March  6, 2025

Bimonthly Canadian Noncommutative Geometry Workshop
at the Fields Institute.

This bimonthly workshop aims to cover new developments in Noncommutative Geometry, and each workshop features a keynote address by one of the top people in the field. This workshop is associated with the Center for Noncommutative Geometry and Topology, University of New Brunswick and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario.
Organizers: Masoud Khalkhali, Dan Kucerovsky, Bahram Rangipour

Upcoming talks 2008-09

May 16
10:30 a.m.
Markus J. Pflaum, University of Colorado
Higher index theorems on orbifolds.

Given a symplectic orbifold and a deformation quantization on it, we prove an algebraic higher index theorem on orbifolds by computing the pairing between cyclic cocycles and the K-theory of the formal deformation quantization. As an application, we obtain the analytic higher index theorem by Connes-Moscovici and its extension to orbifolds.

10:30 a.m.
August 9, 2008

Alexander Gorokhovsky, University of Colorado, Boulder
Superconnections, index theory and noncommutative geometry.

One of the approaches to Atiyah-Singer index theorems for Dirac-type operators is based on the study of behavior of heat kernels. I will describe how this approach allows to prove index theorem for a single operator and for a family of operators. Then I will discuss how heat equation methods can be applied to compute Chern character of groupoid-equivariant operators in KK-theory and describe applications of this result, including a proof of A. Connes' index theorem for foliations.

Support for graduate students is available, please enquire, ncgworkshop<at>
This workshop is associated with the Center for Noncommutative Geometry and Topology at the University of New Brunswick and the Noncommutative Geometry Group at the University of Western Ontario.
We thank the Fields Instutute for financial support.



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