
Math-in-Medicine Study Group
Biomedical Problems Solving Workshop,
Medical Sciences Buiilding, Room 3171 (MS
on map)
University of Toronto
June 22-26, 2009
C. Breward (Oxford), C.S. Bohun (UOIT), H. Huang (York),
N. Nigam (Simon Fraser), D. Schwendeman (RPI), S. Sivaloganathan
B.S. Tilley (Olin College of Engineering),
J.F. Williams (Simon Fraser)
What the workshop is about:
The objectives of the workshop are four-fold: to introduce mathematicians
and modelers to problems arising in medical science; to effectively
aid practioners and researcher in medicine exploit current mathematical
tools; to train a new generation of mathematicians in problem-solving,
and to provide a natural opportunity for long-term research collaborations
to develop in an interdisciplinary setting.
The format of the workshop will be along the lines of the well-established
Study Groups at Oxford. On the first morning of the workshop, researchers
in medicine will present technical problems of interest to them.
We envision a total of 5 distinct problems. The academics will then
divide into teams of 6-8 people, to work on these problems for the
next three and a half days. On the final day of the workshop, progress
on these problems will be reported, and a report on these activities
will be prepared subsequently.
MITACS leads Canada's effort in the generation, application and
commercialization of new mathematical tools and methodologies within
a world-class research program. The network initiates and fosters
linkages with industrial, governmental, and not-for-profit organizations
that require mathematical technologies to deal with problems of
strategic importance to Canada.
MITACS helps link academia, industry and the public sector, with
a view to developing cutting edge mathematical tools vital to a
knowledge-based economy. It sponsors research partnerships, industrial
interchanges, workshops, and training programs.
Final Participant List
Fullname |
University/Affiliation |
Al-Zoughool, Mustafa |
University of Ottawa |
Anvari, Vahid |
York University |
Arciero, Julia |
University of Pittsburgh |
Aruliah, Dhavide |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Atapour, Mahshid |
York University |
Azari Rad, Solmaz |
University of Toronto |
Barralet, Jake |
McGill University |
Bassett, Dave |
McGill University |
Begg, Ronald |
University of Waterloo |
Bohun, Sean |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Bourouiba, Lydia |
York University |
Breward, Chris |
University of Oxford |
Buono, Pietro-Luciano |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Caudillo Mata, Luz Angélica |
Center for the Mathematical Research (CIMAT) |
Cerezo, Richard |
University of Toronto |
Collinson, Shannon |
York University |
Davoudi, Jahanshah |
University of Toronto |
Donaldson, Roger |
Simon Fraser University |
Drapaca, Corina |
Pennsylvania State University |
Droumeva, Radina |
Simon Fraser University |
Duvvuri, Venkata |
York University |
ElSaadany, Susie |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Ferguson, Katie |
University of Waterloo |
Ghaffari, Hamid Reza |
University of Toronto |
Griffiths, Ian |
University of Oxford |
Guo, Hongbin |
York University |
Heffernan, Jane |
York University |
Hennessy, Matt |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Huang, Huaxiong |
York University |
Jessop, Raluca |
University of Waterloo |
Johnson, Angella |
University of Southern California |
Johnston, Miles |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Kloostermann, Matt |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Kohandel, Mohammad |
University of Waterloo |
Komarova, Svetlana |
McGill University |
Langford, William |
University of Guelph |
Lewis, Gregory |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
López, Monserratt |
McGill University |
Lynch, Michael |
Madras, Neal |
York University |
Miasnikof, Peter |
University of Toronto |
Miura, Robert M. |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Morfin Ramírez, Mario |
University of Toronto |
Naire, Shailesh |
Keele University |
Nigam, Nilima |
McGill University |
Orser, Brenda |
B.I.O. Letha Information Systems, Inc. |
Pan, Adam |
University of Toronto |
Phillips, Joel |
McGill University |
Pourziaei, Bobby |
York University |
Pugh, Mary C. |
University of Toronto |
Qazi, Sanjive |
Gustavus Adolphus College |
Rababah, Abedallah |
Jordan University of Science and Technology |
Ramirez Ramirez, Lilia |
University of Waterloo |
Raymond, Christopher |
University of Delaware |
Rezvani, Nargol |
University of Toronto |
Sanchez, Antonio |
University of Waterloo |
Sanchez-Bravo, Ivete |
Center for the Mathematical Research (CIMAT) |
Schwendeman, Donald |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Sherk, Trevor |
Siggers, Jennifer |
Imperial College London |
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal |
University of Waterloo |
Takeva-Velkova, Viliyana |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Tan, Yongji |
Fudan University |
Tilley, Burt S. |
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering |
Tindall, Marcus |
University of Reading |
Vrscay, Edward R. |
University of Waterloo |
Waikar, Sushrut |
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
Wall, David |
University of Canterbury |
Wattis, Jonathan |
University of Nottingham |
Whiteley, Jonathan |
University of Oxford |
Whittaker, Robert J. |
University of Oxford Mathematical Institute |
Wilkie, Kathleen |
University of Waterloo |
Williams, JF |
Simon Fraser University |
Wright, Thomas |
Hospital for Sick Children |
Yao, Wei |
York University |
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