March 14, 2025

June 5-8, 2007
Probability and Stochastic Processes Symposium in honour of Donald A. Dawson's work,
on the occasion of his 70th birthday

School of Mathematics and Statistics
Carleton University

All Talks to take place at:
HP4351 Macphail Room, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University

Tentative Schedule

Tuesday June 5, 2007
9:00 am On-site registration and coffee
9:30 am
9:45 am
Dr. Miklós Csörgo (about Don)
10:00 am

Don Dawson, Carleton University (plenary talk)
Reflections on probability and stochastic processes 1957-2007

11:00-11:15 am
11:15 am
Edwin Perkins, University of British Columbia
On uniqueness for some singular sde's arising in branching models
12:00 am
J. Theodore Cox, Syracuse University
Convergence of interacting particle systems to super-Brownian motion
12:45-1:30 pm
1:30 pm
Gordon Slade, University of British Columbia
Random walk on the incipient infinite cluster for oriented percolation
2:15 pm
Neal Madras, York University
Polymers and Percolation on Hyperbolic Graphs
3:00-3:30 pm
3:30 pm
Peter March, The Ohio State University and National Science Foundation
Some models of polymer dynamics
4:15 pm Hao Wang, University of Oregon
A Basic Interacting Model and Beyond
Wednesday June 6, 2007
9:00 am
Andreas Greven, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat
Evolving genealogical trees
9:45 am
Byron Schmuland, University of Alberta
Reversible Fleming-Viot processes
10:30-11:00 am
11:00 am David Sankoff, University of Ottawa
Genome evolution and random graphs
11:45 am Reg Kulperger, University of Western Ontario
Sufficient Conditions for Ergodicity for a Stochastic Competing Species Model
12:30-1:30 pm
1:30 pm
Luis Gorostiza, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados
Self-Similar Stable Processes Arising from High-Density Occupation Times of Particle Systems
2:15 pm
Tom Salisbury, York University
Conditioned super-Brownian motion
3:00-3:30 pm
3:30 pm
Carl Mueller, University of Rochester
Negative moments for a linear SPDE
4:15 pm Bruno Remillard, HEC Montreal
Malliavin calculus and Clark-Ocone formula for functionals of a square-integrable Levy process
5:00-6:30 pm Reception

Thursday June 7, 2007

9:00 am
Thomas G. Kurtz, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Poisson representations of measure-valued processes
9:45 am
B. Gail Ivanoff, University of Ottawa
Poisson Limits for Empirical Point Processes
10:30-11:00 am
11:00 am
Anton Wakolbinger, J.W. Goethe-Universitat
Interacting Locally Regulated Diffusions and the Virgin Island Model
11:45 am Peter Mörters, University of Bath
Localisation of mass in random media
12:30-1:30 pm
1:30 pm
Jürgen Gärtner, Technische Universitat Berlin
On the parabolic Anderson model driven by catalytic exclusion and voter dynamics
2:15 pm
Leonid Mytnik, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Regularity of densities for (a,d,ß)-superprocess
3:00-3:30 pm
3:30 pm
Jie Xiong, University of Tennessee
Local extinction for superprocesses in random environments
4:15 pm Xiaowen Zhou, Concordia University
A zero-one law of almost sure local extinction for super-Brownian motion

Friday June 8, 2007

9:00 am
Peter Glynn, Stanford University
Heavy Tails, Sharp Thresholds, and Stochastic Modeling
9:45 am
Colleen Cutler, University of Waterloo
Repeat Sampling of Extreme Observations with Error: Regression to the Mean and Asymptotic Error Distributions
10:30 am
Michael Kouritzin, University of Alberta
Microstructure Filtering in Finance
11:15-11:45 am
Coffee with refreshments
11:45 am
Shui Feng, McMaster University
Limiting Theorems Associated With Poisson-Dirichlet Distribution
12:30 pm
Feng-Yu Wang, Beijing Normal University
Harnack inequality for Markov semigroups and applications
1:15 pm Wei Sun, Concordia University
On Girsanov and generalized Feynman-Kac transformations for symmetric Markov processes



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