo
- L. Munn, Harvard University:
Modeling tumor blood vessel dynamics
- G. Ostheimer, MIT:
To Sleep or Die: Cell Fate after Chemotherapy
- L. Sander, University of Michigan:
Brain tumor invasion: cell motility, network structure, and the spread of glioma
- S. Sengupta, MIT:
Nanomedicine in Cancer Therapy
- S. Singh, McMaster University:
Brain Tumour Initiating Cells: Why the Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis matters to patients with brain tumours
- J. Tuszynski, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton:
Targeting DNA repair pathways to improve cancer therapies
- D. Tyson, Vanderbilt University:
An EMG model of cell cycle time variability in cancer developed from large datasets of single-cell measurements
- J. Tyson, Virginia Tech:
Mathematical Models of the Molecular Networks that Regulate Cell Growth, Division and Death
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Peter Bank, Technische Universität Berlin:
Market Indifference Prices
- Bruno Bouchard, University Paris-Dauphine:
Optimal Control under Stochastic Target Constraints - Application to portfolio optimization under risk constraints
- Luciano Campi, Université Paris-Dauphine:
Markov bridges and Kyle-Back equilibrium models of insider trading
- Rene Carmona, Princeton University:
Levy Market Models (joint with S. Nadtochiy)
- Patrick Cheridito, Princeton University:
Equilibrium pricing in incomplete markets under translation invariant preferences
- Jaksa Cvitanik, California Institute of Technology:
Complete Market Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Agents
- Emanuela Rosazza Gianin, Università di Milano-Bicocca:
g-expectations and the representation of the penalty term of dynamic convex risk measures
- Nicole El Karoui, Ecole Polytechnique:
Talk on recent work
- Damir Filipovic, Vienna Institute of Finance:
Pricing and Hedging of CDOs: A Top Down Approach
- Marco Frittelli, University of Milan:
Robust representation of dynamic quasiconvex maps
- Paolo Guasoni, Scuola Normale Superiore:
The Incentives of Hedge Fund Fees and High-Water Marks
- Kostas Kardaras, Boston University:
Financial equilibria in incomplete markets where heterogeneous agents with numeraire-invariant preferences act
- Dmitri Kramkov, Carnegie Mellon University:
Talk on recent work
- Kasper Larsen, Carnegie Mellon University:
Continuous equilibria with heterogeneous preferences and unspanned endowments
- Semyon Malamud, ETH-Zentrum:
Information Percolation in Segmented Markets
- Michael Monoyios, University of Oxford:
Optimal exercise of an executive stock option by an insider
- Miklós Rásonyi, University of Edinburgh:
Fragility of arbitrage and bubbles in diffusion models
- Martin Schwiezer, ETH Zurich:
How do optimal portfolios depend on the time horizon?
- Mihai Sirbu, University of Texas at Austin:
Optimal investment on finite horizon with random discrete order flow in illiquid markets
- Josef Teichmann, University of Technology Vienna:
Matrix-valued affine processes -- theory and applications
- Nizar Touzi, Ecole Polytechnique:
Wellposedness of Second Order BSDEs
- Thaleia Zariphoupoulou, University of Texas at Austin:
Investment performance measurement under time-monotone criteria
- XunYu Zhou, University of Oxford:
Finding Quantiles
- Gordan Zitkovic, University of Texas at Austin:
Incomplete-market equilibria with exponential utilities
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Zin Arai, Hokkaido University:
Rigorous verification of uniform hyperbolicity, subshifts of finite type and the pruning front
- Carlos Beltran, Universidad de Cantabria:
A difficult minimization problem: the distribution of points in the sphere
- Martin Berz, Michigan State:
Talk on recent work
- Ilia Binder, Toronto:
Walk on Sphere algorithm and boundary geometry
- Dror Bar-Natan, Toronto:
Dessert: Hilbert's 13th Problem, in Full Colour
- Mark Braverman, Microsoft Research:
Computability and Complexity of Julia Sets
- Nathan Dunfield, Illinois:
Practical solutions to hard problems in 3-dimensional topology
- Herbert Edelsbrunner, Duke University:
Measuring with algebra
- Joel Hass, University of California, Davis:
