In 1984, it was suggested by D.A. Preece that at least 100,000 multiple
regression analyses were performed per day, but that very few of these
were "sensible and worthwhile". Focussing on the case of a single
continuous response and multiple predictor variables that can be continuous
or categorical, this lecture and laboratory will focus on how to perform
sensible multiple linear regression analyses. Discussion will include
deciding which variables to include and in what form, model evaluation,
overfitting and shrinkage, and model validation.
Instructor: Alison L. Gibbs,
Department of Statistics, University of Toronto
Since completing her PhD in statistics, Alison has held faculty positions
at York University and the University of Toronto. She is currently a Senior
Lecturer in Statistics and Faculty Advisor to the Statistical Consulting
Service in the Department of Statistics at the University of Toronto,
where her focus is on teaching applied statistics and training graduate
students in statistical consulting. She has collaborated with colleagues
across the university, particularly in sleep research and nutritional
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