March 15, 2025
Geometric Structures Laboratory 2014-15
Fields Institute

Organizing Committee:
Marco Gualtieri & Alberto GarcĂ­a-Raboso (University of Toronto)
Map to Fields map

Tuesday 11:00am-1:00pm, Room 210

Thursday 11:00am-1:00pm, Room 210

Important: The laboratory will be moved to the Bahen Center (room BA B026) through the month of May

Upcoming Activity

Winter Seminars

Starting January 2015 to April 2015

Winter 2015-Master Class on Elliptic Algebras and Poisson Structures

February 19-20, 2015
February 26-27, 2015

Room 210

Alexander Odesskii (Brock University)
Elliptic Algebras and Poisson Structures

I will survey the theory of associative Z? 0-graded algebras presented by n generators and n(n-1)/2 quadratic relations and satisfying the so-called Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt condition (PBW-algebras). We will consider examples of such algebras depending on two continuous parameters (namely, on an elliptic curve and a point on this curve) which are flat deformations of the polynomial ring in n variables. We will discuss geometry of the corresponding Poisson structures. Diverse properties of these algebras and Poisson structures will be described, together with their relations to integrable systems, deformation quantization, moduli spaces and other directions of modern investigations.

Past Activities

Fall Seminars

Starting September 2014 to December 2014
Geometric Structures Laboratory
Current Activities Home page

August 18-22, 2014

Affiliated activitiy
Summer 2014 Master Class on Topological Recursion

Brad Safnuk, Central Michigan University
Vincent Bouchard, University of Alberta
July 21-25, 2014
University College, Room 175, 15 King's College Circle, Toronto (N.B. location is *not* Fields)

Workshop: Geometric Structures Lab "Geometry Retreat 2014"
Organizers: Marco Gualtieri, Steven Rayan

Monday July 21:
-Maria Salazar (CRM-Barcelona) "Pfaffian groupoids and related topics" (Part I) 10:15-11:15
-Pablo Solis (Berkeley) "Moduli of G-bundles on curves via loop groups" (Part I) 11:30-1:00
Tuesday July 22:
-Brent Pym (Oxford) "Holomorphic Poisson structures", 10:15-11:45 (Part I)
-Pablo Solis (Berkeley) "Moduli of G-bundles on curves via loop groups" (Part II) 12:00-1:00
Wednesday July 23:
-Igor Khavkine (Trento) "Covariant phase space symplectic form and Peierls inversion formula in the presence of constraints and gauge", 10:15-11:45
-Maria Salazar (CRM-Barcelona) "Pfaffian groupoids and related topics" (Part II) 12:00-1:00
Thursday July 24:
-Brent Pym (Oxford) "Holomorphic Poisson structures", 10:15-11:45 (Part II)
-Pablo Solis (Berkeley) "Moduli of G-bundles on curves via loop groups" (Part III) 12:00-1:00
Friday July 25:
-Maria Salazar (CRM-Barcelona) "Pfaffian groupoids and related topics" (Part III) 10:15-11:15
-Pablo Solis (Berkeley) "Moduli of G-bundles on curves via loop groups" (Part IV) 11:30-1:00

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