on Sub-mesoscale Ocean Processes
June 11-14, 2013
Stewart Library, Fields Institute
Kevin Lamb (Waterloo), Francis Poulin (Waterloo)
Fields Institute program on the Mathematics of Oceans is to take place in
the year 2013 as a part of the initiative for the Mathematics of Planet Earth.
Draft Schedule
Tuesday, June 11
Library, Fields Institute
9:00 - 9:30 |
On-site Registration |
9:30 - 9:45 |
Welcome and Introduction |
9:45 - 10:25 |
Cédric Chavanne, l'Université
du Québec à Rimouski
Strain-driven submesoscale frontogenesis :
what can surface currents tell us about what is happening below? |
10:25-10:45 |
Break |
10:45-11:25 |
Michael Waite, University
of Waterloo
Potential enstrophy in stratified turbulence |
11:30-12:10 |
Vladimir Zeitlin, Ecole
Normale Supérieure
Instabilities of coupled density fronts and their
nonlinear evolution in the two-layer rotating shallow water model. Influence
of the lower layer and of the topography |
12:10-14:20 |
Lunch Break |
14:20-15:00 |
Francis Poulin, University
of Waterloo
Spectral characteristics of a turbulent, homogeneous
wind-driven gyre flow |
15:10-15:50 |
Balu Nadiga, Los Alamos
National Lab
Some experiments on dissipation of balanced energy
in the interior |
16:00 |
Reception |
June 12
Library, Fields Institute |
9:00-9:40 |
Pascale Lelong, NorthWest
Research Associates
A numerical study of lateral dispersion in a field
of oceanic internal waves |
9:45-10:25 |
Michael Dunphy, University
of Waterloo
Focussing and normal mode scattering of the first
mode internal tide by mesoscale eddy interaction |
10:25-10:45 |
Coffee Break |
10:45-11:25 |
Xavier Carton, Université
de Bretagne Occidentale
The influence of mesoscale, surface intensified
eddies of the Arabian Sea and adjacent gulfs, on the RSW and PGW outflows
11:30-12:10 |
Peter Bartello, McGill University
From Quasigeostrophic to stratified turbulence
12:10-14:20 |
Lunch Break |
14:20-15:00 |
Daniel Kirschbaum, McGill
Invigoration of cumulus cloud fields by mesoscale
ascent |
June 13
Library, Fields Institute |
9:00-9:40 |
Rob Scott, Université de
Bretagne Occidentale, and CNRS
Eddy-modulated, superinertial turbulence
9:45-10:25 |
Mary-Louise Timmermans,
Yale University
Scales of horizontal density structure in the
surface layer of the Arctic Ocean |
10:25-10:45 |
Coffee Break |
10:45-11:25 |
David Straub, McGill University
Influence of forced near-inertial motion on nearly
geostrophic flow in a recirculating zonal channel |
11:30-12:10 |
Eric Skyllingstad, Oregon
State University
Simulations of coherent structures in ocean
frontal zones and effects on dye dispersion |
12:10-14:20 |
Lunch Break |
14:20-15:00 |
Gualtiero Badin, University
of Hamburg
Toward out-of-balance surface dynamics in the ocean
June 14
Library, Fields Institute |
9:00-9:40 |
Pascale Lelong, NorthWest
Research Associates
Near-inertial waves within an anticyclonic eddy and
turbulence in the Mediterranean sea during BOUM experiment |
9:45-10:25 |
Susan Allen, University
of British Columbia
Extending the Validity of a One-Dimensional Coupled
Bio-physical Model by Parametrization |
10:25-10:45 |
Coffee Break |
10:45-11:25 |
Jacques Vanneste, University
of Edinburgh
A surface-aware projection basis for quasigeostrophic
flow |
11:30-12:10 |
Alexandre Stegner, Ecole
Inertial-centrifugal instability of intense anticyclonic
vortices : linear stability analysis, laboratory experiments and oceanic
observations |
Speaker & Affiliation
Title and Abstract |
Susan Allen
University of British Columbia
Lecture Notes
Extending the Validity of a One-Dimensional Coupled Bio-physical
Model by Parametrization
Processes, such as those at the sub-mesoscale, that are unresolved by
models need to be parametrized. Here we will review the parametrized
processes used in a vertical column model of the Strait of Georgia.