Unknot diagrams requiring a quadratic number of Reidemeister moves to untangle
- Pat Hooper, Northwestern University:
Billiards in nearly isosceles triangles
- Svetlana Katok, Pennsylvania State University:
Reduction theory and coding of geodesics on the modular surface
- Stefano Luzzatto, International Centre for Theoretical Physics:
Deciding the undecidable: Probabilistic arguments versus finite resolution dynamics
- Igor Pak, UCLA:
Acute triangulations of polytopes
- Saul Schleimer, University of Warwick:
Twister: building triangulations of surface bundles
- Richard Schwartz, Brown University:
Polygonal Outer Billiards
- Carles Simó, Universidad de Barcelona:
The role of Dynamical Systems in Celestial Mechanics.Applications to Astronomy and Astrodynamics
- Sergei Tabachnikov, Penn State University:
Pentagrama Myrificum, Old wine into new wineskins
- Morwen Thistlethwaite, Tennessee:
The exact computation of some representation varieties
- Dylan Thurston, Barnard College, Columbia:
Rigidity of Graphs
- Warwick Tucker, Uppsala:
A rigorous lower bound for the stability regions of the quadratic map
- Shmuel Weinberger, Chicago:
Persistent homology of data, loop spaces, and landscapes
- Daniel Wilczak, University of Bergen:
Rigorous numerics for homoclinic tangencies
- Yosef Yomdin, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
I. Center-Focus Problem for Abel equation, Moment vanishing, Compositions, and Mathieu and Zhao conjectures
- Yosef Yomdin, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
II. "Algebraic" reconstruction of Signals and Images from Fourier Data
- Piotr Zgliczynski, Jagiellonian University:
Heteroclinic connections between fixed points for Kuramoto-Sivashinki PDE, a computer assisted proof
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Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Saugata Basu, Purdue University:
Polynomial hierarchy, Betti numbers and a real analogue of Toda's theorem
- Carlos Beltrán, Universidad de Cantabria:
Path-following methods for solving Smale's 17th problem. Recent progress and open questions
- Peter Bürgisser, Universität Paderborn:
Condition- Lecture 2
- Felipe Cucker, City University of Hong Kong:
Condition - Lecture 1
- Peter Bürgisser, Felipe Cucker, Universität Paderborn, City University of Hong Kong:
Condition - Lecture 3
- Alexandre D'Aspremont, Princeton University:
Tractable performance bounds for compressed sensing
- Jean Pierre Dedieu, Universite de Toulouse:
Complexity of Bezout's Theorem and the Condition Number - Lecture 1
- Jean Pierre Dedieu, Universite de Toulouse:
Complexity of Bezout's Theorem and the Condition Number - Lecture 2
- Jean Pierre Dedieu, Universite de Toulouse:
Complexity of Bezout's Theorem and the Condition Number - Lecture 3
- Marc Giusti, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau:
On the geometry of polar varieties
- Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto:
An interplay between Algebraic Geometry and Convex Geometry - Lecture 1
- Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto:
An interplay between Algebraic Geometry and Convex Geometry - Lecture 2
- Myong-Hi Kim, SUNY at Old Westbury:
The average cost of one variable root finding polynomial
- Gregoire Lecerf, Université de Versailles:
Symbolic deformation techniques for polynomial system solving-Lecture 1
- Gregoire Lecerf, Université de Versailles:
Symbolic deformation techniques for polynomial system solving - Lecture 2
- Gregoire Lecerf, Université de Versailles:
Symbolic deformation techniques for polynomial system solving - Lecture 3
- Renato Monteiro, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Algorithms for large scale structured optimization problems-Lecture1
- Renato Monteiro, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Algorithms for large scale structured optimization problems - Lecture 2
- Renato Monteiro, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Algorithms for large scale structured optimization problems - Lecture 3
- Bernard Mourrain, INRIA Sophia Antipolis:
Isolation of real roots of polynomial systems, complexity and condition number
- Luis Miguel Pardo, Universidad de Cantabria:
