Thomas Szirtes has a B.Eng. degree from the Technical University of Budapest,
Hungary and M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from McGill University, Montreal - all in
mechanical engineering. He was a Specialist Engineer at RCA Ltd. in Montreal,
and a Senior Staff Engineer at SPAR Aerospace Ltd. in Toronto. He was one of the
Project Engineers of the Shuttle Robotic Arm (CANADARM), for which he received
NASA's "Achievement Award". As resident advisor, he was also involved in the
design of the maintenance manipulator for the Princeton University Plasma
Physics Laboratory's TOKAMAK Fusion Test Reactor in N.J., USA. Dr. Szirtes has
published over 60 scientific and engineering papers as well as a college text in
mathematical logic; his book on dimensional methods will be published by
McGraw-Hill (New York) in 1997. He taught mechanics at the Technical University
of Budapest, mechanics at McGill University, and mathematical logic at Loyola
College in Montreal. He was the founding editor of SPAR Journal of
Engineering and Technology. Dr. Szirtes is now the president of his own
consulting firm and spends his time consulting, writing and teaching.
The 'dimensional method' provides an
extremely potent tool in the designs and tests of physical systems. It is also
efficient in deriving functional relations among physical variables by
non-analytic means, in checking the correctness of analytically derived
formulas, and in the logistic of graphical presentation of multivariable
A new and elegant technique, based on matrix arithmetic, is presented
yielding "dimensionless variables" from which the case-specific model laws can
be simply read off. These laws then serve as bases for all model
experimentation. The lecture also deals with the application of heuristic
reasoning, augmented by a number of practical and theoretical examples from the
fields of engineering and applied sciences. As well, a short list of supportive
literature is given.
Industrial Mathematics Seminar is offered to any interested participant -- no
reservation is necessary. The Institute is located at 222 College Street,
between University Ave. and Spadina Ave. near Huron. Parking is available in pay
lots located behind the Fields Institute building (quarters and loonies only),
across College St. from the Institute (cash only), and underground at the Clarke
Institute of Psychiatry (entry on Spadina Ave., just north of College
Information on the 1996-97 Industrial Mathematics Seminars is
available through the Fields Institute's world wide web site. For quick
reference, place an electronic bookmark on the web page