March 10, 2025

Conference in Number Theory in Honour of Professor H.C. Williams

Saturday May 24, 2003 to Friday May 30, 2003
to be held at The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Organizing Committee

Michael Jacobson, Calgary
Renate Scheidler, Calgary
Jon Sorenson, Butler

Andreas Stein, UIUC
Gary Walsh, Ottawa


The conference is open to all areas of Number Theory, with emphasis on Computational Number Theory and applications to Cryptography. Researchers in these fields of study are welcomed to participate, as we honour Canada's foremost computational number theorist, whose contributions include results on integer factorization, primality testing, diophantine equations, linear recurrences, the infrastructure of quadratic number fields and function fields, and their applications to Cryptography. Each day of the conference will include one plenary lecture, a number of invited lectures and time has been set aside each day for contributed talks.

Special Lecture

Manindra Agrawal from IITK, who has recently proved the existence of a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for primality testing, will give a special evening lecture at the Banff Center on Sunday May 25, 2003, with a reception to follow in his honour sponsored by RSA Security Inc.

Plenary Speakers

Peter Borwein, SFU
Johannes Buchmann, Darmstadt
Andrew Granville, Montreal

Carl Pomerance, Bell Labs
Alf Van Der Poorten, Macquarie

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Eric Bach, Wisconsin
Mike Bennett, UBC
Dan Bernstein, Chicago
Wieb Bosma, Nijmegen
David Boyd, UBC
Richard Brent, Oxford
John Brillhart, Arizona
Duncan Buell, South Carolina
Joe Buhler, Reed College
Henri Cohen, Bordeaux
John Cremona, Nottingham
Karl Dilcher, Dalhousie
John Friedlander, Toronto
Dan Gordon, CCR
Jon Grantham, CCS
Helen Grundman, Bryn Mawr College
Mike Jacobson, Calgary
Kristin Lauter, Microsoft

Claude Levesque, Laval
Stephane Louboutin, Luminy
Greg Martin, UBC
Siguna Mueller, Calgary
Ron Mullin, Waterloo
Attila Petho, Debrecen
Richard Pinch, Cheltenham
Herman te Riele, CWI
Leanne Robertson, Smith College
Igor Shparlinski, Macquarie
Alice Silverberg, OSU
Jon Sorenson, Butler
Andreas Stein, UIUC
Cam Stewart, Waterloo
Edlyn Teske, Waterloo
Sam Wagstaff, Purdue
Annegret Weng, Essen


April 1, 2003- Early Registration ($200 CAD, $300 after this date)

Travel and Accommodation Information

**All participants are requested to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.**
To get to Banff, it is recommended that one fly to Calgary International Airport, as many Canadian, American, and overseas airlines fly to Calgary. Once in Calgary, one can get to Banff using the Banff shuttle bus. It is recommended that individuals make a reservation by web, email or phone. The shuttle bus company will provide a reduced rate to those who indicate to the airport ticket issuer that they are going to the Number Theory Conference.

Rooms at The Banff Centre are limited, so those intending to book rooms are urged to do so as soon as possible. To book your room, you may print and fax this pdf file to the Banff Centre reservation office.

There is considerable alternative accommodation in Banff at that time of year. Suggested activities in Banff for Conference May 24-30, 2003


On-line registration is now closed. Those who want to register for the conference may do so on-site at the Banff Centre. Registration Day will be Saturday, May 24, 2003.

Conference Proceedings

The Fields Institute has agreed to publish the proceedings of this conference in its monograph series. A call for papers and instructions for publishing can be found here.

For more information please contact or Gary Walsh (

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