The Strait of Georgia is a semi-enclosed, temperate, coastal sea with
large freshwater sources. The coupled model has been successfully used
to model and hindcast the timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom and
investigate the major processes impacting pH in the Strait. The physical
model is based on a mixing-layer model; the biological model is NPZD
with three nutrients, three phytoplankton, one active and one closing
zooplankton and three detritus variables tracked, and the chemistry
model includes the carbon and oxygen cycles. The Strait of Georgia is
biological productive due to higher dimensional processes that are not
resolved in the one-dimensional model. However, the Strait is well studied
and we parametrize the important processes based on data. I will review
the model and our goals and emphasize the parametrization procedures
and how they are implemented in the model as, perhaps, a proto-type
for parametrization of sub-mesoscale processes into coarse resolution
Gualtiero Badin
University of Hamburg |
Toward out-of-balance surface dynamics in the ocean
The surface quasi-geostrophic approximation is re-written
in an oceanic context using the two-dimensional semi-geostrophic approximation.
The new formulation allows to take into account the presence of out-of-balance
flow features at scales comparable to or smaller than the Rossby radius
of deformation and for small bulk Richardson numbers. Implications for
the nonlinear behavior of submesoscale instabilities as well as for
lateral mixing in the ocean are discussed.
Peter Bartello
McGill University
Lecture Notes
From Quasigeostrophic to stratified turbulence
Numerical explorations will be described that illustrate the
transition from large-scale quasigeostrophic flow, through a scale range
exhibiting the breakdown of balance, to stratified turbulence with negligible
rotation. The latter has recently been demonstrated to be inherently
unbalanced in that linear wave time scales are not fast with respect
to the nonlinear variablity of the turbulence. In this setting the small-scale
turbulence follows a shallow -5/3 spectrum with respect to the horizontal
wavenumber in contrast to the considerably steeper spectra of quasigeostrophic
turbulence in the potential enstrophy cascade range. In addition, the
emergence of unbalanced small-scale turbulence from balanced initial
conditions also manifests itself via a shallow -5/3 range at high wavenumbers
in the horizontal energy spectrum. These results will be related to
observations of atmospheric and oceanic spectra with the caveat that
statistically homogeneous turbulence is simulated here without boundaries.
The latter have been demonstrated to facilitate the breakdown of balance.
Xavier Carton
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Lecture Notes
The influence of mesoscale, surface intensified eddies of the Arabian
Sea and adjacent gulfs, on the RSW and PGW outflows
The Arabian Sea is strongly influenced by the atmospheric
forcings, in particular the seasonal monsoon winds and the intense heat
These forcings produce a complex variation of the thermal structure
in the upper ocean, by firstly increasing the stratification in the
early summer, then decreasing it by mixing due to strong southwesterly
monsoon winds and finally by providing again a heat gain in late summer/early
These strong winds also generate alongshore currents (the East Arabian
Current and the Somali Current) which produce large eddies (dipoles
along the Omani and Yemeni coasts, and the Great Whirl and Socotra
Eddy near the Somali Coast). The summer monsoon winds also generate
intense upwellings along the Somali and Omani coasts, which also generate
eddies and filaments.
At depth, the Arabian Sea is influenced by the outflows from the
marginal seas ; the Red Sea and Persian Gulf produce very salty waters
and export them via Bab el Mandeb into the Gulf of Aden and via the
Straits of Hormuz into the Sea of Oman. The Red Sea outflow mixes
with Indian Central Water and forms a water mass (RSW) with a salinity
maximum between 600 and 1000 m depth. The Persian Gulf outflow also
mixes and forms a water mass (PGW) with an even higher salinity maximum
between 200 and 400 m depth. RSW and PGW flow on average along the
Somali and Omani coasts (continental slopes).
