January 30, 2025

Workshop on Simple Theories
October 18-22, 2000


Simple theories, a generalization of stable theories, were first defined by Shelah in his 1980's article "Simple, unstable theories". The subject remained essentially dormant until the foundational work of Kim and Pillay on the forking relation in simple theories, and the related work of Hrushovski on specific simple theories such as smoothly approximable structures and algebraically closed fields with an automorphism.

The past five years have seen an enormous amount of work by many researchers, in which more and more of the stability-theoretic machinery has been generalized to simple theories, and at the same time interesting new obstacles and phenomena have been observed.

The goal of this workshop is to examine this progress and report on the most current developments. Among the topics will be outstanding foundational issues related to Lascar strong types, local forking and stable forking, as well as the role of groups in simple theories, and applications.


This event is organized by:

Bradd Hart, Deputy Director, The Fields Institute and
Anand Pillay, Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois

Students and beginning researchers are especially welcome.

Thursday Oct. 19
9.30 - A. Pillay, Introduction.
11.00 - D. Lascar, "A survey of strong types"
2.00 - F. Wagner, ""Liaisons simples"
3.30 - T. Scanlon, "Supersimple division rings"

Friday Oct. 20.
9.30 - E. Casanovas, "Low and some other classes of simple theories"
11.00 - F. Wagner, "Local supersimplicity"
2.00 - Z. Shami, "Direct limit definability of binding groups in simple theories"
3.30 - Z. Chatzidakis, "Forking in omega-free PAC fields".

Saturday Oct 21.
9.30 - B. Kim, to be announced.
11.00 - O Lessmann, "Simple homogeneous models I".
2.00 - onwards: talks by students. (To be arranged at the meeting.)

Sunday Oct 22.
.30 - S. Buechler, "Simple homogenous models II"
11.00 - A. Pillay, "Some problems in local simplicity".

List of Participants

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