Also show talks that have no video currently available (1)
Monday October 26
9:00 am
Overview of the recent progress on matrix multiplication
Monday October 26
9:55 am
High performance dense linear algebra: arithmetic, algorithms and their parallelization
Monday October 26
11:10 am
A Crash Course on Fast Interactive Proofs
Monday October 26
1:45 pm
Essentially Optimal Certificates in Linear Algebra
Monday October 26
2:40 pm
On rational functions without spurious poles
Monday October 26
4:00 pm
Order bases, kernel bases and their use in fast polynomial matrix arithmetic
Tuesday October 27
9:00 am
The "Rheinfall" parallel algorithm for Gaussian Elimination
Tuesday October 27
9:55 am
The Probability that Block Wiedemann Correctly Computes Invariant factors
Tuesday October 27
11:10 am
Quasideterminants, Degree Bounds and Algorithms for Matrices of Differential and Difference Polynomials
Tuesday October 27
1:45 pm
Symbolic-numeric computation of cutting planes for integer programming
Tuesday October 27
2:20 pm
Fast matrix rank algorithms and applications
Wednesday October 28
9:00 am
Solving Large Optimization Problems using Spectral Graph Theory
Wednesday October 28
9:55 am
Fast computation of minimal interpolation bases with arbitrary weights
Wednesday October 28
11:10 am
Adaptive and generic parallel //computation of echelon forms
Wednesday October 28
1:45 pm
Exploring the Extended Linearization Algorithm (or XL Algorithm) for Solving Polynomial Systems of Equations, with Remarks toward NP-Completeness
Wednesday October 28
2:20 pm
Some recent techniques for faster linear algebra
Thursday October 29
9:00 am
Toward a numerical description of a complex affine scheme
Thursday October 29
9:55 am
Sparse implicitization by interpolation matrices
Thursday October 29
11:10 am
Issues in Blind Deconvolution via Computer Algebra (A Tale from the Dark Side)
Thursday October 29
1:45 pm
SPECTRA: solving exactly linear matrix inequalities
Thursday October 29
2:40 pm
Verified Solutions of Polynomial Systems
Friday October 30
9:00 am
Birds and Frogs: polynomial and matrix questions from design theory
Friday October 30
9:55 am
Optimal Backward Error and the Leaky Bucket
Friday October 30
11:10 am
Bit complexity for quadratic minimization problems: the generic case
Friday October 30
1:45 pm
Error-correcting sparse interpolation of multivariate function
Friday October 30
2:40 pm
Computing Approximate GCRDs of Differential Operators
Saturday October 31
9:55 am
On Recent Progress in Polynomial Root Finding
Saturday October 31
11:10 am
Sparse floats