Bradd Hart (McMaster), Deirdre Haskell (McMaster), Patrick Speissegger
The North American Midwest is a strong centre for research in Model
Theory, a branch of Mathematical Logic. The schools most prominently
involved are the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University
of Illinois at Chicago, McMaster University, the University of Notre
Dame and the Ohio State University.
The Midwest Model Theory Meeting has been held annually for over 20
years. This year's meeting is organized by the Logic group at McMaster
University and takes place on the weekend of November 8-9, 2003 at the
Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences in Toronto,
On Friday, November 7 at 3:30 pm, Angus Macintyre will give a colloquium
in the new Centre for Mathematics at McMaster University. For details
of this colloquium, please see
and for driving directions to McMaster please see
Schedule of Talks:
Saturday Nov. 8, 9:30 am- 5:30 pm
Sunday Nov. 9, 9:30 am- 12 pm
Financial Support
Limited support is be available for graduate students; please indicate
your request for funding when registering.
For further information please contact