Math-in-Medicine Study Group
Biomedical Problems Solving Workshop
Proposed Problems
June 22-26, 2009
Problem 1: Constitutive Models for Tumor
submitted by Dr. Corina Drapaca, Pennsylvania State University
Problem 2: Intramantle pressure gradients
favoring hydrocephalus development are generated in the rat brain
following disruption of beta-1 integrin-matrix interactions,
submitted by Dr. Miles Johnston, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Problem 3:
Identifying the mediators of mechanotransduction
between bone cells
submitted by Svetlana V. Komarova, McGill University
Reference Materials
a) Vesicular ATP
Is the Predominant Cause of Intercellular Calcium Waves
in Astrocytes
David N. Bowser and Baljit S. Khakh, Medical Research Council
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
b) Intercellular Calcium Waves in
Andrew Charles, Department of Neurology, UCLA School of Medicine
c) Signal
transduction pathways involved in mechanotransduction
in bone cells
Astrid Liedert , Daniela Kaspar, Robert Blakytny, Lutz Claes,
Anita Ignatius
d) Slow intercellular Ca2
signaling in wild-type and Cx43-null neonatal mouse cardiac myocytes
Sylvia O. Suadicani,1,3 Monique J. Vink,1 And David C. Spray1,2
e) Living with
cracks: Damage and repair in human bone
David Taylor1*, Jan G. Hazenberg1,2 and T. Clive Lee1,2
f) Bone Strength: Current
Charles Turner, Orthopaedic Research Laboratories and Biomechanics
and Biomaterials
Research Center, Indiana University Purdue University
Problem 4: Calcium carbonate
formation in the presence of serum protein.
submitted by David C Bassett and Jake E Barralet
Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Reference Materials
Situ Investigation of Complex BaSO4 Fiber Generation in the Presence
of Sodium Polyacrylate. 1. Kinetics and Solution Analysis
Tongxin Wang, and Helmut Cölfen
b) In
Situ Investigation of Complex BaSO4 Fiber Generation in the Presence
of Sodium Polyacrylate. 2. Crystallization Mechanisms
Tongxin Wang, Antje Reinecke, and Helmut Cölfen
of Self-Organized Dynamic Structure Patterns of Barium Carbonate
Crystals in Polymer-Controlled Crystallization
Tongxin Wang, An-Wu Xu, and Helmut Cölfen
d)Mesocrystals: Inorganic
Superstructures Made by Highly Parallel Crystallization and Controlled
Helmut Cölfen and Markus Antonietti
e)Science 323, 362 (2009); Juan Manuel García-Ruiz, et
of Self-Assembled Nanocrystalline, Materials of Barium Carbonate
and Silica
Problem 5: Sodium
Flux During Hemodialysis
looking at the sodium concentration gradients during dialysis
(both in the blood and in the solution used to remove the sodium).
submitted by Sushrut S. Waikar, MD, MPH , Brigham and Women’s
Reference Materials
a) Evolving concepts in the quantitative analysis of the determinants
of the plasma water sodium concentration and the pathophysiology
and treatment of the dysnatremias
I. Kurta and M.K. Nguyen
b) Diffusive-Convective Mass transfer
Rates for Solutes Present on Both Sides of a Dialyzer Membrane
J.P. Sternby, A. Nilsson and L.C. Garre
Problem 6: Development
of mathematical Models for estimating the Risk of vCJD transmission
by Blood and Surgery
submitted by Dr. Mustafa Al- Zoughool & Dr. Tamer Oraby, McLaughlin
Center for Population Health Risk Assessment, University of Ottawa,
and Dr. Susie El Saadany (Public Healthy Agency of Canada)
Reference Materials
a) Projections
of the future course of the primary vCJD epidemic in the UK:
inclusion of subclinical infection and the possibility of wider
genetic susceptibility
Paul Clarke and Azra C.Ghani
Is there the potential for an epidemic of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease via blood transfusion in the UK?
Paul Clarke, Robert G. Will, & Azra C. Ghani
c) The transmission
dynamics of BSE and vCJD
Azra C. Ghani, Christl A. Donnelly, Neil M. Ferguson, &
Roy M. Anderson
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