March 12, 2025
Focus Program Towards Mathematical Modeling of Neurological Disease from Cellular Perspectives
Anesthesiology/Sleep Disorders Workshop
June 4-5, 2012
Location: The Fields Institute, Room 230
Organizing Committee
Larry Abbott (Columbia Univ.), Sue Ann Campbell (Univ. Waterloo),
Nancy Kopell (Boston Univ.), Frances Skinner (TWRI/UHN and Univ Toronto),
David Terman (Ohio State Univ.)

Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)

Mailing List : To receive updates on the program please subscribe to our mailing list at


Maxim Bazhenov (Univ California- Riverside)
Victoria Booth (Univ Michigan)
ShiNung Ching (Boston Univ)
Jeffrey Ellenbogen (Harvard Univ)
Sean Hill (Karolinska Inst)
Richard Horner (Univ Toronto)
Stanley Leung (Univ Western Ontario)
Beverly Orser (Univ Toronto)
Patrick L. Purdon (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School)
Igor Timofeev (Univ Laval)

Workshop Schedule: (abstracts)

Monday, June 4, 2012
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:15 Welcome Remarks
9:15-10:05 Igor Timofeev, Laval University
Slow-wave activity during sleep and ketamine-xylazine anesthesia
10:05-10:30 Coffee break

Maxim Bazhenov, University of California- Riverside
Sleep spindle oscillations - new insights on an old topic

11:20-12:10 Patrick L. Purdon, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Electroencephalogram Signatures of Loss and Recovery of Consciousness During Propofol-Induced General Anesthesia
12:10-1:30 Lunch (at Fields)/posters
1:30-2:20 Martin Wechselberger, University of Sydney
Canard theory and neuronal dynamics
2:20-3:10 Victoria Booth, University of Michigan
Modeling the temporal architecture of sleep-wake transition dynamics
3:10-3:30 Coffee break
3:30-4:20 Sean Hill, Karolinska Institute
Wakefulness and Sleep: A computational model of thalamocortical circuitry
4:20-5:10 L. Stan Leung, University of Western
Basal forebrain participation in general anesthesia
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
8:30-9:00 Coffee and Registration
9-9:50 Jeffrey Ellenbogen, Harvard University
Oscillatory activity of the brain predicts sound sleep on noisy nights
9:50-10:40 Richard L. Horner, University of Toronto
Sleep: Brain rewiring for flexible behaviour, with implications for the evolutionary trajectory of species
10:40-11 Coffee break
11-11:50 ShiNung Ching, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Biophysical models of neuronal dynamics during general anesthesia and burst suppression
11:50-12:40 Beverly Orser, University of Toronto
Atypical GABA-A receptors regulate the memory blocking properties of general anesthetics
12:40-2:30 Lunch (at Fields) with brainstorming session. Facilitator: P. Pennefather (Toronto)


Full Name University Name
Bazhenov, Maxim University of California, Riverside
Binder, Tammy  
Booth, Victoria University of Michigan
Chen, Tse Chiang Toronto Western Research Institute, UHN
Ching, ShiNung Massachusetts General Hospital
Diniz Behn, Cecilia Gettysburg College
Dur-e-Ahmad, Muhammad Lahore University of Management Sciences
Ellenbogen, Jeffrey Harvard Medical School
Ferguson, Katie University of Toronto
Grace, Kevin University of Toronto
Hill, Sean INCF
Ho, Ernest TWRI, UHN and Univ Toronto
Horner, Richard University of Toronto
Imran, Mudassar LUMS
Leung, L. Stan University of Western Ontario
Lewis, Laura Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Montandon, Gaspard University of Toronto
Orser, Beverly University of Toronto
Oskui, Lia University of Toronto
Pennefather, Peter University of Toronto
Prescott, Steven University of Pittsburgh
Purdon, Patrick Massachusetts General Hospital
Sekulic, Vladislav University of Toronto
Skinner, Frances K. Toronto Western Research Institute, UHN and Univ Toronto
Sritharan, Srihari Brown University
Timofeev, Igor Université Laval
Visser, Sid University of Twente
Vu, Michael University of Toronto
Wechselberger, Martin University of Sydney
Yadollahi, Azadeh IBBME


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