Using satellite and in situ data (Argo float profiles and hydrological
data from the Physindien experiment), we show that often, the upper
ocean eddies strongly perturb these outflows and eject part of PGW
or RSW offshore. More specifically, we show that
1) the upper ocean eddies have a deep dynamical signature (profiling
floats at 700 or 1000 m depth follow the upper ocean motion)
2) these profiling floats identify RSW or PGW ejected from the coastal
currents under the form of fragments, filaments and sometimes small
3) A seasonal dipolar surface eddy exists near Ras al Hamra (in the
Northern Sea of Oman) and induces this process. Deformation maps associated
with the dipole motion are calculated and compared with float trajectories
and recordings.
4) PGW thus expelled can follow the Iranian - and also the Pakistani
- coast and be expelled offshore again by other surface eddies
5) Another dipole located near Ras al Hadd (southern Sea of Oman)
in 2011 ejected the PGW current and produced a small lens eddy of
PGW offshore.
6) A dipole in the Sea of Oman also ejected filaments of PGW at that
Regional primitive equation modeling at very high resolution, and
theoretical studies of the surface signature of these small deep fragments,
are under way.
Cédric Chavanne
l'Université du Québec à Rimouski
Lecture Notes
Strain-driven submesoscale frontogenesis
: what can surface currents tell us about what is happening below?
Detailed observations of a submesoscale front west of Oahu, Hawaii,
were obtained in October 2002 from high-frequency radars and satellite
radiometers. The surface currents measured by the radars displayed
anti-correlated dipoles of vorticity and divergence across the front,
indicative of an ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation maintaining
along-front thermal wind balance in the presence of background strain
induced by a pair of vortices. The coefficient of proportionality
between the observed surface vorticity and divergence quantitatively
agrees with a semi-geostrophic model of a front confined between two
rigid lids in a surface layer of zero potential vorticity. Removing
the bottom lid to model an infinitely deep ocean and assuming a constant
but non-zero potential vorticity (i.e. the equivalent of the surface
quasi-geostrophic model in the semi-geostrophic approximation) predicts
only half the observed coefficient of proportionality. This suggests
that the front was confined to the surface mixed-layer and decoupled
from the ocean interior by a strong pycnocline.
Michael Dunphy
University of Waterloo
Lecture Notes
Focussing and normal mode scattering of the first mode internal
tide by mesoscale eddy interaction
The generation of the internal tide (via, for example, barotropic
tide-topography interaction) has been studied by many authors, however,
the fate of the internal tide (the propagation, interaction with other
processes and ultimately its dissipation) is still under investigation.
Here I will report on numerical experiments performed using the MITgcm
to investigate the interaction of a mode-one internal tide with a barotropic
and a baroclinic mode-one mesoscale eddy.
A suite of experiments are conducted varying the eddy size, velocity,
and Coriolis parameter. The barotropic cases show hot and cold beams
of energy flux, and the baroclinic cases yield the generation of higher
mode internal tide beams. An energy budget analysis is performed to
measure the scattering of energy between modes, and conversion efficiencies
reach 13 percent for the parameters regime considered here.
Daniel Kirshbaum
McGill University
Lecture Notes
Invigoration of cumulus cloud fields by mesoscale ascent
Forced ascent of atmospheric flow by mesoscale features (e.g.,
mountains, gravity waves, frontal boundaries, etc.) is a common and
widely accepted mechanism for the initiation of cumulus convection.
