January  9, 2025

International CONFERENCE on Representations of Algebras
and Related Topics (ICRA X)

July 22 - July 31, 2002

All talks will be held at the Koffler Institute for Pharmacy Mgmt Bldg (KP)
569 Spadina Avenue, north-east side of Spadina Crescent

*Note: change in location for final lectures (5:40-6:30 pm) on July 23, 24, 29, 30th*
These lectures held at The Fields Institute, room 230

SCHEDULE - Monday July 22
8:15 - 9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast at The Fields Institute, 222 College Street, 2nd floor
NOTE: All talks will be held at the Koffler Institute for Pharmacy Mgmt Bldg (KP)
569 Spadina Avenue, north-east side of Spadina Crescent
Dieter Happel, TU Chemnitz
Tilting objects in hereditary categories

9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-10:45 Aslak B. Buan, Norwegian University for Science and Technology
Cotilting for tame hereditary algebras
10:50-11:15 Gabriella D'Este, University of Milan
Asymmetries for cotilting bimodules
11:20-11:45 Dirk Kussin, Universität Paderborn
Prime ideals in orbit algebras
11:50-12:15 Luise Unger, University of Hagen
On a partial order of tilting modules
12:20-2:00 Lunch break
2:10-3:00 Lutz Hille, Universität Hamburg
The irreducuble components of Lusztig's nilpotent variety and crystal bases
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-3:55 Edson Ribeiro Alvares, Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brasil
Embedding of some translation quivers into $\mathbb Z \Delta$
4:00-4:25 Eduardo Marcos, Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Koszul modules and modules with linear presentations
4:30-4:55 Flavio Ulhoa Coelho, Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Two-sided gluings of tilted algebras
5:00-5:20 Mark Kleiner, Syracuse University
Hereditary abelian categories with a Serre duality and comodules over path coalgebras
5:30 - 7:30 Reception at the Fields Institute
Tuesday July 23
8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
Michael Barot, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Generalized Serre-relations
9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-10:45 Raymundo Bautista, Instituto de Matematicas, Morelia
On generic modules
10:50-11:15 Olena Drozd, Kiev Taras Shevchenko University
Reduction algorithm for generalized boxes
11:20-11:45 Yuriy Drozd, Kiev Taras Shevchenko University
Coverings of tame algebras
11:50-12:15 Rita Zuazua, Instituto de Matematicas, Morelia
An exact structures for lift categories
12:20-2:00 Lunch break
2:10-3:00 Thomas Brüstle, Universität Bielefeld
Tame tree algebras
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-3:55 Claude Cibils, Université de Montpellier
The Hochschild cohomology algebra of an extension
4:00-4:25 Edward Green, Virginia Tech
Hochschild cohomology rings of monomial algebras
4:30-4:55 Hiroshi Nagase, Osaka City University
Relative Hochschild cohomology and smoothness
5:00-5:25 Oeyvind Solberg, NTNU, Norway
Support varieties and Hochschild cohomology rings
*Held at Fields Institute
Christof Geiss, Ciudad Universitaria
The indecomposable representations of the quaternion algebra
Wednesday July 24
8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
Dan Zacharia, Syracuse University
Selfinjective Koszul algebras
9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-10:45 Bernhard Keller, Université Paris 7
A-infinity-Yoneda algebras via twisting cochains: an example

10:50-11:15 Dag Madsen, Universität Bielefeld / NTNU, Trondheim
Generalized Koszul duality
11:20-11:45 Roberto Martinez-Villa, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Koszul algebras and sheaves over projective space
11:50-12:15 A. Martsinkovsky, Northeastern University
Non-commutative sheaf cohomology and Vogel cohomology over Koszul quiver algebras
12:20-2:00 Lunch break
2:10-3:00 Jan Schröer, University of Leeds
Stable endomorphism algebras of modules over special biserial algebras
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-3:55 Jens Bender, BUGH Wuppertal
Minimal singularities in orbit closures of matrix~pencils
4:00-4:25 Mary Schaps, Bar-Ilan University
Blocks of group algebras, tiltings, and decomposition matrices
4:30-4:55 Grzegorz Bobinski, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
Exact functors between module categories
5:00-5:25 Angela Holtmann, Universität Bielefeld
Multiple flag varieties of tame type: The s-tame dimension vectors of stars
*Held at Fields Institute
Henning Krause, Universität Bielefeld
Realizability of Modules over Tate Cohomology
Thursday July 25
8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
Idun Reiten, NTNU, Trondheim
Noetherian hereditary categories with Serre duality
9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-11:10 Jose A. de la Pena, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico
Supercanonical algebras
11:20-12:10 Helmut Lenzing, Universität Paderborn
Hereditary noetherian categories with a commutative function field
12:10 Free afternoon
Friday July 26
9:00-10:15 Continental breakfast at The Fields Institute (there is no activity at the Koffler Institute today)
Saturday July 27
Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
9:30-9:55 Volodymyr Mazorchuk, University of Uppsala
New properties and applications of Gelfand-Zetlin modules
9:55-10:20 Coffee break
The following sessions are running simultaneously
These lecture are held in room 113 These lectures are held in room 108
10:20-10:45 Viktor Levandovskyy, Universität Kaiserslautern
Gröbner bases and their applications for some noncommutative algebras
Manuel Saorin, Universidad de Murcia
The fixed subalgebra of the group of automorphisms
10:50-11:15 Jonathan Kujawa, University of Oregon
A new proof of the Mullineux conjecture
Masahisa Sato, Yamanashi University
One way hereditary rings

