Workshop Organizers:
Hugh Chipman, Acadia University
Antonio Ciampi, McGill University |
Theodora Kourti, McMaster University
Helmut Kroger, Laval University
Michael Vainder, Generation 5 |
Data mining, the science of extracting information from massive,
complex databases, continues to be an exciting area of research.
Domain-specific problems provide fertile ground for stimulating
new research on challenging problems. Building on the successful
2004 data mining workshop held at the Fields Institute, this year's
event will look at data mining theory and methodology, and consider
and challenging problems in specific application areas. Topics
this year include data mining theory, supervised learning with
tree models, bioinformatics, and mining transactional data on
graphs. Several of these topics represent new territory not covered
at last year's event.
As with last year, the workshop will feature speakers from several
disciplines involved in data mining, including statistics, computer
science, and medicine.
The format of the workshop will include talks, open discussions
and poster sessions, with a view towards stimulating interactions
between participants and identification of promising new directions
in research and applications. Graduate students are encouraged
to participate, and may apply for limited travel funding.
Registration fees, $100 faculty and $25 for students and postdoctoral
Travel Support:
Some travel funds are available for students. Deadline to apply
was October 15
Poster session:
Students or postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to present a poster.
Those wishing to do so should indicate on the registration form
the title and abstract.
Invited speakers:
William Bush, Vanderbilt University
Zhengxin Chen, University of Omaha
Simon Gluzman, Generation 5
Wenxue Huang, Generation 5
Limin Lin, Generation 5
Wei-Yin Loh, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Robert McCulloch, University of Chicago
Abdissa Negassa, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
of Yeshiva University
Vito Quaranta, Vanderbilt University
Sam Roweis, University of Toronto
Tim Swartz, Simon Fraser University
Chris Volinsky, AT&T Labs
Gregory Warnes, Global Research and Development, PFIZER
Yale Zhang, Dofasco
Djamel Zighed, University Lumiere Lyon 2
Confirmed Participants as of November
9, 2005
Fullname |
University Name |
Alfred Benn |
TD Bank Financial Group |
Briollais, Laurent |
Mount Sinai Hospital |
Burgoyne, John Ashley |
Schulich School of Music, McGill University |
Bush, William S. |
Vanderbilt University |
Cao, Jiguo |
McGill University |
Chen, Huarong |
McMaster University |
Chen, Wenhong |
University of Waterloo |
Chen, Zhengxin |
University of Nebraska at Omaha |
Chenouri, Shoja'eddin |
University of Waterloo |
Chipman, Hugh |
Acadia University |
Ciampi, Antonio |
McGill University |
Currie, Duane |
Acadia University |
Dyachenko, Alina |
McGill University |
Efron, Bradley |
Stanford University |
Fan, Guangzhe |
University of Waterloo |
Gao, YanFei |
McMaster University |
Gluzman, Simon |
Generation 5 |
Hossain, Ahmed |
University of Toronto |
Huang, Wenxue |
Generation5 Incorporated |
Huynh, Wyn |
Hillsdale Investment Management Inc. |
Ilhamto, Gatot |
University of Guelph |
Jafari Jozani, Mohammad |
University of Sherbrooke |
Kourti, Theodora |
McMaster University |
Kröger, Helmut |
Universite' Laval |
Kruger, Mike |
Information Resources Inc. |
Le, Lisa |
University of Toronto |
Lee, Sophia |
University of Toronto |
Lin, Limin |
Generation 5 |
Liu, Xuyuan |
University of Waterloo |
Loh, Wei-Yin |
University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Ma, Guoxuan |
McMaster University |
McCulloch, Robert |
University of Chicago |
Mills, Shirley |
Carleton University |
Mitsakakis, Nicholas |
University of Toronto |
Mosesova, Sofia |
University of Waterloo |
Nahm, Erika |
Acadia University |
Neal, Radford |
University of Toronto |
Negassa, Abdissa |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva
University |
Nettel-Aguirre, Alberto |
Acadia University |
Edward Norminton |
Carleton University |
O'Rourke, Keith |
Ottawa Health Research Institute |
Pallaver, Tanguy |
Laval University |
Parkhomenko, Elena |
University of Toronto |
Payandeh, Amir T. |
Universite de Sherbrooke |
Quaranta, Vito |
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine |
Rangrej, Jagadish |
Hospital for Sick children |
Ross, William |
Health Canada |
Roushanaei, Bita |
University of Waterloo |
Roweis, Sam |
University of Toronto |
Shen, Hui |
University of British Columbia |
Shi, Xiaofei |
Dalhousie University |
Singh, Odesh |
University of Toronto |
James Stafford |
University of Toronto |
Su, Wanhua |
University of Waterloo |
Sun, Shuying |
University of Toronto |
Swartz, Tim |
Simon Fraser University |
Tassoudji, Marjan |
Hospital for Sick Children |
Theberge, Francois |
Gov. of Canada and University of Ottawa |
Tritchler, David |
University of Toronto/OCI/PMH |
Vainder, Michael |
Generation 5 |
Volinsky, Chris |
AT&T Labs - Research |
Wang, Li |
McMaster University |
Wang, Liangliang |
McGill University |
Wang, Steven Xiaogang |
York University |
Wang, Xu |
University of Waterloo |
Warnes, Gregory |
Pfizer Global Research and Development |
Warren, Robert |
University of Waterloo |
Xu, Haipeng |
Mcgill University |
Xu, Li |
Montreal Neurological Institute |
Yang, Rong |
McMaster University |
Yuan, Fei |
University of Waterloo |
Zagdanski, Adam |
University of Toronto |
Zamir, Mair |
Univesity of Western Ontario |
Zhang, Yale |
Dofasco, Inc |
Zhou, Qian Michelle |
University of Waterloo |
Zhu, Jiaping |
McMaster University |
Zighed, Djamel Abdelkader |
Université Lumière Lyon 2 |