March 13, 2025

MathEd Forum

MathEd Forum Meetings

What's new?

Steering Committee

Directions to the
Fields Institute

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings:

September 24, 2016
October 29, 2016
November 26, 2016
(No meeting in December)
January 28, 2017
February 25, 2017
March 25, 2017
April 29, 2017

Schedule of Previous Meetings:

September 26, 2015--10 am-2 pm

October 31, 2015 --11 am-3 pm -- Away meeting in Ottawa (New time)
November 28, 2015 -- 10 am-2 pm
January 30, 2016 --10 am-2 pm
February 27, 2016--10 am-2 pm (For FieldsLive: please go to
March 26, 2016 -- 10 am-2 pm --> moved to April 2, 2016
April 23, 2016 -- 10am-2pm

The MathEd Forum meets on a monthly basis during the academic year. The meetings are at the Fields Institute, teachers and interested participants are welcome to attend.

Past Meeting index

How to participate Please register to attend MathEd Forum Meetings. This will ensure that meeting materials are prepared for you. In addition Fields reports to our funding agencies on the number participants at our Mathematics Education activities. Register here
Subscribe to our mail list

Forum meeting agendas are sent out to this mail list and you will receive announcements about activities in the field of mathematics education.

Fields Mathematics Education Journal
This international peer-reviewed online journal aims to provide open access to the range of themes that attract attention of the mathematics education community in Ontario, Canada and internationally. The focus of this periodical is to stimulate discussions, reflections, research, and commentaries about mathematics education within and between different interest groups. The FMEJ particularly encourages submissions of manuscripts related to presentations at the Fields Mathematics Education Forum. The journal is intended for any person interested in mathematics education, including researchers and practitioners. It has an international editorial board and will be published bi-annually.

Mission of the Forum

The Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum promotes discussion of issues in mathematics education at all levels, with special emphasis on education in the Province of Ontario. The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences serves as the host of the Forum, but does not determine the agenda or the conclusions of the Forum. It is the goal of the Forum to consider objectively new ideas and diverse views in mathematics education, to facilitate consensus and to promote the enhancement of mathematics education in Ontario and Canada.

The Forum's mandate is to foster the development of new ideas, methodologies and materials with respect to possible changes that could improve education in mathematics, and to work for the implementation of such changes.

MathEd Forum Task Force Reports An archive of past task force activities and their reports.
Other Resources, Useful Links and Initiatives
Links to other Mathematics Education Sites, Associations and Conferences
Journals and Initiatives.


Announcements of interest to MathEd Forum members and interested participants.

Past Activities in Math Education Archive of annual activities in Math Education supported by Fields.

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