On the work of Jean-Pierre Dedieu
- Marie-Francoise Roy, Universite de Rennes 1:
Certificates of positivity in the Bernstein basis
- Andrew Sommese, University of Notre Dame:
Zebra Fish, Tumor Growth, and Algebraic Geometry
- Joris van der Hoeven, Université Paris-Sud:
On the art of guessing
- Yinyu Ye, Stanford University:
On the complexity of L-p norm minimization for p less than 1
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- Peter Abrams, University of Toronto:
A review of research on adaptive movement and an overview of open questions
- Peter Abrams, University of Toronto:
Impacts of movement costs on between-patch movements and ecological interactions
- Priyanga Amarasekare, UCLA:
Non-random dispersal strategies in multi-tropic communities
- Steve Cantrell, University of Miami:
How biased density dependent movement of a species at the boundary of a habitat patch mediates its within-patch dynamics
- Peter Chesson, University of Arizona:
The effects of adaptive predator movement on coexistence of prey species in a spatially varying environment
- Chris Cosner, University of Miami:
Evolutionary aspects of directed movement in reaction-advection-diffusion models and their discrete analogues
- Ross Cressman, Wilfrid Laurier University:
Time Scales and Stability in Models of Coevolution
- Sam Flaxman, University of Colorado:
Coevolution of predator and prey movement mechanisms in an individual based model
- John Fryxell, University of Guelph:
Sociality, movement, and predator-prey dynamics in the Serengeti ecosystem
- Richard Gomulkiewicz, Washington State University:
Evolution of spatial correlations among interacting species
- Robert Holt, University of Florida:
The influence of adaptive movement on coevolutionary dynamics
- Christopher Klausmeier, Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University:
Adaptive movement of phytoplankton in vertical gradients and light and nutrients
- Mathew Leibold, University of Texas:
Metacommunity perspective on the consequences of adaptive dispersal
- Mark Lewis, University of Alberta:
First passage time: Connecting random walks to functional responses
- Frithjof Lutscher, University of Ottawa:
Population dynamics of central place foragers
- Barney Luttbeg, Oklahoma State University:
Adaptive predator and prey movement rules in a spatial game
- Kevin McCann, University of Guelph:
The Critical Role of Movement in Large and Small Ecosystems
- Roger Nisbet, UCSB:
Adaptive movement and spatial scales in advection-dominated systems
- Sebastian Schreiber, U.C. Davis:
Evolution of predator and prey movement in heterogenous environments
- Yuan Lou, Ohio State University:
Evolution of conditional dispersal in spatially heterogeneous habitats
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- David H. Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab:
High-Precision Arithmetic and Experimental Mathematics
- Dan Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
Addition laws on elliptic curves
- Jon Borwein, University of Newcastle:
Exploratory Experimentation and Computation
- Andrew Bremner, Arizona State University:
Rational points on y2 = xn + k
- Timothy Caley, University of Waterloo:
The Prouhet-Tarry-Escott Problem over the Gaussian Integers
- Marc Chamberland, Grinnell College:
Beautiful Sums: from Ramanujan to Apery
- Morley Davidson, Kent State University:
From covering congruences to the superflip: a distributed computing experiment
- Bart de Smit, Universiteit Leiden:
Searching for ABC triples
- Karl Dilcher, Dalhousie University:
Mod p3 analogues of theorems of Gauss and Jacobi on binomial coecients
- Michael Filaseta, University of South Carolina:
Open Problems on Covering Systems
- David Freeman, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands:
Pairing{friendly hyperelliptic curves and Weil restriction
- Hester Graves, Queen's University:
Euclidean Ideals in Imaginary Quadratic Fields
- Richard Guy, University of Calgary:
Talk on recent work
- Patrick Ingram, University of Waterloo:
Periodic points for polynomials over number elds
- Jeff Lagarias, University of Michigan:
Ternary Expansions of Powers of 2