Its impact on the subsequent dynamics of developing cumuli, however,
has largely been neglected. This is exemplified by entraining/detraining
cloud models that form the basis of most convection parameterization
schemes, which treat the background flow as static throughout the cloud
life cycle. This theoretical framework breaks down when the background
flow itself is undergoing rapid modification. In this study, large-eddy
simulations of trade-wind cumuli impinging on a island ridge are conducted
to investigate the impact of rapid mesoscale ascent on the morphology,
dynamics, and microphysics of a mature cumulus field. Despite being
trapped beneath a sinking trade-wind inversion, the simulated island
clouds are more numerous, vigorous, and liquid-rich than those over
the open ocean. This results from two principal mechanisms: (i) the
different lapse rates of dry and saturated air parcels, which enhance
the horizontal buoyancy gradients of partly-cloudy air when lifted in
bulk and (ii) a sharp increase in horizontal cloud size, which reduces
the dilution of the buoyant convective cores by the entrainment of environmental
air. The increased coverage and precipitation efficiency of the island
clouds increases the mean precipitation rate 20-fold relative to that
in the upstream flow. The island cloud broadening is favored by the
presence of broad water-vapour anomalies within the impinging airstream
that are forcibly lifted to saturation, along with turbulent constraints
that support wider, less dilute clouds in areas of rapid ascent.
Pascale Lelong
NorthWest Research Associates Seattle Washington USA
Lecture 1 Notes
Lecture 2 Notes
1. A numerical study of lateral dispersion
in a field of oceanic internal waves
An extensive field campaign was conducted as part of the ONR-sponsored
Scalable Lateral Mixing and Coherent Turbulence Dedicated Research
Initiative (aka LatMix) in June 2011 in the Sargasso Sea. One of the
campaign objectives was to better understand the processes that govern
submesoscale lateral dispersion in the stratified interior in
regions characterized by low ambient background shear and strain.
Numerical simulations of passive dye dispersion in flow conditions
consisting of randomly phased internal waves, as described by a Garrett-Munk
(GM) spectrum, reproduce the observed effective isopycnal diffusivity.
Furthermore, they suggest that shear dispersion by low-frequency waves
is likely not an efficient stirring mechanism, nor are submesoscale
vortices (vortical motions) created through geostrophic adjustment
of three-dimensional turbulence patches. These results point to wave/wave
interactions as likely candidates for explaining the observed isopycnal
dispersion during LatMix. A parameterization for an eddy isopycnal
diffusivity based on background stratification, latitude and GM spectral
levels is proposed.
2. Near-inertial waves within an anticyclonic eddy and turbulence in
the Mediterranean sea during BOUM experiment (Author: Pascale Bouruet-Aurbertot;
Presenter: Pascale Lelong)
One main purpose of BOUM experiment was to give evidence
of the possible impact of submesoscale dynamics on biogeochemical cycles.
To this aim physical as well as biogeochemical data were collected along
a zonal transect through the western and eastern basins. Along this
transect 3 day fixed point stations were performed within anticyclonic
eddies during which both fine-scale CTD/LADCP profiles and microstructure
measurements were collected over the first 500m and the first 100m respectively.
We first focus on the analysis of Cyprus eddy which provides a case
study for the characterization of near-inertial wave generation and
turbulence. Indeed observations reveal near-inertial oscillations over
the whole profile, in the mixed layer, within the eddy and at greater
depths. Two mechanisms of generation are discussed: inertial pumping
at the base of the mixed layer after a wind event and adjustment of
the eddy with possible trapping at the base of the eddy.
The analysis of microstructure measurements revealed a high level of
turbulence in the seasonal pycnocline and a moderate level below with
energy dissipation mean values of the order of 10-6W.kg-1 and 10-8 W.kg-1
respectively. Fine-scale parameterizations developed to mimic energy
dissipation produced by internal wavebreaking were then tested against
these direct measurements. Once validated a parameterization has been
applied to infer energy dissipation and mixing over the whole data set,
thus providing an overview over a latitudinal section of the Mediterranean
sea. The results evidence a significant increase of dissipation at the
top and base of eddies associated with strong near inertial waves. Vertical
turbulent diffusivity is increased both in these regions and in the
weakly stratified eddy core.
Co-authors Y. Cuypers, M.P. Lelong, L. Prieur, C. Marec and J.L. Fuda.
