March  8, 2025

May 3-7, 2010
Sage Days
to be held at the Fields Institute (map to Fields)

Organizing Committee:
Nantel Bergeron, York University
Franco Saliola, Fields Institute
Mike Zabrocki, York University
Online Registration is now closed.
Onsite Registration May 3.
fee $50, includes meeting materials and coffee breaks
Summer Residences on Campus
Housing and Hotels
List of Participants Schedule Information for Fields Visitors


Sage Days will be a 5-day intensive workshop to develop and implement algorithms for research in algebraic combinatorics and the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. All software developed during the workshop will be made freely available, together with the source code, as part of the free and open-source mathematics software system Sage ( Any sufficiently novel algorithms developed during the workshop will be submitted for publication.


The workshop will consist of mathematical presentations, presentations on Sage and coding sprints. The mathematical presentations will include talks introducing the relevant mathematics for the entire audience and more advanced talks for interested participants. The Sage presentations will begin with introductory tutorials and progress to more advanced topics, including software development in Sage. There will be ample time allotted for design discussions and coding sprints to implement the developed algorithms.

Who should attend

The nature of the workshop will make it accessible to researchers at all levels, even those without any experience with Sage. In fact, one of the aims of the workshop is to recruit the expertise of people not currently involved in Sage development, as well as undergraduate students that will be embarking on summer research projects in 2010.

The aim of these projects is to build upon Sage’s strong foundation of combinatorial algorithms. Some require advanced programming or mathematical knowledge, while some can be undertaken by young researchers with little programming experience.
Topics may include:

Crystals and reflection groups algorithms.
Combinatorial Hopf algebras.
Representation-theoretic invariants
Representations of quivers.
• Cluster algebras.
Noncommutative Gröbner Bases


Jason Bandlow, University of Pennsylvania
Burcin Erocal, Johannes Kepler University
Ed Green, Virginia Tech
Mike Hansen, Waterloo, IA
Florent Hivert, Université de Rouen
Anne Schilling, University of California
Nicolas Thiery, Université Paris-Sud

Final List of Participants:

Full Name University Name
Bandlow, Jason University of Pennsylvania
Barrera-Cruz, Fidel University of Waterloo
Bayati, Afshin York University
Berg, Sonya University of California, Davis
Bergeron, Nantel York University
Bergeron-Brlek, Anouk York University
Block, Florian University of Michigan
Coombs, Nicolas Acadia University
Curry, Eva Acadia University
Darayon, Chayapa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dewitt, Barry McMaster University
Erocal, Burcin Johannes Kepler University
Fernández-Ramos, Oscar University of Valladolid
Gemara, Yair York University
Green, Edward Virginia Tech
Guay-Paquet, Mathieu University of Waterloo
Hannigan-Daley, Brad University of Toronto
Hansen, Mike  
Harada, Megumi McMaster University
Hill, Jason B. University of Colorado
Hivert, Florent Université de Rouen
Hsiao, Sam Bard College
Islami, Arash York University
Labbé, Jean-Philippe LaCIM -UQÀM
Laffin, William Michigan Technological University
Li, Huilan Drexel University
Lubovsky, Arthur SUNY Albany
MacHenry, Trueman York University
Márquez Corbella, Irene University of Valladolid
Musiker, Gregg Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pon, Steven University of California, Davis
Robado, Marco UQAM
Saliola, Franco Fields Institute
Schilling, Anne University of California, Davis
Stump, Christian UQAM
Tewari, Vasu University of British Columbia
Thiéry, Nicolas M. University of California, Davis / Université Paris Sud
Thomas, Hugh University of New Brunswick
Vendramin, Leandro University of Buenos Aires
Vijendran, Dharini York University
Viola, Maria Grazia Lakehead University-Orillia
Warner, Daniel Clemson University
Webster, Eric University of New Brunswick
Whiteley, Walter York University
Zabrocki, Mike York University


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