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March 8, 2025 |
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Thematic Program on Set Theory and AnalysisWorkshop on Geometry of Banach spaces and infinite dimensional Ramsey
Dale Alspach (Oklahoma State) Bibliography
Some Ordinal Indices in Banach Space Theory
Ordinal indices have been used in several ways to quantify behaviors and structures in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. In this talk I will survey some results which make use of ordinal indices. Among those indices discussed will be the Szlenk index, Bourgain's $\ell_1$ index, and the $\ell_1^+$ weakly null index. Along the way I will define the Schreier sets and indicate the role that they have played in the theory. While the talk will be far from exhaustive, I hope that the selection will give non-experts in Banach space theory a useful introduction.
Valentin Ferenczi, (Paris 6)
On a question by Haskell P. Rosenthal
This is a work in collaboration with A. Pelczar and C. Rosendal. We
give partial answers to the following question by Haskell P. Rosenthal:
If a basis $(e_n)$ of a Banach space is such that every block basis
of $(e_n)$ has a subsequence equivalent to $(e_n)$, must $(e_n)$ be
equivalent to the unit vector basis of $c_0$ or $l_p$, $p \in [1,+\infty)$?
Gilles Godefroy, (Pierre et Marie Curie)
Rosenthal compact sets and analytic filters
We present in this talk a rather old result on characterizations of Rosenthal compact sets, in terms of analyticity of the filter of neighbourhoods of the diagonal in the square space. Several applications and connections to more recent results will be mentionned.
Petr Hajek, (Czech Academy of Science)
Quantitative Krein theorem
A quantitative version of a classical theorem of Krein, stating that
closed convex hull of a weak compact is also a weak compact will be
Robert Kaufman, (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Complexity of a certain set of norms in a Banach space.
Let X be a separable, infinite-dimensional Banach space and
N(X) the set of equivalent norms in X. An element x of X is said to
be a "co-smooth" direction of a morm, if that norm is Gateaux-smooth
everywhere in the direction of x. Let G(0) be the set of norms admitting
at least one co-smooth direction x (not 0). What is the complexity of
G(0)? Counting quantifiers leads to the class PCA, but this is too large.
The set G(0) can be obtained by applying the Hausdorff operation A to
a scheme of co-analytic sets. Moreover, even when X is not too exotic,
the class G(0) reduces every set of the specified class by a continuous
map into N(X).
Dominique Lecomte, (Pierre et Marie Curie)
How can we recover Baire class one functions ?
Let X and Y be separable metrizable spaces, and f:X --> Y be a map. We want to recover f from its values on a small set via a simple algorithm. We give sufficient conditions on X to insure this when f is Baire class one. We study the limits of these results. This leads us to the study of sets of Baire class one functions and to a characterization of the separability of the dual space of an arbitrary Banach space.
Edward Odell, (Texas at Austin)
Ramsey Methods in Banach spaces
This is an expository talk concerning the use of Ramsey theory in the study of infinite dimensional Banach spaces. We will discuss a number of the results mentioned in the workshop Rationale as well an some open problems.
Anna Pelczar, (Jagiellonian University)
Combinatorial techniques in the classification of Banach spaces
We will present results along the lines the classification of Banach spaces proposed by T.Gowers - in terms of richness of the space of operators on a given Banach space. The method used in proofs extends the technic of B.Maurey's proof of Gowers dichotomy for hereditarily indecomposable spaces and unconditional sequences.
Bunyamin Sari (Alberta)
On spreading models of Orlicz sequence spaces
We consider the partially ordered set which consists of spreading models
an Orlicz sequence space together with the partial order defined with
respect to domination of bases. A description of this partially ordered
set along with some illustrative examples will be presented.
Thomas Schlumprecht, (Texas A&M)
Asymptotic Structure and Games of higher complexity in a Banach
We introduce for a countable ordinal $\alpha$ the the asymptotic structure
$\{X\}_\alpha$, similar as it was done in the finite case by Maurey,
Milmann, and Tomczak-Jaegermann. We are doing this using finite games
of complexity $\alpha$. With these tools we deduce certain quantitative
versions of Gowers' dichotomy result. We also give a different proof
of the combinatorical theorem underlying this dichotomy result.