March 11, 2025

August 9-13, 2007
Summer School in Iwasawa Theory
McMaster University

The Summer School will take place in Hamilton Hall. All talks will be held in Hamilton Hall 109.

Organizers: Manfred Kolster, William McCallum, Romyar Sharifi

Supported by

Iwasawa theory is an active and rapidly growing area of research linked to much of the progress on important solved and unsolved problems in algebraic number theory, such as Fermat's Last Theorem and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture. Its basis lies in two key ideas: that certain arithmetic objects behave regularly in pro-p towers of number fields and that the resulting limit objects may be linked to analytic objects known as p-adic L-functions.

The Summer School in Iwasawa Theory will consist of integrated lecture series by four highly distinguished arithmetic geometers working in the field of Iwasawa theory. It is designed as an introduction to both the foundations of Iwasawa theory and some of its lines of current research.

The lecture series will be aimed squarely at the graduate-student audience for whom the school is designed. Graduate students are invited to apply for funding. Others are welcome to attend. A number of students will have the chance to work in groups on a project designed by one of the lecturers and present their results towards the end of the program.

Talks will begin the morning of August 9 and end midday on August 13. All talks will be held in Hamilton Hall 109.

Speakers and titles of lecture series:

John Coates, Cambridge University,
An introduction to non-commutative Iwasawa theory

Robert Pollack
, Boston University,
Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves

Ralph Greenberg
, University of Washington,
Introduction to Iwasawa theory

Eric Urban
, Columbia University,
Eisenstein ideals and main conjectures in Iwasawa theory

NOTE: If you would like to be a member of a group working on a project relating to the lecture series of one of the speakers, please indicate in the comments box on the form which lecture series.

Financial support for current graduate students -Deadline to apply for support was May 1, 2007

Applicants are requested to ask a ask a research supervisor to send a letter of recommendation directly to or to
Romyar Sharifi
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1
Funding for housing will attempt to cover the double-occupancy rate in Les Prince Hall. Applicants for funding are advised to book their accommodations accordingly.

Hotels and Campus Housing in Hamilton

ON CAMPUS -- Please fill out the form available here:
Les Prince Hall
(for questions regarding campus housing please contact

phone: 905-529-6979
approx. $89.00 single/$95.00 double (corporate rate)


phone: 905-529-2311
approx. $89.95 single (corporate rate)

Travel to McMaster University

To/From Toronto Pearson Airport:
Airways Transit has given us a conference rate of $45/person each way. This should be reserved in advance through or using this Airways form.

Aeroport Taxi ( runs to/from Hamilton at a rate of $70/each way. Their phone number is
1-800-465-3434. One need not reserve in advance on the inbound portion.

Public transportation to/from Hamilton is less expensive, but can be difficult. Please see here ( for more details.

To/From Buffalo Airport:
We have arranged a conference rate of $120/shuttle each way through Buffalo Airport Express ( Phone number: 1-800-604-1570.
Please contact about reservations.

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