March 28, 2025

Quantitative Finance Conference on Credit Risk
Saturday November 5, 2005
University of Western Ontario

Confirmed Participants as of October 31, 2005

Fullname University Name
Bae, Taehan University of Western Ontario
Bogod, Daniel University of Toronto
Campolieti, Joe Wilfrid Laurier University
Chen, Jian University of Waterloo
Christara, Christina C. University of Toronto
Dang, Duy Minh University of Toronto
Davison, Matt University of Western Ontario
DiCesare, Joe University of Waterloo
Giesecke, Kay Stanford University
Gordy, Michael US Federal Reserve Board
Guo, Ted Ontario Teachers Pension Plan
Gupton, Greg Moodys/KMV
Hikspoors, Samuel University of Toronto
Hora, Manpreet University of Western Ontario
Hurd, Tom McMaster University
Ivanov, Natalie CIBC
Jackman, Stephen University of Western Ontario
Jackson, Ken University of Toronto
Jaimungal, Sebastian University of Toronto
Kaltchenko, Alexei Wilfrid Laurier University
Karna, Amit M&T Bank
Kim, Paul BMO
Kreinin, Alexander Algorithmics Incorporated
Kuznetsov, Alexey McMaster University
Li, Dongyi University of Toronto
Li, Meirong Universite de Sherbrooke
Lin, Jacob M&T Bank
Liu, Shudan University of Western Ontario
Ma, Xiaofang University of Toronto
Makarov, Roman Wilfrid Laurier University
Marynowski, John M&T Bank
Miranskyy, Andriy University of Western Ontario
Mo, Qingkai University of Toronto
Mohammad, Aamir University of Toronto
Moud, Kam Canadian Imperial bank of Commerce
Ouegnin, Francois University of Western Ontario
Potapchik, Alexander Maplesoft
Reesor, R. Mark University of Western Ontario
Salakhutdinov, Ruslan University of Toronto
Semtchouk, Nikolai M&T Bank
Sigloch, Georg University of Toronto
Streltchenko, Olga Algorithmics Inc.
Sun, Lei University of Waterloo
Surkov, Vladimir University of Toronto
Tchernitser, Alexander Bank of Montreal
Tian, WeiDong University of Waterloo
Valov, Angel University of Toronto
Walker, Michael University of Toronto
Wang, Sharon University of Western Ontario
Whelan, Niall Scotia Capital
Wong, Richard Bank of Montreal
Wu, Chuen-tat Bank of Montreail
Xie, Kristine University of Western Ontario
Xie, Shengkun Wilfrid Laurier University
Yu, Pei University of Western Ontario
Zhang, Dianna Bank of Montreal
Zhang, Jingrui University of Toronto
Zhang, Wanhe University of Toronto
Zhang, Xiaoxue University of Western Ontario
Zhang, Yun Fan University of Western Ontario
Zhao, Guangzhi University of Western Ontario
Zhao, Jichao University of Western Ontario
Zhou, Lutong University of Western Ontario
Zhu, Yi University of Western Ontario

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