March  6, 2025

Workshop on the Representation Theory of Reductive Algebraic Groups

January 18-21, 2007
to be held at the University of Ottawa

Clifton Cunningham (University of Calgary), Monica Nevins (University of Ottawa)

University of Ottawa
On-line Registration
open until Jan. 10/07
no registration fee
On-site Jan. 18
Speakers Travel to Ottawa
Tentative Schedule Ottawa Information & Maps
Overview Registered Participants Accommodation in Ottawa


There is no registration fee; participants are, however, encouraged to register early to facilitate room reservations, to ensure the receipt of all emailed conference updates, and to help students identify potential roommates.


Two days of mini-courses, followed by a weekend conference.

Mini-course lecturers:

Julia Gordon, University of British Columbia
Motivic Integration and its Applications to p-adic Groups

Ju-Lee Kim, University of Illinois at Chicago, M.I.T. Visiting Professor
Recent progress in the classification of supercuspidal representations

Phil Kutzko, University of Iowa
Plancherel measure and reducibility of parabolic induction via types and


The representation theory of algebraic groups is a blossoming area of research which has seen many exciting developments over the past several years. It serves as a cross-roads for several disciplines, including number theory, Lie theory, automorphic forms and harmonic analysis. The influx of so many ideas from several different areas has the two-fold effect of providing rich opportunities for collaborative discoveries, while at the same time rendering the subject somewhat inaccessible to most.

The goal of the mini-course portion of the workshop is thus to offer an introduction to some of the important recent developments in representation theory, and to help foster an environment which encourages the lively interaction of researchers from all disciplines. The subsequent weekend conference will allow researchers to share their latest results and ideas in a broad range of related areas.

This workshop is the second of a series; the Fields Institute Workshop on the Representation Theory of p-adic Groups was held at the University of Ottawa in May 2004.

Please send expressions of interest to Monica Nevins ( Graduate students and new Ph.D.'s are especially encouraged to attend.

List of Speakers

Jeffrey Adler, University of Akron
Multiplicity one upon restriction

Anne-Marie Aubert, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Springer correspondence for complex reflection groups

Cristina Ballantine
, College of the Holy Cross
Combinatorics and representation theory of p-adic groups

Lassina Dembélé
, University of Calgary
Explicit Jacquet-Langlands for GSp(4)

Fiona Murnaghan
, University of Toronto
Ordinary characters and spherical characters: the supercuspidal case

A. Raghuram,
Oklahoma State University
Arithmetic of L-functions
Special values of certain automorphic L-functions.

Michael Schein,
Hebrew University
Weights in Serre-type conjectures and the mod p Langlands correspondence

Teruyoshi Yoshida, Harvard University
Non-abelian Lubin-Tate theory and Deligne-Lusztig theory revisited

Tentative Schedule

Thursday, January 18th, 2007
8:00-9:00 Registration and Coffee
KED 104
9:00-11:00 Mini-course 1A, Julia Gordon
KED B005
11:00-13:00 Break for Lunch
13:00-15:00 Mini-course 2A, Ju-Lee Kim
FTX 227
15:00-15:30 Coffee
15:30-17:30 Mini-course 3A, Phil Kutzko
KED B005
Friday, January 19th, 2007
8:00-9:00 Coffee
9:00-11:00 Mini-course 1B, Julia Gordon
KED B005
Break for Lunch
Mini-course 3B, Phil Kutzko
KED B005
15:00-15:30 Coffee
Colloquium talk, A. Raghuram
Arithmetic of L-functions
KED B005
A. Raghuram
Special values of certain automorphic L-functions.
KED B005

Saturday, January 20th, 2007
All talks in KED B005

Mini-course 2B, Ju-Lee Kim
Break for Lunch
Anne-Marie Aubert
Springer correspondence for complex reflection groups
Cristina Ballantine
Combinatorics and representation theory of p-adic groups
Fiona Murnaghan
Ordinary characters and spherical characters: the supercuspidal case
Lassina Dembélé
Explicit Jacquet-Langlands for GSp(4)
Sunday, January 21st, 2007
All talks in KED B005
Michael Schein
Weights in Serre-type conjectures and the mod p Langlands correspondence
Jeffrey Adler
Multiplicity one upon restriction
Teruyoshi Yoshida
Non-abelian Lubin-Tate theory and Deligne-Lusztig theory revisited

This workshop has been made possible by the support of the following. The organizers and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa would like to express their appreciation for this valued support.

Financial support

Funding support is available for graduate students and new Ph.D.'s to partially cover local expenses and travel. Some funding will also be available to speakers depending on budget constraints. Application deadline was November 1, 2006.