Balu Nadiga
Los Alamos National Lab |
Some experiments on dissipation of balanced energy in the interior
Ocean circulation is forced at the large scales and the instability
of the resulting large-scale circulation gives rise to intermediate-scale
eddies. The large-scale flow and the resultant eddies are both, however,
in approximate geostrophic balance---a balance between pressure gradients
and rotational effects. An important aspect of turbulence in the context
of such balanced dynamics is an inverse cascade of energy leading to
a trapping of energy in the large and mesoscales; in this setting, viscosity
is ineffective in dissipating energy. While dissipation can still occur
through interactions of large and mesoscale circulation features with
bottom topography through turbulent bottom boundary layer dissipation,
its effectiveness is reduced by the baroclinic nature of large scale
circulation. Thus a fundamental conundrum of turbulent dynamics in the
ocean is as to how the system equilibrates in the presence of continuous
large scale forc- ing and an inverse cascade at the intermediate scales.
We consider the role of submesoscales (including inertia gravity wave
(IGW) processes) in providing bridging forward cascade pathways that
can lead to dissipation of balanced energy through viscosity. A number
of recent studies have established the importance of surface-intensified
frontogenetic processes in leading to submesoscales and ultimately to
dissipation. In this idealized study we consider the role of submesoscales
in the interior ocean and the interaction of balanced circulation with
ambient imbalance in the interior in providing the forward cascade bridge.
Francis Poulin
University of Waterloo |
Spectral characteristics of a turbulent, homogeneous wind-driven
gyre flow
For over half a century the scientific community has worked
in developing models that idealize the dynamics of wind-driven gyres
in the world's oceans. The pioneering works explained that Western Boundary
Currents (WBCs) are generated because of a balance between the vorticity
induced by the winds and subsequently removed by dissipation. This dissipation
of the large scale dynamics is intimately connected to the turbulent
processes at smaller scales that are essential to obtain a WBC but at
present cannot be described in any self-consistent theory. Moreover,
unstable WBCs generate eddies that inject energy into the basin and
is therefore analogous to the intermediate forcing scale used in simulations
of two-dimensional turbulence. Therefore, this model helps to bridge
the gap because classical studies of turbulence and the turbulence that
actually occurs in the world's oceans.
Even though the Quasi-Geostrophic (QG) model is limited in its regime
of applicability it has often been used to study wind-driven gyres
and, to its credit, with great success. QG is an asymptotic limit
of the more general Shallow Water (SW) model that is more adept in
describing a wider range of length scales. In this work we focus on
studying the dynamics of wind-driven gyres in a homogeneous SW model
where the small scales have order one Rossby number and therefore
ageostrophic dynamics are expected to arise.
We present the results of a series of high-resolution numerical simulations
of a homogeneous single wind-driven gyre using both the rigid-lid
QG and full gravity SW models. The diagnostics we use to help quantify
the evolution of the gyre and the differences between the two models
includes the energy spectra and spectral transfers. Fourier analysis
is ideal in studies of homogeneous turbulence but it is not evidence
that it is the best metric to study wind-driven gyres because of the
inherent inhomogeneities associated with the WBC. It is for this reason
that we take a novel approach and compute wavelet spectra that allow
us to see how the spectra vary with space between the turbulent and
laminar regions. For the range of scales that we are able to resolve
we find that there is very little difference between the two models,
however by looking at Probability Density Functions of the vorticity
we see clear distinctions are present.
Rob Scott
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, and CNRS
Lecture Notes
Eddy-modulated, superinertial turbulence
The horizontal velocity vector of linear, internal gravity waves
rotates anticyclonically. Thus rotary spectra allow the decomposition
of super-inertial currents into motions consistent and not consistent
with internal waves. We explore the importance of the non-wave component,
denoting this as "super-inertial turbulence". A striking
contrast was found between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern
Hemisphere; in the NH the internal waves dominated with super-inertial
turbulence accounting for about 10% to 20% of the super-inertial variability.