Aaron Phillips, University of Oregon
Restricting projective representations of symmetric and alternating groups to Young subgroups

Sverre O. Smalø, Norwegian University for Science and Technology
Finiteness of global dimension
11:50-12:15 Juan Carlos Bustamante, Université de Sherbrooke
The (pseudo) classifying space of a bound quiver
Bertha Tome, Ciudad Universitaria
Strongly simply connected coil algebras
12:15-2:00 Lunch break

Mirjana Vukovic, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Generalities about graded structures

Gladys Chalom, Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
One point extensions of quasi tilted algebras

Jan Zemlicka, MFF Charles University
Semiartinian rings with primitive factors artinian

H. Merklen, Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Irreducible morphisms in derived categories
2:55-3:30 Tea break
3:30-3:55 Oleksandr Khomenko, Universität Freiburg
On modules with minimal annihilators
Bernt Tore Jensen, NTNU, Trondheim
Lifting and modules of finite projective dimension
4:00-4:25 Kenneth K. Nwabueze, University of Brunei
The representation rings of group codes
K. Nishida, Shinshu University
A generalization of the Auslander formula

Fang Li, Zhejiang University
Weak Hopf Algebras and singular solutions of quantum Yang-Baxter equation

Shiping Liu, Université de Sherbrooke
Semi-continuity of Hochschild cohomology and mesh algebras without outer derivations

5:00-5:25 --- Sheila Brenner, University of Liverpool
Short exact sequences with indecomposable cokernel term
Sunday July 28
  Free Day
Monday July 29
8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
O. Iyama, Himeji Institute of Technology
Finiteness of representation dimension
9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-10:45 Andre Beineke, Universität Bielefeld
Delta-critical quasi-hereditary algebras
10:50-11:15 Maria Jose Souto, Universidade da Corunha
On t-structures and derived equivalences
11:20-11:45 Justyna Kosakowska, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
Generic extensions of posets representations
11:50-12:15 Grzegorz Zwara, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
Desingularizations and geometry of orbit closures in module varieties
12:20-2:00 Lunch break
2:10-3:00 Igor Burban, Universität Kaiserslautern
Derived tameness of certain associative algebras
3:00-3:30 Tea break

Xueqing Chen, Carleton University
Properly stratified endomorphism algebras


Jin Yun Guo, Hunan Normal University
Selfinjective Koszul algebras of finite complexity

4:30-4:55 Corina Saenz, Ciudad Universitaria
On standardly stratified algebras
5:00-5:25 Vlastimil Dlab, Carleton University
Standard Koszul algebras, revisited
Tuesday July 30
8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
Andrew Hubery, University of Leeds
Representations of a quiver with automorphism: generalising a theorem of Kac
9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-10:45 Bangming Deng, Beijing Normal University
Monomial bases for quantum affine $sl_n$

Josee Bilodeau, University of Toronto
The Auslander algebra of a simple plane curve singularity

11:20-11:45 Zbigniew Leszczynski, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
The incidence algebras of tame type
11:50-12:15 Alexander Zavadskij, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Equipped posets of finite growth and their representations
12:20-2:00 Lunch break
2:10-3:00 Markus Schmidmeier, Florida Atlantic University
Subgroups of finite abelian groups
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-3:55 Hideto Asashiba, Osaka City University
Derived equivalences between selfinjective algebras with a double covering by a trivial extension algebra
4:00-4:25 Jerzy Bialkowski, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
Weakly symmetric algebras of tubular type

Rafal Bocian, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
Symmetric algebras of Euclidean type


Zygmunt Pogorzaly, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
Galois coverings of the enveloping algebras of self-injective Nakayama algebras

*Held at Fields Institute
Claus Michael Ringel, Universität Bielefeld
Continued fractions, tilting modules and the construction of large indecomposable modules
Wednesday July 31
8:30-9:00 Continental breakfast at The Koffler Institute
Georgia Benkart, Madison, Wisconsin
Representations and combinatorics of Temperley-Lieb algebras
9:50-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-11:10 Amnon Neeman, The Australian National University
A survey of well generated triangulated categories
11:15 Conference ends