Industrial Mathematics Seminar
November 13, 1997
The Fields Institute Industrial Mathematics Seminar, in conjunction with the
University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo, the University of Western
Ontario and York University, is held from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Fields Institute
at 222 College Street.
High Impact Management Science
Peter Bell
Richard Ivey Schoool of Business, University of Western Ontario
A growing number of major firms now see their "management science" (or "analytics")
as a strategic asset. This presentation will describe a number of problems where
quantitative solutions are producing, and will continue to produce, huge profits.
The presentation will conclude by identifying a number of opportunities to participate
in these new "high impact" problem areas.
Fire Forest Management Systems
Dave Martell
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
Planning horizons that span hundreds of years and uncertainty due to fire,
insects, and disease pose significant challenges to forest managers responsible
for the development and implementation of plans for large heterogeneous forests.
This presentation will focus on the use of mathematical programming models,
stochastic programming models, and spatial queueing models to develop fire and
forest management decision support systems.