MathEd Forum

March 12, 2025

November 29, 2008
Fields MathEd Forum Meeting

29 November, 2008, 10 am - 2 pm
Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto

1. Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, CMESG and others

2. Announcements, updates

3. Research in Mathematics Education presentations:
* Kate Mackrell, Graduate Student, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK: Engaging students and doing mathematics with Cabri 3D
* Cathy Bruce, Associate Professor, School of Education, Trent University: The research-practice relationship and collaborative ventures in mathematics education
* Jennifer Hall, Graduate Student, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa: Women's High School and University Experiences that Influence the Pursuit of Undergraduate Mathematics Degrees
* Sue Wilson, Lecturer, Australian Catholic University Limited, Canberra,
Australia: An Aussie reflects on teaching and learning mathematics and science

A light lunch will be served around 12 noon.

Note: first meeting in 2009 is scheduled for 24 January 2009.

Meeting agenda (Research Day): confirmed participants
* Carolyn Kieran, University of Montreal
* Barbara Graves, University of Ottawa
* Paul Betts, University of Winnipeg
* Alba Agostino, Guelph University
* Joan Moss and Nathalie Sinclair (jointly), OISE, and Simon Fraser, respectively

