March  6, 2025

Thematic Program on Operator Algebras

For more information about this program please contact George Elliott

Ontario Non-Commutative Geometry and Operator Algebras Seminars --
July 2005 - June 2006

Seminars are held every Tuesday and Thursday at Fields 2:00 p.m.

June 29, 2006
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his recent work

June 27, 2006
Devang Odedra
Will give a talk on his recent work

June 22, 2006
Ana Savu
Will talk on her most recent work

June 20, 2006
Nadish De Silva
Will give a talk on his recent work

June 15, 2006
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his recent work

June 13, 2006
Working Seminar

June 6, 2006
Efren Ruiz
Will give a talk on his recent work

May 25, 2006
Efren Ruiz
Will give a talk on his recent work

May 23, 2006
Kris Coward
Will give a talk on his most recent work

May 18, 2006
Ping Wong Ng
Will give a talk on his most recent work

May 16, 2006
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

May 11, 2006
Luis Santiago
Will give a talk on his most recent work

May 9, 2006
Greg Malone
Will give a talk on his most recent work

April 27, 2006
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

April 25, 2006
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

April 20, 2006
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his recent work

April 18, 2006
Giovanni Landi, University of Trieste.
Noncommutative instantons and twisted conformal symmetries
I report on recent work on deformation of spaces, in particular spheres, and deformation of vector bundles which are relevant in physics, notably monopole and instanton bundles.A first class of examples consists of toric noncommutative manifolds which were introduced out of cycles in homology. These examples have non-trivial global features and can be endowed with the srtucture of noncommutative manifold, defined in terms of Connes spectral triple. In particular,
noncommutative spheres are isospectral deformations of usual spherical geometries. Instanton bundles and Yang-Mills duality equations can be introduced and a geometric analysis paralleling the one on commutative spaces can be performed. Twisted conformal symmetries are used to generate instanton solutions (i.e. solutions of the duality equations); these are absolute minima of the Yang-Mills functionals.A second class of examples is made of spaces coming from quantum groups, some of which can again be endowed with a spectral triple. Also one can construct generalizations of instanton bundles.

April 13, 2006
Greg Malony
Will give a talk on his most recent work

April 6, 2006
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

April 4, 2006
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

March 30, 2006
Kris Coward
Will give a talk on his most recent work

March 28, 2006
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

March 21 & 23, 2006
Christopher Phillips, University of Oregon
The interesting actions of the finite groups on the rotation algebra are those of Z mod2, Z mod 3, Z mod 4, and Z mod 6. For example the action of Z mod 4 is generated by the "noncommutative Fourier transform", the automorphism determined by the assignments of U to V and of V to U*. We prove that for the irrational rotation algebra, the cross product by any of these four actions is an AF-algebra. This has been known for some time for the action of Z mod 2, and Z mod 4, but the other cases are new. The proofs combine a variety of methods. In particular, they use the fact that the actions in question have the tracial Rokhlin property, Lin's classification result for simple separable C*-algebras with tracial rank zero and satisfying the Universal Coefficient Theorem and the Baum-Connes conjecture for countable amenable groups.

March 16, 2006
Kris Coward
Will give a talk on his most recent work

March 14, 2006
Luis Santiago
Will give a talk on his most recent work

March 9, 2006
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work
Andriy Z, Nipissing University
Spectra of Algebras of Entire Functions on Banach spaces
An entire function on a Banach space is said to be a function of bounded type if it is bounded on bounded subsets. We will consider the spectrum (set of maximal ideals) of the algebra of bounded analytic functions on a Banach space and describe a natural linear structure of the spectrum.

March 7, 2006
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

March 2, 2006
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

February 28, 2006
Efren Ruiz
Will give a talk on his recent work

February 23, 2006
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

February 21, 2006
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

February 16, 2006
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his most recent work

February 14, 2006
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

February 9, 2006
John Roe, Penn State University
Amenability and topology.
In attempting to generalize the analysis of yesterday talk from Z to other groups, one encounters the amenability property that G. Yu calls "property A". This property has significant topological implications. We shall explain how one passes from a representation theoretic property such as property A to results about the homotopy invariance of various characteristic numbers and their "secondary" generalizations.

February 7, 2006
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

February 2, 2006
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 31, 2006
Ping Wong Ng
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 24, 2006
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 19, 2006
Kris Coward
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 17, 2006
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 12, 2006
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 10, 2006
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

January 5, 2006
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 22, 2005
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 20, 2005
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 15, 2005
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 13, 2005
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 8, 2005
Kris Coward
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 6, 2005
Greg Maloney
Will give a talk on his most recent work

December 1, 2005
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 29, 2005
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 24, 2005
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 22, 2005
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 17, 2005
Toan Ho Minh

Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 15, 2005
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 10, 2005
Kris Coward
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 8, 2005
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 3, 2005
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

November 1, 2005
Zhuang Niu
Will give a talk on his most recent work

October 27, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his most recent work

October 25, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his most recent work

October 20, 2005
Michael Bailey
Will give a talk on his recent work

October 18, 2005
Efren Ruiz
Will give a talk on his recent work

October 13, 2005
Alin Ciuperca
Will give a talk on his most recent work

October 11, 2005
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

October 6, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his most recent work

October 4, 2005
Working Seminar

September 29, 2005
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

September 27, 2005
Leonel Robert
Will give a talk on his most recent work

September 22, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his most recent work

September 20, 2005
Greg Malone
Will give a talk on his most recent work

September 15, 2005
Working Seminar

September 13, 2005
Greg Malone
Will give a talk on his most recent work
Toan Ho Minh

Will give a talk on his most recent work

September 8, 2005
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

September 6, 2005
Efren Ruiz
Will give a talk on his most recent work

Aug. 30, 2005
Working Seminar

August 25, 2005
Working Seminar

August 23, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
Will give a talk on his most recent work

August 18, 2005
Gunnar Restorff
Will give a talk on his most recent work

August 16, 2005
Kris Coward
will talk on his most recent work

August 11, 2005
Working Seminar

August 9, 2005
Dr. Efren Ruiz
will talk on his most recent work

Aug. 4, 2005,
Dr. Ana Maria Savu
will talk on her most recent work

Aug. 2, 2005
Leonel Robert
will talk on his most recent work

July 28, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
will talk on his most recent work

July 26, 2005
Michael Baiey
will talk on his most recent work

July 5, 2005
Toan Ho Minh
will talk on his most recent work


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