MathEd Forum

March 13, 2025


The Steering Committee of the Fields Mathematics Education Forum is pleased to announce the launch of the Fields Mathematics Education Journal (FMEJ). This international peer-reviewed online journal aims to provide open access to the range of themes that attract attention of the mathematics education community in Ontario, Canada and internationally. The focus of this periodical is to stimulate discussions, reflections, research, and commentaries about mathematics education within and between different interest groups. The FMEJ particularly encourages submissions of manuscripts related to presentations at the Fields Mathematics Education Forum. The journal is intended for any person interested in mathematics education, including researchers and practitioners. It has an international editorial board and will be published bi-annually. All submissions are peer-reviewed. Both submissions in English or French are acceptable. As it is the case with the Fields Mathematics Education Forum, the FMEJ is open for a variety of viewpoints. The views expressed or implied in the publication, unless otherwise noted, should not be interpreted as official positions of the Fields Institute. Manuscripts previously published in other journals, books or electronic venues are not accepted for review.

Editors: Donna Kotsopoulos (Wilfrid Laurier) and Dragana Martinovic (Windsor)

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