bifurcation techniques for applications in fluid dynamics
Organized by
Greg Lewis Faculty of Science, UOIT
Lennaert van Veen (UOIT)
this mini-symposium, we discuss emerging numerical techniques in the
application of dynamical systems theory to problems in fluid dynamics,
or other high-dimensional systems. Novel methods and software for the
computation and continuation of steady, periodic and connecting solutions
are presented, and specific issues associated with the high-dimensional
nature of the systems are highlighted. Applications include dynamics
of bubbles, planar shear flow and pipe flow. The first talk will provide
a context and will include a short introduction of the session.
van Veen
Faculty of Science, UOIT
computation of 2D unstable manifolds
In this presentation, I will provide a brief introduction to the
application of dynamical systems theory to fluid dynamics. As an
example, I will discuss an algorithm for the computation of 2D invariant
manifolds based on a covering of the manifold by orbit segments
which are solutions to an under-determined boundary value problem.
I show how this algorithm can be combined with multiple shooting
and Newton-Krylov techniques. The resulting scalable algorithm comes
with an exact convergence results for the subspace iteration. We
demonstrate our approach by computing a cycle-to-cycle homoclinic
orbit in a well-resolved simulation of plane Couette turbulence.
F. Gibson
Dept. Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Hampshire |
a high-level software system for numerical research in wall-bounded
shear flows
Research in computational fluid dynamics is often hindered by the
complexity of algorithms and the impenetrability of inherited codes.
Channelflow is a C++ software system whose principal aim is to lower
this barrier to entry by providing a high-level, Matlab-like language
for numerical research in wall-bounded channel flows. In channelflow,
CFD codes are short scripts that can be rapidly developed and easily
understood. This talk will give an overview of the channelflow libraries,
present some examples of channelflow programming, and demonstrate
some of channelflow's flexible command-line utilities for dynamical-systems
computations. |
L. Hazel
Manchester Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics and School of Mathematics,
University of Manchester |
states of bubble propagation in axially-uniform tubes
We use a combination of physical experiments and numerical continuation
methods to examine the bifurcation structure associated with the
propagation of long air bubbles in tubes of rectangular cross section.
A unique, centred solution exists for all such tubes, but the introduction
of an axially-uniform, centred constriction can lead to symmetry-broken
(or localised) solutions above a critical flow rate. Regions of
bistability are found for sufficiently severe constrictions and
increasing the constriction width leads to oscillations between
the symmetric and localised states. We investigate the physical
mechanisms that lead to these oscillations and their connection
to a global bifurcation scenario. |
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
Galerkin methods for bifurcation phenomena in the flow through open
systems (slides
of talk)
In the past, studies of bifurcation phenomena of flow in a cylindrical
pipe with a sudden expansion have proven inconclusive. In a recent
study we sought to exploit the O(2)-symmetric properties of the
problem, thus making it tractable by reducing a 3-dimensional problem
to a series of 2-dimensional ones. In this talk we will advocate
the use of a discontinuous Galerkin method for the numerical solution
of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and develop goal-oriented
error estimation techniques and an hp-adaptive strategy to ensure
the accurate location of any bifurcation points. We then apply the
method to the flow in a suddenly expanding pipe. |