In contrast, in the Southern Hemisphere, super-inertial turbulence
accounted for close to 50% of the super-inertial variability. The
monthly internal wave energy was found, unsurprisingly, to be uncorrelated
with the monthly mean currents. In contrast, the monthly-mean super-inertial
turbulence was significantly correlated with the monthly mean currents.
Eric Skyllingstad
Oregon State University |
Simulations of coherent structures in ocean frontal zones and
effects on dye dispersion.
Large-eddy simulation cases are presented focusing on the
role of fronts in generating coherent structures in the surface mixed
layer. This work is motivated by field observations of dye releases
made during the LATMIX experiment showing dye patches organized in bands
with horizontal scales 10-20 times the mixed layer depth. Processes
that could be responsible for these bands include Langmuir circulation,
shear generated roll vortices or frontal generated instabilitiies (e.g.
symmetric instability). Model results suggest that frontal instabilities
can produce strong roll structures that are many times larger than typical
Langmuir cells, and that these structures actively subduct dye into
the pycnocline. Comparison between cases with and without a frontal
system demonstrate that dye patch size increases in the frontal case.
Analysis of the frontal cases indicate that conditions are sufficient
for symmetric instability, however the coherent structures have along
front variations that suggest more complex processes.
Alexandre Stegner
Ecole Polytechnique |
Inertial-centrifugal instability of intense anticyclonic vortices
: linear stability analysis, laboratory experiments and oceanic observations
We investigated the stability of various meso and submesoscale
circular vortices to three dimensional centrifugal-inertial perturbations.
The main purpose of this work was to build a stability diagram taking
into account the stratification and the dissipation of realistic oceanic
By means of asymptotic expansion, we first derive for the Rankine vortex
a generalized stability limit equation which depends only on three dimensionless
parameters: the vortex Rossby number, the Burger number and the Ekman
number. This stability equation is more relevant to oceanic vortices
than the generalized Rayleigh criterion which is valid only for non-dissipative
and non stratified eddies. Indeed, our stability analysis has shown
that a strong stratification enhances the impact of dissipation, making
the Ekman number a most crucial parameter for the centrifugal-inertial
instability. This analysis was extended to other vortices having a parabolic,
a conical or a gaussian vorticity profile. We have shown that when using
the vortex Rossby number to quantify the vortex intensity instead of
the normalized core vorticity (often used for this purpose) the marginal
stability curves of the various vortices collapse to a single one. We
then build a stability diagram in the Rossby, Burger and Ekman parameter
space which is probably valid for a wide range of eddies.
In a second step, we performed large scale laboratory experiments on
the Coriolis rotating platform to check the stability analysis. In these
experiments a linear salt stratification was set in the upper layer
on top of a thick barotropic layer, and a cylinder was towed in the
upper layer to produce shallow cyclones and anticyclones of similar
size and intensity. Towing speed, cylinder size and stratification,
were changed in order to cover a large range of the parameter space,
staying in a relatively high horizontal Reynolds number (2000- 7000).
We identify a new stability test, the so called gamma test, who detect
the signature of the unstable growth of inertial perturbations when
there is no complete breakdown of anticyclones. On one hand, we found
that some anticyclones remain stable even for very intense negative
vorticity values, when the Burger number is large enough. On the other
hand, unstable vortices were located close to the marginal stability
limit we derived. Hence, this latter appear to be an useful tool to
check the three dimensional stability of circular anticyclones to inertial
Finally we applied our analysis and the gamma test to estimate the stabie
or the unstable evolution of an intense anticyclone in the lee of Oahu
island in the Hawaii archipelago .
