March 13, 2025

Sept. 23-24, 2013
2nd Industrial-Academic Workshop on Optimization in Finance and Risk Management

hosted by the Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto
(on line registration open to Sept. 16, after Sept. 16 registration on-site Sept. 23)
$40 CAD for students/postdocs, $120 CAD for academia/industry;
Onsite registration (September 23-24):
$50 CAD for students/postdocs, $160 CAD for academia/industry.
Deadline for travel support applications, August 1, 2013

Abstract Submission
Submit your title and abstract if you wish to present a contributed talk (25 minutes);
Contributed oral presentations should be submitted before August 1, 2013;
All abstracts will be juried by the organizing committee before being accepted.

Registered Participants as of September 17
* to be confirmed

Full Name University/Affiliation
Alkhamis, Talal Kuwait University
Aravkin, Aleksandr IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Azad, Nader McMaster University
Birge, John R. University of Chicago
Bliek, Christian IBM
Briggs, Jonathan Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
Calitoiu, Dragos TD Bank Group
Chang Kit, Matthew University of Toronto
Chellathurai, Thamayanthi Bank of Montreal
Chen, Michael York University
Chu, Ba Carleton University
Cubukgil, Evren Sun Life Financial
Damian, Oana University of Montreal
Dang, Duy Minh University of Waterloo
Dehghani, Amir* Queen's University
Demirtas, Derya University of Toronto
Deza, Antoine McMaster University
Dupriez, Guillaume Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Supelec)
Feuerverger, Andrey University of Toronto
Fofana, Lazeni Montpellier University
Gambrah, Priscilla McMaster University
Ghayoori, Armin University of Toronto
Ho, Vivian* University of Toronto
Huaman, Ricardo University of Alberta
Huang, Kai* McMaster University
Hurd, Tom McMaster University
Iyengar, Garud Columbia University
Jackson, Ken University of Toronto
Jafari Nodoushan, Nader Concordia University
Kang, Yi University of Toronto
Kenton, Dianne J. Brock University
King, Alan J. IBM
Kreinin, Alexander IBM
Kwon, Roy University of Toronto
Lee, Chi-Guhn* University of Toronto
Li, Jonathan University of Ottawa
Li, Linpan University of Toronto
Liang, Hongfeng McMaster University
Liu, Harry University of Western Ontario
Liu, Jia TD Bank
Lu, Chad McMaster University
Manuge, Derek University of Guelph
Mausser, Helmut IBM
Mayorov, Kirill Royal Bank of Canada
Memartoluie, Amir University of Waterloo
Merener, Martin Ryerson University
Moud, Kamyar New York Univeristy
Muhina, Irina Manulife Asset Managment
Mytkolli, Hasan TD Bank Group
Olivares, Pablo Ryerson University
Ozdemir, Bogie Sun Life Financial
Pirvu, Traian McMaster University
Ponnambalam, Kumaraswamy University of Waterloo
Radakovic, Nenad University of Toronto
Ren, Dongmeng University of Guelph
Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell University of Washington
Romanko, Oleksandr IBM
Rosen, Dan R² Financial Technologies Inc.
Saif, Ahmed University of Waterloo
Salisbury, Thomas York University
Samadov, Maksym IBM
Sawh, Deitra University of Waterloo
Seco, Luis University of Toronto
Shupo, Asaf TD Bank
Singh, Ajay Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Sorokin, Yegor York University
Steuer, Ralph University of Georgia
Taghizadeh Kakhki, Hossein Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Trusevych, Stephan University of Toronto
Tushe, Rejnal Algorithmics
Tütüncü, Reha Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Vitrano, Jonathan TD Bank
Walker, Michael University of Toronto
Wei, Haines Scotiabank
Wright, David University of Ottawa
Wu, Xiaochuan Royal Bank of Canada
Wu, Yu University of Toronto
Yazbeck, Tania Defence Research and Development Canada
Zdanovich, Andrey IBM
Zhao, Laura TD Finanical Group
Zou, Bin University of Alberta



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