March  8, 2025

List of Attendees

Ramadan Akila University of Guelph 12/3/01 - 12/3/01
Uri Ascher University of British Columbia 12/1/01 - 12/8/01
Dwight Barkley University of Warwick 11/30/01 - 12/7/01
Dan Beamish York University 11/30/01 - 12/20/01
Jacques Bélair Université de Montréal 11/30/01 - 12/7/01
Samuel Bernard Université de Montréal 11/29/01 - 12/7/01
Klaus Böehmer Philipps Universitat Marburg 11/19/01 - 12/8/01
Hermann Brunner Memorial University of Newfoundland 12/3/01 - 12/8/01
Sue Ann Campbell University of Waterloo 12/3/01 - 12/8/01
Walter Craig McMaster University 12/3/01 - 12/8/01
Eusebius Doedel Concordia University 12/2/01 - 12/8/01
Mitrajit Dutta University of New Hampshire 12/2/01 - 12/8/01
Wayne Enright University of Toronto 8/10/01 - 8/31/02
Christopher Essex The University of Western Ontario 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Donald Estep Colorado State University 12/1/01 - 12/7/01
Tom Fairgrieve University of Toronto 8/7/01 - 7/31/02
Jorge Galan-Vioque University of Sevilla 12/1/01 - 12/7/01
Karin Gatermann Berlin and ORCCA, London 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Alf Gerisch The Fields Institute 9/10/01 - 9/9/02
Martin Golubitsky University of Houston 12/2/01 - 12/7/01
Willy Govaerts University of Gent 12/1/01 - 12/8/01
John M. Guckenheimer Cornell University 11/30/01 - 12/4/01
Wayne Hayes University of Toronto 8/27/01 - 8/31/02
Michael E. Henderson IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 12/3/01 - 12/8/01
Huaxiong Huang York University 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Tony Humphries University of Sussex 8/7/01 - 12/14/01
Arieh Iserles Cambridge University 12/1/01 - 12/9/01
Eugene M. Izhikevich The Neurosciences Institute 11/30/01 - 12/8/01
Ken Jackson University of Toronto 8/1/01 - 8/31/02
Angel Jorba University of Barcelona 12/1/01 - 12/8/01
Oliver Junge University of Paderborn 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Herbert B. Keller California Institute of Technology 12/2/01 - 12/8/01
Yannis G. Kevrekidis Princeton University 12/3/01 - 12/8/01
Eric Kostelich Arizona State University 12/3/01 - 12/8/01
Bernd Krauskopf University of Bristol 12/2/01 - 12/9/01
Herb Krunze University of Guelph 12/2/01 - 12/8/01
Rachel Kuske University of Minnesota 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
William Langford University of Guelph 8/1/01 - 12/31/01
Gregory Lewis The Fields Institute 9/1/01 - 8/31/02
Tim Lewis New York University 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Xinzhi Liu University of Waterloo 11/29/01 - 12/8/01
Andre Longtin University of Ottawa 11/29/01 - 12/7/01
Kurt Lust K. U. Leuven 11/28/01 - 12/8/01
Kristen Morris University of Waterloo 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Paul Muir Saint Mary's University 12/1/01 - 12/7/01
Jim Murdock Iowa State University 12/1/01 - 12/8/01
Wayne Nagata University of British Columbia 12/2/01 - 12/10/01
N. Sri Namachchivaya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 12/1/01 - 12/5/01
Israel Ncube York University 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Ned Nedialkov McMaster University 8/7/01 - 8/31/02
Daniel Offin Queens University 12/2/01 - 12/7/01
Bart Oldeman University of Bristol 12/2/01 - 12/8/01
Robert Olsen Bard College 12/2/01 - 12/9/01
Hinke Osinga University of Bristol 12/2/01 - 12/7/01
Randy Paffenroth California Institute of Technology 12/3/01 - 12/9/01
Jose Luis Perez Velazquez Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto 11/29/01 - 12/2/01
Marcus Pivato University of Houston 12/3/01 - 12/10/01
Laurent Pujo-Menjouet McGill University 11/29/01 - 12/7/01
Dirk Roose K. U. Leuven 12/1/01 - 12/5/01
Andy Salinger Sandia National Laboratories 12/2/01 - 12/7/01
Giovanni Samaey K. U. Leuven 11/28/01 - 12/12/01
Bjorn Sandstede The Ohio State University 12/2/01 - 12/9/01
Tim Sauer George Mason University 12/2/01 - 12/9/01
Samuel Shen University of Alberta 12/2/01 - 12/7/01
Sven Sigurdsson University of Iceland 11/27/01 - 12/8/01
Steven Sladewski University of Guelph 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Raj Srinivasan University of Saskatchewan 11/27/01 - 12/10/01
John Stockie University of New Brunswick 12/3/01 - 12/10/01
Cristina Stoica University of Victoria 12/2/01 - 12/10/01
Emily Stone Utah State University 12/2/01 - 12/5/01
Andrew Stuart University of Warwick 12/2/01 - 12/9/01
Edriss Titi University of California 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Paul Tupper Stanford University 12/3/01 - 12/7/01
Gail Wolkowicz McMaster University 11/30/01 - 12/8/01
Weiguang Yao The University of Western Ontario 12/2/01 - 12/8/01
James Yorke University of Maryland 11/29/01 - 12/7/01
Yuan Yuan University of Western Ontario 12/3/01 - 12/7/01


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