January  5, 2025

26th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
Conference Home page

May 6-10, 2010
University of Ottawa, 585 King Edward, Ottawa

Registration now on-site
Conference registration fee: $160 (CDN) and $100 CDN for students.
Banquet tickets (optional) $70 each

Final List of Participants:

Full Name University Name
Abramsky, Samson Oxford University
Ahmed, Amal Indiana University
Awodey, Steven Carnegie Mellon University
Basaldella, Michele Kyoto University
Berger, Ulrich University of Wales Swansea
Blute, Richard University of Ottawa
Brookes, Stephen Carnegie Mellon University
Brotherston, James Imperial College London
Bucciarelli, Antonio Universite Paris Diderot
Calderon, Ana C. University of Bath
Capretta, Venanzio University of Nottingham
Cimini, Matteo Reykjavik University
Clouston, Ranald University of Cambridge
Cockett, Robin University of Calgary
Cordy, Brendan Champlain College
Danos, Vincent University of Edinburgh
Datta, Anupam Carnegie Mellon University
Diepenveen, Emily University of Ottawa
Escardó, Martín University of Birmingham
Felty, Amy University of Ottawa
Feng, Johnny Tulane University/Naval Research Laboratory
Feret, Jérôme INRIA - Paris Rocquencourt
Fournet, Cédric Microsoft Research
Frydrychowicz, Maja McGill University
Galmiche, Didier LORIA - UHP Nancy 1
Garner, Richard University of Cambridge
Ghica, Dan University of Birmingham
Hamano, Masahiro Japan Science and Technology Agency
Harper, Robert Carnegie Mellon University
Hasegawa, Masahito Kyoto University
Hasuo, Ichiro Kyoto University
Hermida, Claudio Queen's University
Hildebrandt, Thomas IT University of Copenhagen
Hofstra, Pieter University of Ottawa
Jung, Achim University of Birmingham
Klinke, Olaf University of Birmingham
Knight, Sophia McGill University
Krishnan, Sanjeevi Naval Research Laboratory
Krivine, Jean CNRS & Université Paris 7
Larchey-Wendling, Dominique CNRS
Lucyshyn-Wright, Rory York University
Malherbe, Octavio University of Ottawa
Martin, Alan University of Ottawa
Martin, Keye Naval Research Laboratory
McCusker, Guy University of Bath
Meadows, Catherine US Naval Research Laboratory
Melličs, Paul-André CNRS Paris 7
Mislove, Michael Tulane University
Mogelberg, Rasmus IT University of Copenhagen
Murawski, Andrzej Oxford University
O'Hearn, Peter Queen Mary, University of London
Ouaknine, Joël Oxford University
Palamidessi, Catuscia INRIA
Panangaden, Prakash McGill University
Pientka, Brigitte McGill University
Pierce, Benjamin University of Pennsylvania
Redmond, Brian University of Calgary
Salami, Azar University of Ottawa
Sangiorgi, Davide INRIA and University of Bologna
Sassone, Vladimir University of Southampton
Schalk, Andrea University of Manchester
Schroeder, Matthias Universität der Bundeswehr München
Scott, Philip University of Ottawa
Selinger, Peter Dalhousie University
Sharkey, Ian University of Ottawa
Sistany, Bahman University of Ottawa
Smith, Alex University of Birmingham
Sousa, Marcelo Universiteit Utrecht
Tasson, Christine CEA
Tennent, Robert Queen's University
Valiron, Benoît University of Ottawa
Warren, Michael University of Ottawa
Weng, Jiangong University of Ottawa
Worrell, James University of Oxford


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