- Tanje Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven:
Edwards curves for ECM
- Hendrik Lenstra, Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden:
Pro nite Fibonacci numbers
- James McKee, Royal Holloway, University of London:
Totally Positive Algebraic Integers of Small Trace
- Michael Mossinghoff, Davidson College:
Wieferich Madness
- Ram Murty, Queen's University:
Ramanujan and the ζ-function
- Nathan Ng, University of Lethbridge:
Talk on recent work
- Georges Rhin, Université de Metz:
On the totally real algebraic integers with diameter less than 4
- Igor Schparlinski, Macquarie University:
Possible Group Structures of Elliptic Curves
- Chris Smyth, University of Edinburgh:
Intersecting plane curves with the Euclidean algorithm
- Cam Stewart, University of Waterloo:
Neighbouring Powers
- Graeme Taylor, University of Edinburgh:
Integer Matrices with Constrained Eigenvalues
- Michael Yampolsky, University of Toronto:
Diophantine conditions and computability in polynomial dynamics
- Soroosh Yazdani, McMaster University:
On Szpiro's Conjecture
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Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Panos Aliferis, IBM Watson Research Center:
Talk on recent work
- Panos Aliferis, IBM Watson Research Center:
Talk on recent work
- Jonathan Baugh, University of Waterloo:
NMR Quantum Information Processing
- Jonathan Baugh, University of Waterloo:
Advances and prospects in QIP implementations
- Daniel Gottesman, Perimeter Institute:
Quantum Error Correction
- Daniel Gottesman, Perimeter Institute:
Quantum Error Correction cont.
- David Kribs, University of Gueph:
Quantum information basics
- Daniel Lidar, University of Southern California:
Hybrid quantum error prevention, reduction, and correction methods
- Daniel Lidar, University of Southern California:
Hybrid quantum error prevention, reduction, and correction methods cont.
- Norbert Lutkenhaus, University of Waterloo:
Quantum Key Distribution: Theory and Practice
- Michele Mosca, University of Waterloo:
Quantum Computer Algorithms
- Michele Mosca, University of Waterloo:
Quantum Computer Algorithms
- Barry Sanders, University of Calgary:
Implementing quantum information in silicon
- Guifre Vidal, University of Queensland:
- Guifre Vidal, University of Queensland:
Entanglement in quantum many-body systems
- John Watrous, University of Waterloo:
Quantum Computational Complexity part 1
- John Watrous, University of Waterloo:
Quantum Computational Complexity part 2
- Jon Yard, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
Asymptotic theory of quantum communication
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- James Agler, UCSD:
Shur models, realizations and the generalization of theorems of Catatheodory, Julia and Wolf to several variables
- William Arveson, UC Berkeley:
Standard Hilbert modules and the K-homology of algebraic varieties
- Joseph Ball, VPISU:
Hardy algebras associated with W-correspondences: examples and applications
- Shibananda Biswas, Indian Statistical Institute:
Invariants for semi-Fredholm Hilbert module
- Vladimir Bolotnikov, The College of William and Mary:
Functional-model realizations for contractive multipliers of the Drury-Arveson space
- Man-Duen Choi, University of Toronto:
Joint spectral circles
- Kenneth Davidson, University of Waterloo:
Commutant Lifting for Commuting Row Contractions
- Ronald Douglas, TAMU:
On Resolutions of Hilbert Modules
- Lawrence Fialkow, SUNY New Paltz:
Positivity of Riesz functionals and solutions of quadratic and quartic moment problems
- Palle Jorgensen, University of Iowa:
Representations of the Cuntz algebras, and some of their applications
- Michael Jury, University of Florida:
The commutative operator algebra of a finite-dimensional operator space
- Elias Katsoulis, East Carolina University:
Semicrossed products of the non-commutative disc algebras
- Matthew Kennedy, University of Waterloo:
Wandering vectors and the hyper-reflexivity of the free semigroup algebras
- Derek Kitson, Trinity College Dublin:
A collection of Browder joint spectra
- Greg Knese, University of California, Irvine:
Rational inner functions on the bidisk
