Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Wireless
May 8-9, 2008
Fields Institute
Organizing Committee:
Jorg Liebeherr, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,,
Peter Marbach, Dept. of Computer Science, Toronto
Ravi Mazumdar, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Catherine Rosenberg, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Supported by
Mathematical models play an important role in the understanding and
control of wireless computer networks. They allow to obtain insight
into how networks and traffic are formed, as well as into how to design
mechanisms and algorithms to efficiently transmit information. Mathematical
models are also an essential tool to understand the fundamental performance
limits and trade-offs wireless networks. As the network infrastructure
is changing and new applications are emerging, the mathematical models
need to evolve as well. The workshop explores recent developments
in mathematical modeling and analysis of wireless networks in areas
such as network coding, cellular wireless networks, wireless ad hoc
and mesh networks, and cognitive radio.
Confirmed Speakers
Sem Borst, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs & Eindhoven Univ. of
Ed Knightly, Rice University
Vikram Krishnamurthy, University of British Columbia
Armand Makowski, University of Maryland
Laurent Massoulie, Thomson Research
Mike Neely, University of Southern California
Alexandre Proutiere, Microsoft Research
Devavrat Shah, MIT
Ness Shroff, Ohio State University
Patrick Thiran, EPFL Lausanne
Jean Walrand, UC Berkeley
Edmund Yeh, Yale University
Thursday May 8, 2008 |
8:00 |
Registration |
8:20 |
Welcome |
8:30-9:15 |
Devavrat Shah, MIT
On capacity scaling in arbitrary
wireless networks |
9:15-10:00 |
Mike Neely, University of Southern California
Dynamic Data Compression for
Wireless Transmission over a Fading Channel |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-11:45 |
Edmund Yeh, Yale University
Information Dissemination in
Mobile Wireless Networks |
11:45-2:15 |
Lunch Break |
2:15-3:00 |
Vikram Krishnamurthy, University of British
Global Games and Correlated
Equilibria for Decentralized Spectrum Access |
3:00-3:30 |
Coffee Break |
3:30-4:15 |
Ed Knightly, Rice University
Modeling and Experimental
Validation of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks |
4:15-5:00 |
Jean Walrand, UC Berkeley
A Distributed Algorithm
for Optimal Throughput and Fairness in Wireless Networks with
a General Interference Model |
5:00- 6:00 |
Discussion |
Friday May 9, 2008 |
8:30-9:15 |
Ness Shroff, Ohio State University
Optimizing Energy Efficiency
for Sleep-Wake Enabled Sensor Networks Using "Anycasting" |
9:15-10:00 |
Armand Makowski, University of Maryland
Intersecting Random Graphs |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-11:45 |
Laurent Massoulie, Thomson Research
Content Popularity and
User Profiling for Content Placement in Peer-to-Peer VoD Systems |
11:45-2:15 |
Lunch Break |
2:15-3:00 |
Patrick Thiran, EPFL Lausanne
Fairness, Spatial Reuse and
Phase Transition in 802.11 Networks |
3:00-3:30 |
Coffee Break |
3:30-4:15 |
Sem Borst, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs &
Eindhoven Univ. of Techology
Some Distributed Resource
Sharing and Scheduling Problems in Wireless Networks |
4:15-5:00 |
Alexandre Proutiere, Microsoft Research
Scheduling Mobile Users
in Wireless Networks |
5:00-6:00 |
Discussion |
Participant List
Fullname |
University Name |
Abouzeid, Alhussein A. |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Ali |
University of Waterloo |
Alamdar-Yazdi, Amin |
University of Toronto |
Ansari, Mehdi |
University of Toronto |
Baligh, Mohammadhadi |
Nortel |
Ciucu, Florin |
University of Toronto |
Datta Gupta, Syamantak |
University of Waterloo |
Doostnejad, Roya |
Redline Communications Inc. |
Ebrahimi, Masoud |
University of Waterloo |
Ekici, Eylem |
Ohio State University |
Eryilmaz, Atilla |
Ohio State University |
Fallahi, Afshin |
University of Toronto |
Farbod, Amin |
University of Toronto |
Farmanbar, Hamid |
University of Waterloo |
Feng, Chen |
University of Toronto |
Field, David |
General Motors Research |
Gabrail, Sameh |
University of Waterloo |
Ganjali, Yashar |
University of Toronto |
Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Yashar |
University of Toronto |
Guan, Xiaoyang |
University of Toronto |
Gurewitz, Omer |
Ben Gurion University |
Haddad, Jean-Paul |
University of Waterloo |
Honarvar, Ali |
University of Toronto |
Ioannidis, Stratis |
University of Toronto |
Jiang, Libin |
University of California, Berkeley |
Khoshnevis, Behrouz |
University of Toronto |
Knightly, Edward W. |
Rice University |
Krishnamurthy, Vikram |
University of British Columbia |
Lawniczak, Anna |
University of Guelph |
Le, Long |
University of Waterloo |
Lee, Ju Yong |
University of Toronto |
Leon-Garcia, Alberto |
University of Toronto |
Li, Baochun |
University of Toronto |
Liang, Ben |
University of Toronto |
Liebeherr, Jörg |
University of Toronto |
Lin, Yunfeng |
University of Toronto |
Livanos, Georges |
Humber College |
Luo, Jun |
University of Waterloo |
Ma, Zhongjing |
McGill University |
Makowski, Armand M. |
University of Maryland |
Malhamé, Roland |
École Polytechnique de Montréal |
Marbach, Peter |
University of Toronto |
Mason, Lorne |
McGill University |
Massoulié, Laurent |
Thomson Research |
Mazumdar, Ravi R. |
University of Waterloo |
Melodia, Tommaso |
State University of New York at Buffalo |
Mitran, Patrick |
University of Waterloo |
Mohsenian-Rad, Amir-Hamed |
University of British Columbia |
Neely, Michael J. |
University of Southern California |
Nikjoo, Mohammad |
University of Toronto |
Phan, Khoa |
University of Alberta |
Ponniah, Jonathan |
University of Waterloo |
Pourahamdi, Vahid |
University of Waterloo |
Proutiere, Alexandre |
Microsoft Research |
Rabbat, Michael |
McGill University |
Rosenberg, Catherine |
University of Waterloo |
Sappidi, Rajasekhar |
University of Waterloo |
Shah, Devavrat |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Shah-Mansouri, Vahid |
University of British Columbia |
Sharif, Muhammad |
University of Toronto |
Shea, Christine |
University of Toronto |
Shimony, Benyamin |
University of Alberta |
Shroff, Ness B. |
Ohio State University |
Sue, Christopher |
University of Toronto |
Thiran, Patrick |
Uddin, Md. Forkan |
University of Waterloo |
Ustebay, Deniz |
McGill University |
Valipour, Majid |
University of Toronto |
Vorobyov, Sergiy |
University of Alberta |
Walrand, Jean |
University of California, Berkeley |
Wong, Felix |
University of Toronto |
Wong, Vincent |
University of British Columbia |
Wu, Chuan |
University of Toronto |
Xie, Liang-Liang |
University of Waterloo |
Yeh, Edmund |
Yale University |
Yu, Dongsheng |
Nortel |
Zhang, Le |
University of Toronto |
Zhang, Xinyu |
University of Toronto |
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