January 10, 2025

Instructional Workshop - 78 Confirmed Attendees as of July 18, 2002

Adu-Gyamfi Michael , University of Science and Technology
Agyeman-Duah Cynthia , University of Cape Coast
Asuming-Baffour Frank , K.N.U.S.T-Ghana
Barot Michael , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Beineke Andre , Universität Bielefeld
Bender Jens , BUGH Wuppertal
Billig Yuly , Carleton University
Bilodeau Josee , University of Toronto
Brenner Sheila , Liverpool University
Bright Kofi Adatsi , University of Science & Technology, Ghana
Brown K. S. , Cornell University
Brüstle Thomas , Universität Bielefeld
Buchweitz Ragnar-Olaf , University of Toronto
Butler Michael C. R. , Liverpool University
Chalom Gladys , Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Chen Xueqing , Carleton University
Chindris Calin , University of Michigan
Cibils Claude , Université de Montpellier 2
Crawley-Boevey William , University of Leeds
Davis Gabriel , University of Leicester
Deng Bangming , Beijing Normal University
Derksen H. , University of Michigan
Dlab Vlastimil , Carleton University
Drozd Yuriy , Kiev Taras Shevchenko National University
Drozd Olena , Kiev Taras Shevchenko National University
Frank Owusu Marfo , University of Science & Technology, Ghana
Guo Jin Yun , Hunan Normal University
Hille Lutz , Universität Hamburg
Holtmann Angela , Universität Bielefeld
Hubery Andrew , University of Leeds
Igusa Kiyoshi , Brandeis University
Iyama Osamu , Himeji Insitute of Technology
Jue Brian , California State University, Stanislaus
Kapranov Mikhail , University of Toronto
Keller Bernhard , University of Paris 7
Kleshchev Alexander , University of Oregon
Koenig S. , University of Leicester
Kujawa Jonathon , University of Oregon
Lenzing Helmut , Universität Paderborn
Li Fang , Zhejiang University
Liu Shaoxue , Beijing Normal University
Liu Shiping , Université de Sherbrooke
Malliavin M. P. , University of Paris 6
Marcos Eduardo , Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Martsinkovsky Alex , Northeastern University
Mazorchuk Volodymyr , University of Uppsala
Merklen Hector , Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Mojiri Ahmad , University of Ottawa
Moreno Canadas Agustin , Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Nagase Hiroshi , Osaka City University
Neher Erhard , University of Ottawa
Nishida Kenji , Shinshu University
Okninski Jan , Warsaw University
Phillips Aaron , University of Oregon
Pospichal Tomas , Carleton University
Pucinskaite Daiva , Universität Bielefeld
Putcha M. S. , North Carolina State University
Quansah Samuel , Kwame Nkrumah University of Sciences and Technology
Renner L. , University of Western Ontario
Ringel Claus Michael , Universität Bielefeld
Roiter A. , National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ruff Olly , University of Oregon
Sarpey Jerry , Kwame Nkrumah University of Sciences and Technology
Sato Masahisa , Yamanashi University
Schaps Mary , Bar-Ilan University
Schmidmeier Markus , Florida Atlantic University
Schroer Jan , University of Leeds
Scott Leonard , University of Virginia
Shaw Peter , University of Leeds
Stephen Antwi , University of Science & Technology, Ghana
Tachikawa H. , Tsukuba University
Todorov Gordana , Northeastern University
Toscar Escuder Cecilia , Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Tuba Imre , University of California, Santa Barbara
Tyler Helene , Syracuse University
Vukovic Mirjana , University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yamoah David Kofi , University of Cape Coast
Zemlicka Jan , Charles University