- Terry A. Loring, University of New Mexico:
Noncommutative Semialgebraic sets
- Meghna Mittal, University of Houston:
Operator Algebra of Functions
- Mihai Putinar, UCSB:
Extremal pluriharmonic functions in the unit ball
- Justin R. Peters, Iowa State University:
Semicrossed products of Exel type
- Stefan Richter, University of Tennessee:
Extremals for families of commuting operators
- Roger Roybal, CSU Channel Islands:
The joint defect index of a symmetric operator tuple
- Kristian Seip, Trondheim University:
Bounded analytic functions on the infinite polydisc
- Orr Shalit, University of Waterloo:
Representing a product system representation as a contractive semigroup and applications to dilation theory
- Subrata Shyam Roy, Indian Statistical Institute:
Homogeneous Operators, Jet Construction and Similarity
- Tavan Trent, University of Alabama:
On the Taylor spectrum of n-tuples of Toeplitz operators on the polydisk
- Dror Varolin, Stony Brook University:
Weighted-L2 extension of holomorphic functions from hypersurfaces in Cn
- Hugo J. Woerdeman, Drexel University:
Classes of tuples of commuting contractions satisfying the multivariable von Neumann inequality
- Bamdad Yahaghi, University of Golestan:
An overview of trangularizability results on collections of compact
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Girish S. Agarwal, Oklahoma State University:
How Much Quantum Noise is Detrimental to Entanglement
- Alain Aspect, Groupe d'Optique Atomique:
From Einstein's LichtQuanten to Wheeler's delayed choice experiment: quantum weirdness brought to light
- Stephen Bartlett, The University of Sydney:
Quantum computers: A new state of matter?
- Daniel Burgarth, Imperial College London:
Scalable quantum computation via local control of only two qubits
- Kyung Soo Choi, California Institute of Technology:
Coherent control and characterization of entanglement with atomic ensembles
- Susan Clark, Stanford University:
Ultrafast optical spin echo for electron spins in semiconductors
- David G. Cory, MIT:
The Design and Function of Quantum Information Processors
- Steve Flammia, Perimeter Institute:
Ultrafast quantum state tomography
- Shohini Ghose, Wilfrid Laurier University:
Entanglement and nonlocality in multiqubit pure states
- Nicolas Gisin, Université de Genève:
Solid-state quantum memories for quantum repeaters
- Lucien Hardy, Perimeter Institute:
Operational Computation with Quantum Stuff
- Seogjoo Jang, Queens College of the City University of New York:
Theory of coherent resonance energy transfer for coherent initial condition
- Thomas Jennewein, Institute for Quantum Computing:
Quantum Communication and Information Processing with Photons - Experiments and Outlook
- Masato Koashi, Osaka University:
Complementarity and security of quantum key distribution
- Jordan Kyriakidis, Dalhousie University:
Non-adiabatic quantum control of multiple quantum dots embedded in cavities with global femtosecond optical pulses
- Anthony Laing, University of Bristol:
Quantum Process Discrimination, Waveguides, and Fault Tolerant Quantum Processes
- Jeff Lundeen, National Research Council, Institute for National Measurement Standards:
Designed photons from birefrigent waveguides
- Alberto M. Marino, NIST:
Applications of Four-Wave Mixing in Quantum Information
- John Martinis, University of California Santa Barbara:
Synthesizing arbitrary photon states in a superconducting resonator: The quantum digital to analog converter
- Ross McKenzie, University of Queensland:
Electronic excited states in optically active biomolecules: functional quantum systems with a tuneable environment interaction
- Akimasa Miyake, Perimeter Institute:
Quantum matchgate computation is as powerful as space-bounded quantum computation
- Chris Monroe, University of Maryland:
Quantum Networks with Ions, Phonons, and Photons
- Marcus Motzkus, University of Marburg:
Spectroscopy of biological molecules using coherent control
- P.K. Pathak, Queen's University:
Merging photonic crystal cavities and single quantum dots: a practical source of entangled photon pairs
- Terence Rudolph, Imperial College London:
A photonic cluster state machine gun
