March 12, 2025

May 17-22, 2010
Workshops on Recent Advances in Topological and Measure- Theoretic Methods in Dynamical Systems

Nipissing University, North Bay

Organizing Committee
Supported by

Alexandre Karassev (Nipissing Univ.)
John C. Mayer (Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham)
Lex Overstegeen (Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham)
Murat Tuncali (Nipissing Univ.)
Vesko Valov (Nipissing Univ.)
Tzvetalin Vassilev (Nipissing Univ.)


The workshops are the 8th in the sequence of annual workshops traditionally held in the month of May at Nipissing University. Among our participants, we expect to have a number of prominent mathematicians from Canada, USA and abroad. In the past, the topics of workshops were primarily around general and geometric topology and related areas. The workshops held in May 2008 focused on the areas where topology, algebra, analysis and dynamical Systems intersect. In this workshop we plan to focus on topological and measure-theoretic methods in dynamical systems.

A list of possible topics includes:

  • Topological and measure-theoretic properties of attractors and basin boundaries
  • Complex dynamics and complex topology
  • Measure-theoretic properties of Julia sets of rational and entire maps
  • Topological models for Julia sets of rational and entire maps
  • Buried points of Julia sets and their topological and measure-theoretic properties
  • Minimal maps on manifolds
  • Dynamics of infinite dimensional groups

The workshops will be for five days. There will be three or four one-hour talks each day. Some of the speakers will give a series of lectures and some may give only one lecture. However, the format of the workshops is designed to maximize the interaction among the participants beyond the lectures. In addition, we plan to have a 1-hour question-and-answer meeting for junior researchers and students with the day's speakers each afternoon.

Confirmed Speakers

Alexander Blokh, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Semeon Bogatyi
, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Clinton Curry, SUNY-Stony Brook
Vitaly Fedorchuk, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Kazuhiro Kawamura, Tsukuba University, Japan
Pawel Krupski, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
Krystyna Kuperberg, Auburn University
Lex Oversteegen, U. of Alabama-Birmingham
Vladimir Pestov, U. of Ottawa
Vladimir Todorov, The University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Mariusz Urbanski, U. of North Texas, Denton
Michael Yampolsky, U. of Toronto
James A. Yorke, U. of Maryland

List of Confirmed Participants as of May 12, 2010:

Full Name University Name
Akter, Hasina University of North Texas
Alcaraz Barrera, Rafael National Autonomous University of Mexico (campus Cuernavaca)
Block, Louis University of Florida
Blokh, Alexander UAB
Bogatyi, Semeon Moscow State University
Brian, Will Tulane University
Brown, Aaron Tufts University
Cioppa, Timothy University of Ottawa
Clark, Trevor University of Toronto/Stony Brook University
Clemons, Joshua University of North Carolina
Curry, Clinton Stony Brook University
Darras, Mohammed University of Ottawa
Das, Manav University of Louisville
Eslami, Peyman Concordia University
Esty, Norah Stonehill College
Fedorchuk, Vitaly Moscow State University
Fernandez, Leobardo UNAM
Greiwe Jackson, Regina Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Halog, Anthony University of Maine
Heindl, Jon Nipissing University
Hoehn, Logan University of Toronto
Houghton, Jeffrey University of Alabama at Birmingham
Karassev, Alexandre Nipissing University
Kawamura, Kazutomo The National Defence Academy
Kuperberg, Krystyna Auburn University
Martensen, Brian Minnesota State Univesity
Martinez de la Vega, Veronica Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
May, Natasha York University
Mayer, John C. University of Alabama at Birmingham
Meddaugh, Jonathan Tulane University
Mouron, Christopher Rhodes College
Oversteegen, Lex University of Alabama at Birmingham
Pestov, Vladimir University of Ottawa
Ptacek, Ross University of Alabama at Birmingham
Soloviov, Sergii National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'
Talimonova, Olha National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'
Todorov, Vladimir University of Sofia
Tuncali, Murat Nipissing University
Urbanski, Mariusz University of North Texas
Valov, Vesko Nipissing University
Vassilev, Tzvetalin Nipissing University
Wang, Kejia University of Wisconsin
Weiss, William University of Toronto
Wu, Shuyun (Conan) Northwestern University
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto
Yorke, James University of Maryland
Insall, Matt Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly UMR)
Mbombo Dempowo, Brice Rodrigue University of Yaoundé 1(Cameroon)
Vargas, Rosa Maria Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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