Spring 2006
Holomorphic Dynamics, Laminations, and Hyperbolic Geometry
January 5-9, 2006
Partially hyperbolic dynamics, laminations,
and Teichmuller flow Workshop
Org. Cttee: G. Forni, M. Lyubich, C. Pugh,
M. Shub

Supported by the National Science
Foundation |
Avila, Artur (Université Paris VI )
Bonatti, Christian (Universite de Bourgogne)
Bufetov, Alexander (University of Chicago)
Burns, Keith (Northwestern University)
Calegari, Danny (California Institute of Technology)
Calta, Kariane (Cornell University)
Diaz, Lorenzo (PUC-Rio)
Glutsuk, Alexei (ENS Lyon)
Katok, Anatole (The Pennsylvania State University)
Kleinbock, Dmitry (Brandeis University)
Masur, Howard (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Pesin, Yakov (The Pennsylvania State University)
Pujals, Enrique (IMPA)
Rodriguez Hertz, Federico (Universidad de la Republica)
Saric, Dragomir (Stony Brook University)
John Smillie (Cornell University)
Viana, Marcelo (IMPA)
Weiss, Barak (Ben-Gurion University)
Zorich, Anton (Université de Rennes 1)
Apply to the Program
All scientific events are open to the mathematical sciences community.
Visitors who are interested in office space or funding are
requested to apply by filling out an application
form. Additional support is available (pending NSF funding) to
support junior US visitors to this program.
Applications for such support from all qualified candidates, particularly
women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of
visible minorities are strongly encouraged, and can be
made using the on-line form.
General information about visiting Fields may be found
here .
Contact: holodynamics@fields.utoronto.ca