March 26, 2025

August 19-22, 2008
to be held at the Fields Institute

Organizing Committee:
Dan Cohen, Louisiana State University
Graham Denham, University of Western Ontario
Nicole Lemire, University of Western Ontario


Peter Orlik's work has been influential for a particularly broad mathematical community: his seventy-some publications to date include five books, and his focus has included Seifert manifolds, singularities, reflection groups and invariant theory, braids, hyperplane arrangements, and hypergeometric integrals. The theory of hyperplane arrangements should receive special mention since, together with Hiroaki Terao and Louis Solomon, Peter Orlik pioneered the area and established many of the foundational results. In doing so, they constructed a fertile meeting point for algebra, topology, and combinatorics.
The aim of this conference is to bring together individuals in some of the various areas interconnected by Peter’s legacy. This is both to facilitate ongoing collaborations in some of the most exciting areas spawned by his work, and also to encourage new relationships between specialists with hitherto undiscovered common ground. In particular, we hope to attract a good number of graduate students and recent PhDs both from Ontario and further afield.

Speakers include:

Alejandro Adem (University of British Columbia)
Chris Brav (Queen's University)
Fred Cohen (University of Rochester)
Corrado de Concini (University of Rome)
Michael Davis (Ohio State University)
Igor Dolgachev (University of Michigan)
Michael Falk (Northern Arizona University)
Eva-Maria Feichtner (University of Bremen)
Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto)
Daniel Matei (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)
Toshitake Kohno (University of Tokyo)
Richard Randell (University of Iowa)
Mario Salvetti (University of Pisa)
Alexander Suciu (Northeastern University)
Hiroaki Terao (Hokkaido University)
Alexander Varchenko (University of North Carolina)
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton University)
Masahiko Yoshinaga (Kobe University)

Tentative Program

Tuesday, August 19
9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:30 Hiroaki Terao, Hokkaido University
Totally free arrangements of hyperplanes
10:20 Coffee
11:00 Richard Randell, University of Iowa
Homotopy and local system homology for arrangements
12:00 Lunch
2:10 Joel Kamnitzer, University of Toronto
Braid group actions on derived categories of coherent sheaves with applications to knot homology
3:00 Coffee
3:40 Alexander Suciu, Northeastern University
Spectral sequences and homology with local coefficients
4:35 Thomas Zaslavsky, Binghamton University
Topological hyperplane arrangements
5:20 Reception
Wednesday, August 20
9:30 Mario Salvetti, University of Pisa
A method for local system cohomology of an Hyperplane complement
10:20 Coffee
11:00 Jan-Erik Roos, Stockholm University
Complex Hyperplane Arrangements having Unexpected Homological Properties.
12:00 Lunch
2:10 Michael Falk, Northern Arizona University
On vanishing products in Orlik-Solomon algebras
3:00 Coffee
3:40 Daniel Matei, IMAR
Fundamental groups of smooth algebraic varieties
4:35 Mike Davis, Ohio State University
Compactly supported cohomology of buildings
Thursday, August 21
9:30 A. Varchenko, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Transversality in Schubert calculus and the Gaudin model
10:20 Coffee
11:00 Eva-Maria Feichtner, University of Bremen
Arrangements and tropical geometry
12:00 Lunch
2:10 Toshitake Kohno, The University of Tokyo
Bar complex of Orlik-Solomon algebra and rational universal holonomy maps
3:00 Coffee
3:40 Chris Brav, Queen's University
The projective McKay correspondence
4:35 Alejandro Adem, University of Britsh Columbia
Simplicial Spaces of Homomorphisms

E-Pan Chinese Cuisine, 369 Spadina Ave.

Friday, August 22
9:30 Corrado de Concini, University of Rome
Vector partition functions and index of transversally elliptic operators
10:20 Coffee
11:00 Hal Schenck, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"The Orlik-Terao algebra and 2-formality"
12:00 Lunch
2:10 Igor Dolgachev, University of Michigan
Moduli spaces of hyperplane arrangements
3:00 Coffee
3:40 Masahiko Yoshinaga, Kobe University
Periods and computational complexity of real numbers.
4:35 Fred Cohen, University of Rochester
On generalized moment-angle complexes, their properties, and applications

Particpant List

Fullname University Name
Abe, Takuro Hokkaido University
Ádem, Alejandro University of British Columbia
Andrews, Rob (no affiliation)
Brav, Christopher Queen's University
Cohen, Danie Louisiana State University
Cohen, Fred University of Rochester
Davis, Michael Ohio State University
DeConcini, Corrado Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Delucchi, Emanuele SUNY Binghamton
Denham, Graham University of Western Ontario
Deshpande, Priyavrat University of Western Ontario
Dolgachev, Igor University of Michigan
Falk, Michael J. Northern Arizona University
Feichtner, Eva-Maria University of Bremen
Garrousian, Mehdi University of Western Ontario
Hager, Amanda University of Iowa
Kamnitzer, Joel University of Toronto
Kohno, Toshitake University of Tokyo
Lemire, Nicole University of Western Ontario
Maeno, Toshiaki Kyoto University
Marco-Buzunariz, Miguel Angel  
Matei, Daniel IMAR
Orlik, Peter University of Wisconsin
Randell, Richard University of Iowa
Roos, Jan-Erik Stockholm University
Salvetti, Mario University of Pisa
Schenck, Hal University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Settepanella, Simona Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
Suciu, Alexandru Northeastern University
Sun, Qiang University of Rochester
Terao, Hiroaki Hokkaido University
Wakefield, Max Hokkaido University
Walther, Uli Purdue University
Yoshinaga, Masahiko Kobe University
Zaslavsky, Thomas Binghamton University

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