March  9, 2025

Geometry and Model Theory Seminar at the Fields Institute


The idea of the seminar is to bring together people from the group in geometry and singularities at the University of Toronto (including Ed Bierstone, Askold Khovanskii, Grisha Mihalkin and Pierre Milman) and the model theory group at McMaster University (Bradd Hart, Deirdre Haskell, Patrick Speissegger and Matt Valeriote).

As we discovered during the programs in Algebraic Model Theory Program and the Singularity Theory and Geometry Program at the Fields Institute in 1996-97, geometers and model theorists have many common interests. The goal of this seminar is to further explore interactions between the areas.

Seminars will take place in the Fields Institute Library Thursdays from 2 - 3 p.m.

Upcoming Seminars

March 03, 2005

Patrick Ahern, University of Wisconsin, Madison
On the method of Ecalle and Voronin
Abstract: We discuss the method of Ecalle and Voronin and give some
applications of it.

Past Seminars

January 13, 2005

Wieslaw Pawlucki, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski
A linear extension operator for Lipschitz functions on o-minimal sets
For any subset E of R^n definable in an o-minimal structure S on the field of real numbers R, a construction of a continuous linear extension operator for Lipschitz functions on E which preserves definability in S will be presented.

November 4, 2004

Sergei Starchenko, Notre Dame University
Complex-Analytic subsets in Analytic-Geometric Categories
We consider a subanalytic subset A of a complex analytic manifold M (when M is viewed as a real manifold) and formulate conditions under which A is a complex analytic subset of M.

October 28, 2004

Thomas Scanlon, University of California, Berkeley
Regular types in partial differential fields
In superstable theories, every types may be analyzed in terms of regular types. So, to understand general types its is necessary to know the regular types. The theory of differentially closed fields with $n$ commuting derivations is totally transcendental, and, in particular, superstable. In the case of $n = 1$, every regular types is either locally modular or non-orthogonal to the generic type of a definable field. We extend this result to the case of $n \geq 1$ showing that a non-locally modular regular type is nonorthogonal to a regular generic type of some definable additive group. We discuss some properties of additive groups with non-locally modular regular generic types.
[This is a report on joint work with Rahim Moosa and Anand Pillay.]

October 21, 2004

Thierry Zell, Georgia Tech
Topology of Hausdorff limits in o-minimal structures
Let's fix an o-minimal expansion of the real field and consider a definable family of compact definable sets. It is well-known that any set that occurs as a Hausdorff limit in this family has to be definable too, which implies in particular that the sum of the Betti numbers of such a limit is always finite. In this talk, I will give a quantitative version of that result: an upper-bound on the Betti numbers of a Hausdorff limit, expressed in terms of the Betti numbers of very simple sets defined from the fibers. One immediate application of this result is to new upper-bounds in the semialgebraic case. It also allowed to answer completely the problem of giving effective estimates for the Betti numbers of relative closures of semi-Pfaffian sets.

October 7, 2004

Rahim Moosa, University of Waterloo
Nonstandard meromorphic groups.
A. Pillay and T. Scanlon proved the Chevellay structure theorem for meromorphic groups (these are "compactifiable" complex Lie groups) which describes every meromorphic group as an extension of a complex torus by a linear algebraic group. In this talk I will discuss current work with
T. Scanlon and M. Aschenbrenner toward a relative (or uniform) version of this theorem. Equivalently, we aim to extend the structure theorem to groups definable in nonstandard models of the theory of compact complex spaces. I will focus on the strongly minimal case.

September 23, 2004

Tobias Kaiser, Universität Regensburg
Definability results for the Poisson equation
Let U be a simply connected, bounded and semianalytic domain in the real plane. We study the Poisson equation Lu = f in U, u = g on the boundary of U, where L is the Laplace operator and f and g are bounded, semianalytic functions. We ask for several classes of domains whether the solution u lives in an o-minimal structure. For example, we show for analytically smooth domains that the solution is definable in the expansion of the real exponential field by all restricted analytic functions

Past Seminars 2003-04

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