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March 13, 2025


March 18-22
Mini courses
March 25-29
Conference on Geometric Methods in Infinite-dimensional Lie Theory

Organized by
V. Chernousov, E. Neher and A. Pianzola

March 18-22, Mini-courses
Fields Institute, Room 230
9:00 - 10:30

Mini-course on Kac-Moody groups (Bernard Remy)

Groups with Tits systems and refinements (root group data). Kac-Moody groups: their presentation and their adjoint representation The main geometric tool: buildings. The dichotomy "affine versus non-affine Weyl group". Specific ground fields, completions and simplicities.


Mini-course on Exceptional Jordan Algebras (Michel Racine)
Lecture Notes

Composition algebras. Linear and quadratic Jordan algebras. Classification of simple algebras. Isotopes. Derivation algebras and automorphism groups; structure algebras and structure groups. Degree three Jordan algebras. Albert algebras; Tits constructions. Exceptional Lie algebras and exceptional groups. Cohomological invariants.


Mini-course on Galois cohomology and descent theory (Arturo Pianzola)

Flat and faithfully flat modules and ring extensions. Descent theory and applications to twisted forms. Galois descent. Applications to infinite dimensional Lie theory.

March 25-29
Conference on Geometric Methods in Infinite-dimensional Lie Theory

The conference will feature invited talks by senior researchers on topics related to the theme of the first concentration period. There will also be possibilities for junior researchers to present their work in this area.


March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
March 29
Georgia Benkart
Affine Dynkin Diagrams Re-viewed
Vyjayanthi Chari
Prime representations and extensions
Vera Serganova
Tensor representations of classical Lie superalgebras at infinity
Olivier Mathieu
On the Classification of -graded Lie Algebras
Manish Patnaik
Entirety of Cuspidal Eisenstein Series on Loop Groups
Coffee Break
Pavel Etingof
Symplectic Rreflection Algebras and Affine Lie Algebras
Benjamin Elias
The Soergel conjecture: a proof and a counterexample
Ivan Dimitrov
Lagrangian subalgebras of classical Lie superalgebras
Jun Morita
A note on the simplicity and the universal covering of some Kac-Moody group
Hadi Salmasian
A rigidity property of the discrete spectrum of adele groups
Lunch Break
Terry Gannon
Equivariant K-theory and affine algebras
Philippe Gille
The group of points of loop group schemes
Karl-Hermann Neeb
Bounded Unitary Representations of Lie Algebras of Smooth Sections
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Rank 2 symmetric hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras and Hilbert modular forms
Coffee Break
Nicolas Guay
Yangians for affine Kac-Moody algebras
Joel Kamnitzer
Affine MV polytopes and preprojective algebras
Michael Lau
Lie-Poisson structures for gl(infinity)
Alistair Savage
Hecke Algebras and Formal Group Laws
Yoji Yoshii
Locally Affine Lie Algebras
Ghislain Fourier
Weyl modules and subalgebras
Sabin Cautis
(University of Southern California)
Quantum affine algebra actions on categories
Yun Gao
Representation for a class of multiloop Lie algebras
Conference Dinner

Participants as of March 26, 2013

Full Name University/Affiliation
Benkart, Georgia University of Wisconsin at Madison
Bergeron-Legros, Gabriel University of Ottawa
Bermudez, Hernando Emory University
Bhaskhar, Nivedita Emory University
Cautis, Sabin University of Southern California
Chang, Zhihua University of Alberta
Chari, Vyjayanthi University of California, Riverside
Chernousov, Vladimir University of Alberta
Chu, Karene University of Toronto
Crooks, Peter University of Toronto
Debnath, Dipankar Bamanpukar High School
Dimitrov, Ivan Queen's University
Elias, Benjamin Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Erhard, Neher University of Ottawa
Etingof, Pavel Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fourier, Ghislain University of Cologne
Gannon, Terry University of Alberta
Gao, Yun York University
Garibaldi, Skip Emory University
Gille, Philippe Ecole normale supérieure-Paris
Guay, Nicolas University of Alberta
Halacheva, Iva University of Toronto
Jacobson, Jeremy The Fields Institute
Junkins, Caroline University of Ottawa
Kamnitzer, Joel University of Toronto
Karpenko, Nikita Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Lai, Alan California Institute of Technology
Lau, Michael Université Laval
Leclerc, Marc-Antoine University of Ottawa
Lee, Kyu-Hwan University of Connecticut
Lee, Ting-Yu The Fields Institute
Lunde, Mathew UC Riverside
Manning, Nathaniael University of Ottawa
Mathieu, Olivier CNRS Lyon 1
Morita, Jun University of Tsukuba
Neeb, Karl-Hermann FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Neher, Erhard University of Ottawa
Nenashev, Alexander York University, Glendon College
Patnaik, Manish University of Alberta
Patra, Chinmoy Jadavpur University
Pianzola, Arturo University of Alberta
Racine, Michel University of Ottawa
Rémy, Bertrand University Lyon 1
Salmasian, Hadi University of Ottawa
Savage, Alistair University of Ottawa
Schneider, Lisa University of California, Riverside
Semenov, Nikita Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Serganova, Vera University of California, Berkeley
Shereen, Perri University of California, Riverside
Smith, Jerrod University of Toronto
Stavrova, Anastasia The Fields Institute
Talboom, John Carleton University
Tsanov, Valdemar Ruhr-University Bochum
Vavilov, Nikolai St. Petersburg State University
Wand, Jeffrey University of California, Riverside
Weekes, Alex University of Toronto
Wong, Wanshun The Fields Institute
Yahorau, Uladzimir University of Alberta
Yoshii, Yoji Akita National College of Technology
Zainoulline, Kirill University of Ottawa
Zhong, Changlong The Fields Institute


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