February  1, 2025

Workshop on Geometry Related to the Langlands Programme
May 27-31, 2009

to be held at the University of OttawaOrganizers:
Clifton Cunningham (Calgary), Monica Nevins (Ottawa)

For lecture notes as well as post-conference updates, please see


Three days of mini-courses, followed by a weekend conference.

Mini-course lecturers:

Ioan Badulescu, University of Montpellier, France
The Jacquet-Langlands correspondence.

Pierre-Henri Chaudouard, CNRS, Paris
On the geometry of the Hitchin fibration.

Clifton Cunningham, University of Calgary, Canada
An introduction to character sheaves

David Treumann, University of Minnesota, USA
An introduction to perverse sheaves

List of Speakers:

Jeffrey D. Adler, American University, Washington, DC
Atsushi Ichino, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
Syo Kato, Kyoto University, Japan
Paul Mezo, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
Mark Reeder, Boston College, Boston, MA
Hadi Salmasian, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON
David Treumann, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Schedule for mini-courses

Location: Montpetit Hall - Room 202

Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Friday, 30 May 2009
Perverse Sheaves
by David Treumann
Character Sheaves
by Clifton Cunningham
by Ioan Badulescu
by Ioan Badulescu
by Ioan Badulescu
by Ioan Badulescu
Perverse Sheaves
by David Treumann
Character Sheaves
by Clifton Cunningham
Fundamental Lemma
by Pierre-Henri Chaudouard
Fundamental Lemma

by Pierre-Henri Chaudouard
Fundamental Lemma

by Pierre-Henri Chaudouard
Fundamental Lemma
by Pierre-Henri Chaudouard

Conference Schedule

Location: Montpetit Hall - Room 202

Saturday, May 30
9:00-10:00 Jeffrey D. Adler, American University
Towards a lifting of representations of finite reductive groups
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30 Atsushi Ichino, Institute for Advanced Study
Formal degrees and adjoint gamma-factors
11:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Syo Kato, Kyoto University
An exotic Deligne-Langlands correspondence for symplectic groups
2:45-3:45 Mark Reeder, Boston College
Explicit examples of the local Langlands correspondence
3:45-4:15 Coffee
4:15-5:15 Hadi Salmasian, University of Windsor
Character sheaves and representations of p-adic groups
Sunday, May 31
8:30-9:30 David Treumann, University of Minnesota
Localization and induction for Springer's representations
9:30-10:00 Coffee
10:00-11:00 TBA
11:15-12:15 Paul Mezo, Carleton University
Spectral transfer for real twisted endoscopy


The Langlands programme dominates the representation theory of linear algebraic groups over local and global fields. The theme of this workshop is the exploration of some of the geometric ideas appearing in recent advances in the Langlands programme, with an emphasis on results which apply to both function fields and number fields.

The mini-course structure of this workshop is ideal for both graduate students and researchers interested in an in-depth study of new developments in the field.

This workshop is the third in a series, following a pair of very successful Fields Workshops held at the University of Ottawa over the past few years. The first was the five-day Fields Institute Workshop on the Representation Theory of p-adic Groups was held at the University of Ottawa in May 2004, which attracted over fifty participants from all over North America and Europe. In those five days, the workshop had offered three mini-courses as well as a weekend conference. The second was the four-day Fields Institute Workshop on the Representation Theory of Reductive Algebraic Groups in January 2007, which despite its wintery time slot attracted about forty participants, many of them graduate students, from around the world. The four days featured three mini-courses, together with eight hour-long research talks. Notes based on the mini-courses of these two workshops are soon to be published as "Ottawa Lectures on Admissible Representations of Reductive p-adic Groups" under the Fields Institute Monograph series.

Please send expressions of interest to Monica Nevins ( or Clifton Cunningham (

Graduate students and new Ph.D.'s are especially encouraged to attend; some funding for travel expenses will be available.

The weather in Ottawa in May is absolutely lovely.

Financial Support:

Funding support is available for graduate students and new Ph.D.s to partially cover local expenses and travel. Some funding will also be available to speakers depending on budget constraints. Application deadline was April 1, 2009.


There is no registration fee; participants are, however, encouraged to register early to facilitate room and catering reservations, to ensure the receipt of all emailed conference updates, and to help students identify potential roommates.

Participant List

Fullname University Name
Adler, Jeffrey American University
Adrian, Moshe University of Maryland
Altschul, Sam University of Michigan
Badulescu, Ioan University of Montpellier, France
Brenner, Eliot University of Minnesota
Chaudouard, Pierre-Henri UMR 8628 du CNRS
Chen, Tsao-Hsien Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Choiy, Kwangho Purdue University
Christie, Aaron University of Calgary
Csima, Nora Elizabeth University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Culbertson, Jared Louisiana State University
Cunningham, Clifton University of Calgary
Dionne, Chris University of Ottawa
Freixas I Montplet, Gerard Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu
Gordon, Julia The University of British Columbia
Hosseini, Seyedeh Razieh University of Calgary
Ichino, Atsushi Institute for Advanced Study
Kaletha, Tasho Statev University of Chicago
Karaj, Indrit Institute of Automatic & Informatic Research
Kato, Syo Kyoto University
Lefebvre, Jerome University of British Columbia
Levick, Jeremy University of Guelph
Liu, Baiying University of Minnesota
Mautner, Carl University of Texas at Austin
McNamara, Peter Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mendes, Sergio ISCTE (Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa)
Mezo, Paul Carleton University
Neher, Erhard University of Ottawa
Nevins, Monica University of Ottawa
Nien, Chufeng National Cheng Kung University
Portilla, Ricardo University of Michigan
Raji, Abiodun Nirwama Institute
Reeder, Mark Boston College
Russell, Amber Louisiana State University
Salmasian, Hadi University of Windsor
Savage, Alistair University of Ottawa
Shin, Sug Woo University of Chicago
Slofstra, William University of California, Berkeley
Smithling, Brian University of Toronto
Spice, Loren University of Michigan
Sylvestre, Jeremy University of Alberta, Augustana Faculty
Treumann, David University of Minnesota
Walls, Patrick University of Toronto


This workshop has been made possible by the support of the following. The organizers and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa would like to express their appreciation for this valued support.

The Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences
Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa
The Faculty of Science, University of Ottawa
The Office of the Vice-Rector, Research, University of Ottawa
