Topological string theory is currently a very active field of research
for both mathematicians and physicists --- in mathematics, it leads to
new relations between symplectic topology, algebraic geometry and combinatorics,
and in physics, it is a laboratory for the study of basic features of
string theory, such as background independence, open/closed string duality,
non-perturbative completion, as well as an effective framework for computing
spectra and interactions in full-fledged string compactifications.
This workshop will bring together a range of experts on different aspects
of topological string theory from both the mathematics and physics communities.
Guest Speakers:
- Mina Aganagic, UC Berkeley
- Jim Bryan, University of British Columbia
- Cheol-Hyun Cho, Northwestern University
- Costello, Kevin J, Imperial College London
- Robbert Dijkgraaf, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam
- Duiliu Emanuel Diaconescu, Rutgers University
- Alexander Givental, University of California at Berkeley
- Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel, Stanford University
- Bumsig Kim, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
- Yon Seo Kim, UCLA
- Albrecht Klemm, University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Yuan-Pin Lee, University of Utah
- Jun Li, Stanford University
- Andrei Losev, ITEP, Moskow
- Yong-Geun Oh, University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Andrei Okounkov, Princeton University
- Takuya Okuda, California Institute of Technology
- Hirosi Ooguri, California Institute of Technology
- Pan Peng, UCLA
- Nicolai Reshetikhin, UC Berkeley
- Lev Rozansky, University of North Carolina
- Richard Thomas, Imperial College
- Cumrun Vafa, Harvard University
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