Accommodation in Ottawa

Participants are asked to make their own accommodation reservations. We are happy to provide the information below to assist in your selection. In some cases, special rates have been granted for the Fields Workshop Series. In all cases, to ensure that you get the best possible rate, please mention that you are a university professor/student visiting the University of Ottawa, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

When making your reservation, please clarify payment and cancellation policies as these vary from hotel to hotel. You should get a confirmation number for future reference.

Hostels, Bed and Breakfasts, Guesthouses:

Note that the University is located in the Sandy Hill neighbourhood of downtown. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, at 585 King Edward Avenue, is east of the Rideau Canal, west of the Rideau River, south of the byward market and north of the Queensway. Bed and Breakfasts in Ottawa. Bed and Breakfasts in Ottawa. Hostels, guesthouses, university residences, and Bed&Breakfasts.

Gasthaus Switzerland Inn
89 Daly Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 6E6
Tel: 613-237-0335, toll-free 1-888-663-0000
Fax: 613-594-3327
Ottawa Jail Youth Hostel
(located in a former prison)
75 Nicholas Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B9
Phone: 613-235-2595 Fax: 613-235-9202

University of Ottawa Residences:

Campus Living Centre
100 University Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 6N5
Tel : 613-564-5400 ext.0


Most of the following hotels are listed on the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) website. Special hotel rates are negotiated for CAUBO/AUCC through the University of British Columbia. More information (and direct links to the websites with CAUBO-negotiated rates) is available at the CAUBO web site (under Procurement - Agreements).

Lord Elgin Hotel
100 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1P 5K8
Tel: 613-235-3333, toll-free: 1-800-267-4298
Fax: 613-235-3223
Delta Ottawa
361 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1R 7S9
Tel: 613-238-6000, toll-free: 1-800-268-1133
Fax: 613-238-2290
Crowne Plaza Ottawa
101 Lyon Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1R 5T9
Tel: 613-237-3600, toll-free: 1-1-800-227-6963
Fax: 613-237-2351
The Westin Ottawa
11 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 9H4
Tel: 613-560-7000, toll-free: 1-800-937-8461
Fax: 613-560-2707
Les Suites Hotel Ottawa
130 Besserer Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 9M9
Tel: 613-232-2000, toll-free: 1-800-267-1989
Fax: 613-232-1242
Arc The Hotel
140 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1P 5H6
Tel: 613-238-2888, toll-free: 1-800-699-2516
Fax: 613-235-8421
Quality Hotel, Downtown Ottawa
290 Rideau St.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 5Y3
Phone (613) 789-7511
Fax (613) 789-2434


From the airport:

By taxi, the trip to the University takes about 20 minutes and costs about $25. To travel by bus, take bus # 97 to the "Laurier" bus stop, which is at the edge of the campus. The buses run every 15 minutes during the daytime. The fare is $3.00 and you will need exact change.

The schedule for bus # 97 is available at the OCTranspo web site along with complete transit way maps. Please note that schedules change on the weekend, so you'll want to check that out by clicking on the "Saturday" or "Sunday" buttons.

From the train station:

By taxi, the trip to the University takes about 5 minutes and costs about $10. To travel by bus, take bus # 95 to the "Laurier" bus stop, which is at the edge of the campus. The buses run every 10 minutes during the daytime. The fare is $3.00 and you will need exact change.

The schedule for bus # 95 is available at the OCTranspo web site along with complete transit way maps. Please note that schedules change on the weekend, so you'll want to check that out by clicking on the "Saturday" or "Sunday" buttons.

From the bus station:

The Voyageur Bus Terminal is located at 265 Catherine Street between Lyon and Kent St. Information on Schedules and Fares is available at or by calling 613-238-5900 or toll-free at 1-800-668-4438. By taxi, the trip from the Terminal to the University takes about 5 minutes and costs about $10. To travel by local bus, check the OCTranspo web site for route information (there is no direct route to the University Campus but bus #4 brings you to the Rideau Centre which is close by). The buses run every 15 minutes during the daytime. The fare is $3.00 and you will need exact change.

Travelling by car:

If travelling by car, you'll be on highway 417 (the Queensway). Take exit : Nicholas Street. Turn right on Laurier, and then right on King Edward Ave, to get to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The University of Ottawa campus is located between Nicholas and King Edward, north of the Queensway. See also the maps, below.



Check with your hotel or other accommodation choice regarding parking. If hotel parking is not available, there are several municipal parking lots available near campus.

For those staying at the University of Ottawa dormitories, parking is offered at an additional charge. Day occasional parking is available on campus in covered garages, parking meters, and pay and display lots. For more complete information about the location and cost of these options, visit the website of the University of Ottawa's Parking and traffic division.


City of Ottawa Convention Guide
Virtual tour of the University of Ottawa

Campus Map

OC Transpo Maps

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