- Masahide Sasaki, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology:
Going beyond Gaussian limits on continuous variable processing and measurement
- Gregory Scholes, University of Toronto:
Coherently wired light-harvesting in a photosynthetic marine alga at ambient temperature
- Evgeny Shapiro, The University of British Columbia:
``Piecewise'' vs. ``Coherently controlled'' adiabatic passage
- Christoph Simon, University of Calgary:
Quantum Repeaters
- Martin J. Stevens, NIST:
Measuring High-Order Coherences of Chaotic and Coherent Optical States
- Hiroki Takesue, NTT Corporation:
Unconditionally secure entanglement-based quantum key distribution experiment
- Wolfgang Tittel, University of Calgary:
Photon-Echo Quantum Memory and Controlled State Manipulation
- Yuuki Tokunaga, NTT, Osaka University:
Complete process tomography of experimental one-way quantum computation
- Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford University:
Quantum dots in photonic crystals: from quantum information processing to optical switching at a single photon level
- Andrew White, University of Queensland:
Quantum Chemistry on a Quantum Computer: First Steps and Prospects
- Nathan Wiebe, University of Calgary:
Quantum Computer Simulations of Time Dependent Hamiltonians
- Lian-Ao Wu, University of the Basque Country:
Looking into the relation between quantum phase transition and entanglment via density functional theorey
- Ting Yu, Stevens Institute of Technology:
Disentanglement and Control of Qubit Systems
- Ran Zhao, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Long-lived Quantum Memories
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Devon N. Biggerstaff, Institute for Quantum Computing:
Optical implementation of a POVM measurement for photonic cluster-state quantum computing
- Aharon Brodutch, Macquarie University:
Zero Discord
- Chen-Fu Chiang, University of Central Florida:
A Quantum Algorithm for Approximating Partition Functions
- Jason Crann, University of Guelph:
The Geometry of Anticoherent Spin States
- Nathaniel Johnston, University of Guelph:
The Multiplicative Domain in Quantum Error Correction
- Nathan Killoran, IQC:
Remote state preparation: Quantum vs. Classical
- Olivier Landon-Cardinal, Universite de Montreal:
Decoherence Supression via environment preparation
- Lauri Lehman, Macquarie University:
Quantum walks with anyons
- Easwar Magesan, University of Waterloo:
Characterizing the Quantum Gate Fidelity
- Evan Meyer-Scott, Institute for Quantum Computing:
Quantum Key Distribution at 810 nm Through Installed Fibre Optics
- Osama Moussa, Institute for Quantum Computing:
Testing contextuality on quantum ensembles with one clean qubit
- Nishan Mudalige, University of Guelph:
The Geometry of The Higher-Rank Numerical Range and its Implications in Quantum Data Error Correction
- Corey O'Meara, University of Guelph:
The geometry of Schur maps and their application to the description of random unitary channels
- Gina Passante, University of Waterloo:
Approximating the Jones polynomial: an NMR experiment
- Jibran Rashid, University of Calgary:
Optimal Protocols for Non-locality Distillation
- Ressa S. Said, Macquarie University:
Atomic phase estimation using a composite method of adaptive feedback and multiple phase shifts
- Anya Tafliovich, University of Toronto:
Predicative Quantum Programming
- Borzumehr Toloui, University of Calgary:
Frameness of Formation for Single Qubits
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Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing
- Koenraad Audenaert, University of London:
Variance bounds and commutators
- Fernando Brandao, Imperial College London:
Quantum hypothesis testing of non-i.i.d. states and its connection to reversible resource theories
- Benoit Collins, University of Ottawa:
Random quantum channels: almost sure confinement of the eigenvalues
- Toby Cubitt, University of Bristol:
Superactivation of the Zero-Error Classical Capacity of a Quantum Channel
- Edward Effros, UCLA:
Introduction to operator spaces
- Patrick Hayden, McGill University:
A liberation process for quantum mutual information
- Marius Junge, University of Illinois:
