March  8, 2025

Thematic Program in Partial Differential Equations

Workshop on Free Surface Water Waves
June 14 - 18, 2004

(supported by the Fields Institute, The National Science Foundation & The Canada Research Chairs Program)

Mailing List: To receive updates on this program please subscribe to our mailing list at

Organizing Committee:
J. Carter, W. Craig, B. Deconinck, J. Hammack, D. Henderson, D. Nicholls, H. Segur, C. Sulem

This workshop focuses on ocean wave evolution and applications. Themes include, but are not restricted to, wave propagation in the open ocean, wave dynamics in the coastal region, wave generation by wind, wave breaking, air-sea interaction, remote sensing, wave spectra, and mathematical modelling of waves. Participants include analysts, scientific computationalists, modellers, laboratory experimentalists, and field experimentalists.

Workshop Format:
Invited Talks -- Talks will be 25 minutes each with 5 minutes for questions.

Poster session -- On Monday evening there will be a combined poster session and reception. All workshop participants are invited to present one or more poster(s), which will stay up during the whole week.

Work Sessions -- These sessions are informal time periods during which interested participants may gather to discuss particular topics. The topics will be chosen up to 24 hrs in advance on sign-up sheets in a first-come format. Additionally, venues will be available during these times for smaller groups that wish to work outside of this format.

Outstanding Problems -- The poster session will include a list of what speakers consider to be important open problems in the general area of water waves and their applications and mathematics.

Confirmed Participants:

D. Ambrose (NYU)
R. Avni (Technion)
S. Badulin (Shirshov Institue of Oceanology)
M. Banner (New South Wales)
A. Baxevani (Lund)
T. Beale (Duke)
M. Bleymaier (Colorado)
H. Bredmose (Bristol)
S. Belcher (Reading)
G. Caulliez (IRPHE)
D. Chalikov (Maryland)
W. Craig (McMaster)
B. Deconinck (Washington)
J. Duncan (Maryland)
A. Dyachenko (Landau Institute)
C. Fochesato (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan)
D. Furhman (Technical U of Denmark)
D. George (Washington)
M. Groves (Loughborough)
P. Guyenne (Fields Institute)
R. Guza (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
S. Hamdi (Toronto)
T. Hara (Rhode Island)
B. Haus (Miami)
V. M. Hur (Brown)
P. Hwang (Stennis Space Center)
H. Kalisch (Lund)

Y. Liu (MIT)
M. Longuet-Higgins (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
P. Madsen (Technical U of Denmark)
C. Mei (MIT)
K. Melville (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
P. Milewski (Wisconsin)
D. Nicholls (Notre Dame)
A. Osborne (Turin)
E. Parau (University of East Anglia)
M. Patterson (Washington)
H. Segur (Colorado)
R. Sexton (Starmark)
V. Shrira (Keele)
M. Stiassnie (Technion)
J. Strain (UC Berkeley)
W. Strauss (Brown)
E. Tabak (NYU-CIMS)
P. Taylor (Oxford)
R. Thelwell (Colorado State)
Y. Toledo (Technion)
D. Wright (Fields Institute)
L. Wyatt (Sheffield)
H. Yeh (Oregon State)
D. Yue (MIT)
V. Zakharov (Arizona)

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