David Straub
McGill University
Influence of forced near-inertial
motion on nearly geostrophic flow in a recirculating zonal channel
We consider a wind-driven primitive equation channel flow with stratification
and mean wind forcing chosen to correspond to typical Southern Ocean
values. This produces a base state flow having features, such as quasi-zonal
jets, that are familiar from beta plane turbulence and from models
of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. To this base state, we then
apply an additional, high frequency, forcing designed to excite near-inertial
motion. Our focus is on how this addition of high frequency energy
influences the low frequency (and nearly geostrophic) part of the
flow. In the regime studied, we find that the presence of near-inertial
motion serves to decrease the low frequency kinetic energy. Moreover,
this reduction is found to be mainly due to a removal of the energy
from the barotropic mode. An attempt is also made to relate this "balanced-to-unbalanced"
energy transfer to some of our previous work on the three-dimensionalization
of turbulent two-dimensional flows.
Mary-Louise Timmermans
Yale University |
Scales of horizontal density structure in the surface layer of the
Arctic Ocean
Arctic Ocean measurements in the surface layer beneath sea ice are
shown to exhibit horizontal density structure on scales of hundreds
of kilometers to the order 1 km submesoscale. The observed density
fronts are dynamically important in that they are associated with
restratification of the surface ocean; restratification is prevalent
in wintertime and competes with convective mixing upon buoyancy forcing
(e.g., ice growth and brine rejection) and shear-driven mixing when
the ice moves relative to the ocean. Frontal structure and estimates
of the balanced Richardson number point to the likelihood of dynamical
restratification by isopycnal tilt and submesoscale baroclinic instability.
It is further shown that similar horizontal density structure is observed
in the surface Arctic Ocean in ice-free conditions. Based on the evidence
here, it is likely that submesoscale processes play an important role
in setting surface-layer properties and lateral density variability
in the Arctic Ocean.
Jacques Vanneste
University of Edinburgh
Lecture Notes
A surface-aware projection
basis for quasigeostrophic flow
A number of recent studies have demonstrated that altimetric observations
of the ocean’s mesoscale eddy field reflect the combined influence
of both surface buoyancy anomalies and interior potential vorticity
anomalies. The former are associated with surface-trapped modes, with
an exponentially-decaying vertical structure, and the latter with
the standard baroclinic modes, the oscillating eigenfunctions of the
quasigeostrophic potential vorticity stretching operator. In order
to assess the relative importance of the two contributions to the
signal, one would like to project the observed field onto a set of
complete modes that separates the influence of each aspect of the
dynamics in a natural way. However, because the surface-trapped modes
are not orthogonal to the interior baroclinic modes, any projection
contains energetic overlaps.
Here we propose a modal decomposition that results from the simulateous
diagonalization of two quadratic forms: the energy and a generalization
of potential enstrophy that includes contributions from the surface
buoyancy variances. These modes provide an orthonormal basis that
represents surface and interior components in a natural way. We compute
these modes for a given stratification, and demonstrate their use
by projecting out the energy of a set of simulations of mesoscale
eddies. (Joint work with K S Smith, Courant Institute.)
Michael Waite
University of Waterloo
Lecture Notes
Potential enstrophy in stratified turbulence
In geophysical flows with strong rotation and stratification,
the Ertel potential vorticity is approximately linear in the flow variables.
As a result, the integrated squared potential vorticity, or potential
enstrophy, is an approximately quadratic invariant, a fact that has
important implications for energy transfers between scales in geostrophic
turbulence. However, for flows with Rossby numbers O(1) or larger -
as in the oceanic sub-mesoscale and atmospheric mesoscale - the assumption
of quadratic potential enstrophy becomes questionable. Some recent results
have pointed to quadratic potential enstrophy in this regime, but the
universality of these findings has not been established. In this talk,
direct numerical simulations of stratified turbulence without rotation
will be presented. The potential enstrophy will be shown to be approximately
quadratic only when the vertical Froude number is small. However, at
large Rossby number, small vertical Froude numbers are only expected
for small buoyancy Reynolds numbers, i.e. when the vertical scale of
the turbulence is set by viscosity. This regime is common in laboratory
experiments and in simulations where viscosity (physical, parameterized,
or numerical) damps the buoyancy scale, but not in geophysical turbulence.