Mixed Lp-norms and minimal entropy
- Nilufer Koldan/ Christopher King, Northeastern University:
Comments on Hastings' additivity counterexamples-1
- Christopher King, Northeastern University:
Comments on Hastings' additivity counterexamples-2
- Vladimir Korepin, Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics:
Entanglement in Quantum Spin Chains
- David Kribs, University of Guelph:
Introduction to some operator structures relevant to quantum information
- Debbie Leung, University of Waterloo:
Continuity of quantum channel capacities
- Milan Mosonyi, National University of Singapore:
Discriminating correlated states of quantum lattice systems
- Ion Nechita, University of Ottawa and Université Lyon 1:
Majorization, entanglement catalysis, stochastic domination and $\ell_p$ norms
- Ion Nechita, University of Ottawa and Université Lyon 1:
Random quantum channels: graphical calculus
- Igor Bjelakovic/ Janis Noetzel, Technische Universitaet Berlin:
Universal quantum channel coding
- Carlos Palazuelos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid:
Operator Spaces: A natural language for Bell Inequalities
- Mary Beth Ruskai, Tufts University:
LOCC in operator language
- Volkher Scholz, LUH:
Tsirelson's problem
- M.E. Shirokov, Steklov Mathematical Institute:
The stability property of the set of quantum states and its applications
- Graeme Smith, IBM TJ Watson Research Center:
Introduction to quantum channel capacities
- Erling Stormer, University of Oslo:
Mapping cones of positive maps of B(H) into itself with H finite dimensional
- John Watrous, University of Waterloo:
Semidefinite programs for completely bounded norms
- Stephanie Wehner, Caltech:
A strong converse for classical channel coding using entangled inputs
- Michael Wolf, Copenhagen University:
Short stories on concatenated quantum channels
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- Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Harvard University:
Quantum computer simulation for chemical dynamics and molecular electronic structure
- Paul W. Ayers, McMaster University:
Variational Reduced Density Matrix Theory: Successes and Failures
- Bastiaan Braams, Emory University:
The reduced density matrix method and some complexity issues
- Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, Cornell University:
The DMRG and Correlator Product States
- Matthias Christandl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München:
Estimating the spectrum of an operator - a technique for the analysis of spectral relations via representation theory
- Robert Erdahl, Queen's University:
Reduced density matrices, the lower bound method and the contracted Schroedinger equation
- Alexander Klyachko, Bilkent University:
Quantum marginal problem
- Alexander Klyachko, Bilkent University:
The Pauli exclusion principle and beyond
- Robert Koenig (Caltech), Graeme Mitchison (University of Cambridge):
de Finetti theorems for quantum states
- Allen Knutson, University of California, San Diego:
Schubert Calculus short course
- Allen Knutson, University of California, San Diego:
Schubert Calculus short course part 2
- Allen Knutson, University of California, San Diego:
Schubert Calculus short course part 3
- Allen Knutson, University of California, San Diego:
Schubert Calculus short course part 4
- Yi-Kai Liu, California Institute of Technology:
N-representability is QMA-complete
- Peter Love, Haverford College:
QMA-complete problems for stoquastic Hamiltonians and Markov matrices
- Stefano Pironio, University of Geneva:
Non-commutative polynomial optimization and the varianional RDM method
- Renato Renner, ETH Zurich:
De Finetti and entropies
- Mary Beth Ruskai, Tufts University:
transition remarks
- Frank Verstraete, University of Vienna:
Density matrices in real-space renormalization group methods
- Tzu-Chieh Wei, University of Waterloo:
Bosonic N-representability problem is also QMA-complete
- Andreas Winter, University of Bristol:
A new inequality for the von Neumann entropy
- Michael M. Wolf, Niels Bohr Institute:
Bell inequalities and joint measurability - relating classical and quantum marginal problems
Back to 2009-2010 Event Listing