Theme:Risky Business
28, 2012 at 10 am- 2 pm
Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto
10:00 am-12:00 noon
10:00 - 10:15am
Reports: Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME),
Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA),
Ontario Colleges Mathematics Association (OCMA),
Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG),
Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), and other.
10:15 - 10:50 am
Desheng Dash Wu (University of Toronto): Preparing a
mathematician for a financial practitioner position
This introductory talk will inform the audience about the range
of possibilities that exist for mathematics graduates in the financial
industry. Specifically, we will discuss issues around preparing
mathematicians to work as financial practitioners in the banks.
The risk management tools that are key for a financial risk practitioner
will be introduced and related skills discussed.
Desheng Dash Wu is an Affiliate Professor and Managing Director,
RiskLab, University of Toronto, and Associate Professor of OR
and Finance, Reykjavik University. He is a visiting professor
at the Fields Institute (2011-2012). His research interests focus
on enterprise risk management, performance evaluation in financial
industry, and credit risk. He is the editor of Springer book series
titled "Computational Risk Management". He is the Senior
Editor for Risk Management at J. of Human and Ecological Risk
Assessment (the first journal in this area, impact factor 1.523)
and an Associate Editor for Expert Systems (impact factor 1.231).
10:50 - 11:25 am
Nenad Radakovic (OISE, University of Toronto) :
Teaching risk literacy within the secondary school curriculum: Justifications
and challenges
In this talk, Nenad will present the ways that risk literacy
can be framed within mathematics education research and practice.
He will then examine both external and internal reasons for teaching
risk to high school students as well as the elements of risk literacy
that are both suitable as well as necessary for students' understanding
of risk. Finally, Nenad will present his research involving teaching
risk literacy in two different classroom settings in Ontario.
Nenad Radakovic is a PhD Candidate at the Ontario Institute for
Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.
11:25 - 12:00 noon
Matheus R. Grasselli (McMaster University, Fields Institute):
The role of mathematics in the
financial crisis of 2008-2012
From Warren Buffett declaring that financial derivatives are
"weapons of mass destruction" to Paul Volcker saying
that the day his grandson announced he was going to be a financial
engineer was the saddest of his life, mathematical finance took
a good beating in recent years. But was it all justified? What
were all those quants doing anyway and what did it have to do
with mathematics? More importantly, how did the mathematical community
respond to the criticism? Dr. Grasselli will address these and
other questions that might be relevant for the development of
tools and strategies for financial literacy in the post crisis
Matheus Grasselli is an Associate Professor and Sharcnet Chair
in Financial Mathematics at McMaster University, and Deputy Director
of the Fields Institute. His research interests are in mathematical
finance, utility theory, optimal investment, interest rate modeling,
computational economics, information geometry, and quantum information.
He was a Guest Editor for three special issues of the International
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance and serves as Managing
Editor of the newly created book series Springer Briefs in Mathematical
(Light refreshments provided)
Panel and general discussion: There is an opportunity to
make mathematics continuously meaningful to all students by employing
what we have learned about the money game, how it works, and how
it affects and controls individuals/society every day. In this way
we have an opportunity to provide the necessary and meaningful motivation
that is sadly missing in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
The secondary curriculum used to have a grade 11 college course
titled Mathematics of Personal Finance (MBF3C), in which students
learned about simple and compound interest, ordinary simple annuities,
costs of vehicle and home ownership, and exponential relations and
solving simple exponential equations by equating powers having equal
bases. In the 2007 curriculum redesign, this course was removed
in favour of Foundations for College Mathematics (which is more
relations-driven, but does include compound interest and costs of
vehicle ownership). Annuities and home ownership were put into the
grade 12 course of the same name (which is a 4th math credit, so
is not mandatory). There is also an interdisciplinary course (IDC)
about personal finance. There are many IDC courses and these courses
are offered by few schools, usually because there is a teacher who
is interested enough to build the program of study. The Personal
Finance IDC course combines Business, Math, and Economics.
2:00 p.m. Adjournment