March 11, 2025

December 14-16, 2007
Fields Workshop in Asymptotic Group Theory and Cryptography
at Carleton University

Talks will be held:
Friday Dec 14:
Carleton University, Herzberg Laboratories, Macphail room HP 4370
Saturday Dec 15 and Sunday Dec 16
Byward meeting room, ‘Les Suites’, 130 Besserer Street

ORGANIZERS: Olga Kharlampovich (McGill) and Inna Bumagin (Carleton).


.The goal of this workshop is to bring top specialists in this area to Carleton to give talks that should be of use to researchers in group theory, computer science, complexity theory, low-dimensional topology, probability, analysis and related areas. Our main speakers will give introductory talks accessible to graduate students.

Main Speakers

A. Miasnikov, McGill University,
V. Kaimanovich, International University Bremen
T. Riley, Cornell University
M.Sapir, Vanderbilt University

Invited speakers

G. Bell, U. N. Carolina - Greensboro
V. Diekert, U. Stuttgart
A. Duncan, Newcastle University
R. Gilman, Stevens Institute
C.K. Gupta, U Manitoba
S. Ivanov, U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
I. Kapovich, U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
A.Yu. Olshanski, Vanderbilt U
D. Osin, CUNY
V. Shpilrain, CUNY
Z. Sunik, Texas A & M U

Contributed Talks

There will be a limited number of contributed talks. If you want to give a talk at the workshop, please send a title and abstract to I. Bumagin at

For additional information contact

The second part of this workshop sponsored by MGill University will be held Dec 17-21 in Montreal.

December 17-21, 2007
Workshop on Actions on Trees, Non-Archimedian Words, and Asymptotic Cones in Saint Sauveur

Organizers: O. Kharlampovich, A. Miasnikov

The main goal: to bring together specialists in this area and to try to create a framework for a long-term collaboration.

I. Bumagin (Carleton)
R. Gilman (Stevens Institute)
V. Diekert (Stuttgart U.)
A. Duncan (Newcastle University)
S. Ivanov (U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign)
V. Kaimanovich (International University Bremen)
O. Kharlampovich (McGill)
A. Miasnikov (McGill)
A. Nikolaev (McGill)
D. Osin (City College, CUNY)
T. Riley (Bristol)
M. Sapir (Vanderbilt)
V. Shpilrain (City College, CUNY)
D. Serbin (McGill)
Z. Sunic (Texas A&M)
N. Touikan (McGill)

To participate, please, contact Olga Kharlampovich at ( and make a reservation at the hotel.

The conference will take place at Le Complexe Motel le 60,
tel (514) 856-7810 (one should mention the Algebra group to obtain a special price $75 per night).