14th International
Congress on Insurance:
Mathematics and Economics
June 17- 19, 2010
University of Toronto

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Bachelier Congress 2010
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The organizing committees are delighted to invite you to attend the 14th annual IME Congress in Toronto Canada from June 17-19, 2010.

The IME Congress is an important forum for researchers to focus on the latest advances, trends and developments and to bring together scientists, academicians and insurance sector professionals from all over the world in the area of actuarial science and insurance and financial modeling. The theory and methods of actuarial science, and its applications in insurance, finance and risk management fields will be the core of the presentations at the Congress.

The Congress was created by the editorial board of the Elsevier journal
"Insurance: Mathematics and Economics". The journal began publication in 1982 and has developed into one of the leading journals in the field of actuarial science, life and non-life insurance and financial risk.

The first Congress was held in 1997 in Amsterdam, and since then the annual Congresses have been held in locations around the world, including London (1999), Rome (2004), Quebec City (2005), Dalian (China) (2008) and Istanbul (2009). All the Congresses have been held in major cities of Europe, North America and Asia as shown on the right. It is a great honour to be chosen to host the 2010 Congress in Toronto.

Keynote Speakers:
Edward (Jed) Frees (Wisconsin, Madison): Individual Risk Predictive Modeling
Kai W. Ng (HKU): A Journey from Posterior to Prior and the Aftermath
Jostein Paulsen (Copenhagen): On the optimal dividend problem for diffusion processes

Previous Keynote Speakers
Past Congresses have had leading international researchers as keynote speakers, including Phelim Boyle (Wilfred Laurier University), Elias Shiu (University of Iowa), Ragner Norberg (London School of Economics) and Hans Gerber (University of Lausanne)

The Congress organizers are grateful to have the support of the Fields Insitutue for Research in Mathematics for arranging so many of the conference details and activities . The congress will be followed by the 6th World Congress of The Bachelier Society taking place from June 22 to 26, 2010 at the Hilton Hotel in Toronto. The two conferences will conclude a sixth month Fields Thematic Program on Quantitative Finance.


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