March 15, 2025

Set Theory Seminars

The Fields Institute currently hosts an ongoing Set Theory seminar series, meeting each Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.

Ilijas Farah,
York University, Juris Steprans, York University

Further information on the 2002 Thematic Program on Set Theory and Analysis.


June 30, 2004
Juris Steprans, York University
Cardinal numbers of covering by translations of meagre sets II

June 23, 2004
Juris Steprans, York University
Cardinal numbers of covering by translations of meagre sets

June 9, 2004
Ilijas Farah, York University
Measured creatures, part III

June 2, 2004
Ilijas Farah, York University
Measured creatures, part II

May 26, 2004
Ilijas Farah, York University
Measured creatures, part I

May 19, 2004
Frank Tall, University of Toronto
More applications of PFA(S)[S]

May 5, 2004
Frank Tall, University of Toronto
Compact hereditarily normal homogeneous spaces may all be first countable: an application of PFA(S)[S]

April 28, 2004
Paul Szeptycki, York University
L(Sigma) spaces, part II

August 25, 2003
Gabor Lukacs, York University
Topological groups: structure theorems

August 20, 2003
Frank Tall, University of Toronto
On the paracompactness of locally compact normal spaces

August 13, 2003
Frank Tall, University of Toronto
On the paracompactness of locally compact normal spaces

August 6, 2003
Frank Tall, University of Toronto
On the paracompactness of locally compact normal spaces

July 30, 2003
Juris Steprans, York University
Komjath's problem in 3-dimensional Euclidean space III

July 23, 2003
Juris Steprans, York University
Komjath's problem in 3-dimensional Euclidean space II

July 16, 2003
Juris Steprans, York University
Komjath's problem in 3-dimensional Euclidean space.

July 7, 2003.
Frank Tall, University of Toronto
Recovering spaces from their compact CCC reflections

July 2, 2003
Fernando Hernandez-Hernandez, York University
A Dowker space

Seminars held during 2003


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