For larger buoyancy Reynolds numbers, the quadratic, cubic, and quartic
contributions to the potential enstrophy are all of the same order.
These results raise doubts about the applicability of cascade theories
based on quadratic potential enstrophy to stratified turbulence in the
atmosphere and ocean.
Vladimir Zeitlin
Ecole Normale Superieure/Université P. et M. Curie
Lecture Notes
Instabilities of coupled density fronts and their nonlinear evolution
in the two-layer rotating shallow water model. Influence of the lower
layer and of the topography
We undertake a detailed analysis of linear stability of geostrophically
balanced double density fronts in the framework of the two-layer rotating
shallow water model on the f-plane with topography, the latter being
represented by an escarpment beneath the fronts. We use the pseudospectral
collocation method to identify and quantify different kinds of instabilities
resulting from phase-locking and resonances of frontal, Rossby, Poincaré
and topographic waves. A swap in the leading long-wave instability from
the classical barotropic one, resulting from the resonance of two frontal
waves, to a baroclinic one, resulting from the resonance of Rossby and
frontal waves, takes place with decreasing depth of the lower layer.
Nonlinear development and saturation of these instabilities, and of
an instability of topographic origin, resulting from the resonance of
frontal and topographic waves, are studied and compared with the help
of a new-generation well-balanced finite-volume code for multi-layer
rotating shallow water equations. The results of the saturation for
different instabilities are shown to produce very different secondary
coherent structures. The influence of the topography on these processes
is highlighted.
Participants as of June 7, 2013
* Awaiting confirmation
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Albanese, Claudio |
University of Toronto |
Allen, Susan |
University of British Columbia |
Badin, Gualtiero |
University of Hamburg |
Bartello, Peter* |
McGill University |
Bouruet-Aubertot, Pascale* |
Universit'e Pierre et Marie Curie |
Carton, Xavier |
Université de Bretagne Occidentale |
Castaing, M. Richard |
Ecole Polytechnique |
Chavanne, Cédric |
L'Université du Québec à Rimouski |
Connaughton, Colm |
University of Warwick |
Cossu, Remo |
University of Toronto |
Craig, Walter |
McMaster University |
Davarpanah Jazi, Shahrzad |
University of Toronto |
Dunphy, Michael |
University of Waterloo |
Garcia, Carlos |
McMaster University |
Henry, Legena |
University of the West Indies |
Irwin, Rob |
University of Waterloo |
Jackson, Ken |
University of Toronto |
Kirshbaum, Daniel |
McGill University |
Kuksin, Sergei |
CNRS and Universite de Paris 7 |
Lamb, Kevin |
University of Waterloo |
Lannes, David* |
Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris |
Lelong, Marie-Pascale |
Northwest Research Associates |
Liu, Guoqiang |
Bedford Institute of Oceanography |
Magcalas, Moriah |
Redeemer University College |
Nadiga, Balasubramanya |
Los Alamos National Lab |
Nazarenko, Sergey |
University of Warwick |
Pelinovsky, Efim |
Russian Academy of Sciences |
Poulin, Francis |
University of Waterloo |
Rakhimov, Shokhrux |
McMaster University |
Restrepo, Juan* |
University of Arizona |
Robitaille, Julien |
Salehipour, Hesam |
University of Toronto |
Sartori, Matthew |
University of Waterloo |
Scott, Robert |
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, and CNRS |
Skyllingstad, Eric |
Oregon State University |
Spyksma, Kyle |
Redeemer University College |
Stegner, Alexandre |
Ecole Polytechnique |
Storer, Ben |
University of Waterloo |
Straub, David |
McGill University |
Timmermans, Mary-Louise |
Yale University |
Vanneste, Jacques |
University of Edinburgh |
Waite, Michael |
University of Waterloo |
Yawney, John |
University of Waterloo |
Zeitlin, Vladimir |
Ecole Normale Supérieure |
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