March 13, 2025

Focus Program on "Towards Mathematical Modeling of Neurological Disease from Cellular Perspectives"
Epilepsy Workshop - May 29-30, 2012
Location: The Fields Institute, Room 230

Organizing Committee
Larry Abbott (Columbia Univ.), Sue Ann Campbell (Univ. Waterloo),
Nancy Kopell (Boston Univ.), Frances Skinner (TWRI/UHN and Univ Toronto),
David Terman (Ohio State Univ.)

Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)

Mailing List : To receive updates on the program please subscribe to our mailing list at

Confirmed Speakers:

Sydney Cash (Harvard Univ and Mass General)
Peter Carlen (TWRI/UHN and Univ Toronto)
Rob Clewley (Georgia State Univ)
Alain Destexhe (UNIC/CNRS France)
Mark Kramer (Boston Univ)
Josh Lawrence (Univ Montana)
Tim Lewis (Univ California- Davis)
Erin Munro (RIKEN, Tokyo)
Steven Schiff (Penn State University)
Ivan Soltesz (Univ California- Irvine)
Roger Traub (IBM TJ Watson Ctr and Columbia Univ)

Workshop Schedule (abstracts)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:15 Wecome Remarks
9:15-10:05 Ivan Soltesz, University of California, Irvine
Functional network connectivity of the epileptic hippocampus
10:05-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:20 Alain Destexhe, Centre national de la recherche scientifique/Unité de Neurosciences Information et Complexité
Role of corticothalamic feedback in generating hypersynchronized 3Hz discharges by intact thalamic networks: a mechanism of absence seizures?
11:20-12:10 S. Schiff, Penn State University
Towards Model-Based Observation and Control of Seizures
12:10-1:30 Lunch (at Fields)/posters
1:30-2:20 Tim Lewis, University of California - Davis
The theory of weakly coupled oscillators: Can it be used to gain insight into the mechanisms underlying epileptic activity?
2:20-3:10 Erin Munro, RIKEN, Tokyo
How Very Fast Oscillations may lead to Epilepsy
3:10-3:30 Coffee break
3:30-4:20 Robert Clewley, Georgia State University
Beyond simulation and Big Data: How informatics and dynamics might merge to shape the future of modeling multi-scale diseases
4:20-5:10 Roger Traub, IBM TJ Watson Centre and Columbia University
Cellular mechanisms of epilepsy: chemical synapses and gap junctions
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
8:30-9:00 Coffee and Registration
9-9:50 Mark Kramer, Boston University
Multi-scale seizure dynamics
9:50-10:40 S. Cash, Harvard Univ and Mass General
10:40-11 Coffee break
11-11:50 J. Lawrence, University of Montana
Cell type-specific cholinergic modulation in the hippocampus: roles in normal and disease states
11:50-12:40 Peter Carlen, Toronto Western Research Institute
Seizure transitions: a failure of presynaptic release
12:40-2:30 Lunch (at Fields) with brainstorming session. Facilitator: T. Valiante (Toronto)


Full Name University Name
Baier, Gerold University of Manchester
Binder, Tammy  
Campbell, Sue Ann University of Waterloo
Cao, Hongjun Beijing Jiaotong University
Cheng, Derrick Oliver Ames High School
Chung, Min In  
Clewley, Rob Georgia State University
Destexhe, Alain Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Dumont, Gregory INRIA
Dur-e-Ahmad, Muhammad Lahore University of Management Sciences
Fietkiewicz, Chris Case Western Reserve University
Haufler, Darrell Rutgers-Newark
Imran, Mudassar LUMS
Jalil, Sajiya Georgia State University
Kaifosh, Patrick Columbia University
Kerr, Matthew Johns Hopkins University
Kramer, Mark Boston University
Krivoruchko, Taisya University of Calgary
Lankarany, Milad Concordia University (with Collaboration with Montreal Neurological Institute)
Lawrence, Josh University of Montana
Lytton, William SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Martin, Adrian Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Mejias, Jorge University of Ottawa
Menzinger, Michael University of Toronto
Munro, Erin RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Osinga, Hinke The University of Auckland
Pennefather, Peter University of Toronto
Roberts, Patrick In Silico Biosciences, Inc.
Rotstein, Horacio New Jersey Institute of Technology
Santaniello, Sabato Johns Hopkins University
Saudargiene, Ausra Vytautas Magnus University
Skinner, Frances K. Toronto Western Research Insitute, UHN and Univ Toronto
Soltesz, Ivan University of California, Irvine
Sritharan, Duluxan Johns Hopkins University
Stanley, David University of Florida
Talathi, Sachin University of Florida
Traub, Roger D. SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Visser, Sid University of Twente
yazdanpour Naeini, Roshanak Concordia University
Ye, Hui Toronto Western Hospital


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