March 10, 2025

Symplectic Topology, Geometry, and Gauge Theory Program

Hamiltonian Group Actions and Quantization
Monday, June 4 - Wednesday, June 13, 2001


M. Audin (Université de Strasbourg), J. Hurtubise (CRM, Montréal),
L. Jeffrey (University of Toronto), E. Meinrenken (University of Toronto)

Topics include:

  • Geometric quantization and the Guillemin-Sternberg conjecture
  • Generalized moment map theories
  • Symplectic cobordisms
  • Relation with geometric invariant theory
  • Cohomology rings of symplectic quotients
  • Flat connections on Riemann surfaces

Invited Speakers:

M. Abreu (Fields Institute / Instituto Superior Tecnico) B. Kostant (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
A. Alekseev (Uppsala University) G. Landweber (MSRI, Berkeley / University of Oregon)
M. Braverman (Northeastern University) E. Lerman (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
R. Brylinski (Pennsylvania State University) E. Markman (University of Massachusetts)
R. Donagi (University of Pennsylvania) D. Metzler (University of Florida)
S. Evens (University of Notre Dame) J. Millson (University of Maryland)
P. Foth (University of Arizona) P. Paradan (Universite de Grenoble I)
L. Godinho (Instituto Superior Tecnico) S. Racaniere (IRMA de Strasbourg)
V. Guillemin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) S. Singer (Haverford College)
J. Harnad (Concordia University) R. Sjamaar (Cornell University)
T. Holm (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) A. Szenes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
J. Hurtubise (McGill University) S. Tolman (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
A. Hwang (College of the Holy Cross) J. Weitsman (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Y. Karshon (Hebrew University) C. Woodward (Rutgers University)
Y-H. Kiem (Stanford University) S. Wu (University of Adelaide / University of Colorado)
A. Knutson (University of California, Berkeley) P. Xu (Pennsylvania State University)
M. Kogan (Northeastern University) C. Zara (Yale University)

This workshop is part of the Symplectic Topology, Geometry and Gauge Theory program hosted by the Fields Institute from January to June 2001. All are welcome to register and attend.

Contact mailing address: Symplectic Topology, Geometry and Gauge Theory c/o The Fields Institute 222 College Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5T 3J1 Canada Phone: (416) 348-9710 | Fax: (416) 348-9759

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