January 14, 2025

January 29, 2005
Young Mathematicians' Conference in PDE and Dynamical Systems

held at McMaster University

Walter Craig, Adrian Nachman, Dmitry Pelinovsky, Mary Pugh, Catherine Sulem
Supported by


We are planning this year's Young Mathemticians' Conference for Saturday January 29th, 2005. The idea is to have a regular meeting of mathematicians interested in PDE and/or dynamical systems, which would specialize in inviting junior mathematicians to speak. We started last January with the first of such conferences, held in conjunction with our Thematic Program in PDE at the Fields Institute.
This year our meeting will be held at McMaster University. The objective of this meeting is to encourage scientific exchange, and to create an opportunity for young mathematicians in an early stage of their career to get to know each other and each other's work. The program consists of two senior 'plenary' speakers and 8 regular speakers. In addition, young mathematicians from around the country who are interested in PDE and in dynamical systems are invited to attend, with support for their participation from the conference (hopefully shared with their doctoral advisor). Our informal rule is that but for the two 'plenary' speakers, all other talks were given by people within a few years (either way) of their PhD. More senior mathematicians are of course welcome to attend. Young people have been invited from all over Canada for the coming event. We feel that this is a good way to help to develop and to maintain a feeling of community in the discipline. Our funding was provided by our NSERC Leadership Support Intiative Grant, the Fields Insitute, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University, and CRC Program.

Senior Speakers:
Pengfei Guan
(McMaster)(talk abstract)
Catherine Sulem
(Toronto) (talk abstract)


Pieter Blue (Toronto) (talk abstract)
Adela Comanici (Huston) (talk abstract)
Marco Merkli (McGill) (talk abstract)
Sarah Mitchell (UBC) (talk abstract)
Alberto Montero (McMaster) (talk abstract)
Mohammad Reza Pakzad (PIMS) (talk abstract)
Vladislav Panferov (McMaster) (talk abstract)
Alexandru Tamasan (Toronto)(talk abstract)


9:00 -9:30

Coffee and general welcome

9:30 -10:30

Pengfei Guan (McGill) (talk abstract)
Convexity problems in nonlinear geometric equations

10:30 -11:00

A. Tamasan (Toronto)(talk abstract)
Inverse Boundary Value Problems for the Transport
Equation and Applications

11:00 -11:30

A. Montero (McMaster)

11:30 - 11:45

Coffee Break

11:45 - 12:15

S. Mitchell (UBC) (talk abstract)
An asymptotic framework for finite hydraulic fractures driven by multiple physical processes

12:15 - 12:45

P. Blue (Toronto) (talk abstract)
Decay estimates and phase space analysis on some black hole manifolds

12:45 - 2:00

lunch break

2:00 - 2:30

M. Merkli (McGill) (talk abstract)
Non equilibrium stationary states and transport phenomena

2:30 - 3:00

A. Comanici (Huston) (talk abstract)
Transition from Rotating Waves to Modulated Rotating Waves on a Sphere

3:00 - 3:30

V. Panferov (McMaster) (talk abstract)
On the regularity problem for the nonlinear Boltzmann equation in one space dimension

3:30 - 4:00

Coffee Break

4:00 -4:30

Mohammad Reza Pakzad (PIMS) (talk abstract)
On the weak solutions of the degenarate Monge Ampere Equation

4:30 - 5:30

Catherine Sulem (talk abstract)
Nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations and related systems



List of Participants:

Mehmet Ali Akinlar (McMaster)
Ivana Alexandrova (Toronto)
Mhenni Benghorbal ( Western Ontario)
Andrei Biryuk (McMaster)
Kristian Bjerklov (Toronto)
Stefanella Boatto (McMaster)
Philippe Caillol (McGill)
Stephen Dejak (Toronto)
Kimia Ghobadi (McMaster)
Philippe Guyenne (McMaster)
Daihai He (McMaster)
Slim Ibrahim (McMaster)

Arthemy Kisilev (Brock)
Kunquan Lan (Ryerson)
Hanfeng Li (Fields Institute)
Qiuping Lu (McMaster)
Philippe Poulin (McGill)
Mario Morfin Ramirez (Toronto)
Akeel Shah (PIMS)
Lin Wang (McMaster)
Zhenbin Yan (McMaster)
Rui Zhang (McMaster)
Ian Zwiers (Toronto)

Hotels in Hamilton

phone: 905-529-6979
approx. $89.00 single/$95.00 double (corporate rate)
Indicate you are attending the Young Mathematicians Conference at mcMaster and contact person is Rob to receive the corporate rate.

phone: 905-529-2311
approx. $89.95 single (corporate rate)

Indicate you are attending the Young Mathematicians Conference at McMaster and contact person is Jennifer to receive the corporate rate.