March 28, 2025

July 24-August 4, 2006

Workshop on Computational and Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
The Fields Institute, Toronto

Organizing Committee: Ragnar Buchweitz (Toronto), Greg Smith (Queen's), Alexander Yong (Fields/Minnesota)
The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the use of Macaulay 2, together with recent advances in computational and combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra. The dates are July 24-August 4, 2006).

The conference will be held during July 31-August 4, 2006. This will be preceded by an introductory workshop on using Macaulay 2, to be held July 24-July 29, 2006. Outline of the proposed program:


Introductory part:
(1) Gröbner bases
(2) Monomial ideals and resolutions
(3) Hilbert series and polynomials
(4) Free resolutions and betti numbers
(5) Toric varieties
(6) Determinantal varieties
Recent Progress:
(1) Moduli of quiver representations
(2) Singularities of Schubert varieties
(3) Algebraic statistics
(4) Hypergeometric differential equations
(5) Hyperplane arrangements

Trip to Niagara Falls

On August 2 a trip has been arranged to Niagara Falls in the morning, Hillebrand Estate Winery in the afternoon for a wine tasting (included in ticket price) and wrapping up in Niagara on the Lake for evening dinner.
Tickets can be purchased during the Workshop at $40 each, seats are limited to 47 participants.
The tentative plan for the day is:
Depart Fields 9:30 am (approx. 2 hour drive to Niagara Falls)
Niagara Falls 11:30-3:00 pm
Pick up to Hillebrand 3:00 p.m
Hillebrand Estates 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Pick up to Niagara on the Lake 4:30 p.m.
Niagara on the Lake 5-7 p.m.
Leave 7 p.m. for return to Toronto
(Participants are responsibile for their own meals costs during the trip).

Many useful questions about Niagara Falls are answered at starting with "Are the Falls turned off at night ?" (The answer: No) .

Limited travel funding for junior participants wasavailable. Please contact Alexander Yong for funding requests. (closing date for requests, February 28, 2006).

PARTICIPANTS (updated 07/12/06)

Fullname University Name
Abo, Hirotachi Colorado State University
Bergeron, Francois Université du Québec à Montréal
Bergeron, Nantel York University
Berkesch, Christine Purdue University
Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf University of Toronto
Can, Mahir University of Pennsylvania
Dalili, Kia Dalhousie University
Dashtban, Abolghasem IASBS
Denham, Graham University of Western Ontario
Derksen, Harm University of Michigan
Faridi, Sara Dalhousie University
Geramita, Tony Queen's University
Hariharan, Ananthnarayan University of Kansas
Hoefel, Andrew Dalhousie University
Hohlweg, Christophe York University
Hovinen, Bradford University of Toronto
Hsu, Eric University of Toronto
Iarrobino, Anthony Northeastern University
Jia, Ning University of Minnesota
Kim, Sangwook University of Minnesota
Kotsireas, Ilias Wilfrid Laurier University
Kummini, Manoj University of Kansas
Kuttykrishnan, Sooraj Washington University in St. Louis
Leuschke, Graham Syracuse University
Li, Huilan York University
Little, John B. Holy Cross
Logan, Adam University of Waterloo
Maclagan, Diane Rutgers University
Mapes, Sonja Columbia University
Morton, Daniel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mueller, Chris University of Michigan
Ojo, Williams University of Ibadan
Page, Magalie LACIM Uqam
Petrovic, Sonja University of Kentucky
Roth, Mike Queen's University
Sidman, Jessica Mt. Holyoke College
Sinefakopoulos, Achilleas Cornell University
Smith, Gregory Queen's University
Snapp, Bart University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stillman, Mike Cornell University
Sullivant, Seth Harvard University
Tapp, Darren Purdue University
Taskin, Muge University of Minnesota
Thomas, Hugh University of New Brunswick
Tymoczko, Julianna University of Michigan
Van Tuyl, Adam Lakehead University
Velasco, Mauricio Cornell University
Walther, Uli Purdue University
White, Diana University of Nebraska
Wong, Kieh Centennial College
Woo, Alexander UC Davis
Wulcan, Elizabeth Chalmers University of Technology
Yong, Alexander The Fields Institute
Yuen, Cornelia University of Michigan
Invited/not confirmed
Schenck, Hal Texas A&M University

What to do in Toronto

Travel to Niagara Falls
The website of the Greyhound Canada: allows one to find out the schedule of regular Greyhound buses from Toronto to the Niagara Falls (approximately every two hours), check the fares (approx. $55 same day ticket, $42 for advanced purchase, $30 for a companion ticket). The bus terminal in Toronto is at (15-min walk from the Fields):

Toronto Coach Terminal, 610 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario (416) 393-7855

Also many useful questions are answered at starting with "Are the Falls turned off at night ?" (The answer: No) to "How far is the Bus terminal from the Falls?" (2.5 kilometers from the Rainbow bridge).

For more ideas see or

Further details will be posted here as they become available. Or you may contact one of the organizers Ragnar Buchweitz, Greg Smith and Alexander Yong.

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